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  • Location
    Brooklyn, NY
  • Application Season
    2015 Fall
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  1. Just received the merit funding decision. Got an email to check the website. Unfortunately, I only received $3,750 per semester for Fall 2015 and Spring 2016. It's unclear whether those amounts would be renewed for the second year. Anyone have any insight there? Looks like I'll probably be heading to Duke, as they gave me quite a bit more.
  2. I spoke to the admissions office last week and was told that they expect to announce funding decisions in the next two weeks. Not sure if that means they will contact everyone or just those who are awarded funding.
  3. Just got an email saying I needed to complete a microecon course. Was a little surprised since I took Introductory Econ (combined micro and macro) as an undergrad. Perhaps that wasn't sufficient since it wasn't a full semester of micro. I'll definitely be calling to inquire.
  4. Also, think it's very likely I'll be heading to Duke. Only thing that could sway me is if G'town comes back with more funding. Looking forward to seeing many of you at the open house!
  5. Hey Pavlik--thanks for your continued insight! Did Georgetown match an offer you had elsewhere, or did they actually exceed your other offers? Would definitely like to get as much funding as possible before committing anywhere!
  6. One view from North Carolina for me...looks like it was from the past week. Don't really think there is much to be gleaned from the number of views.
  7. Also haven't heard anything further. I was thinking about calling the admissions office to inquire about funding, but figured I would just wait until I got my other decisions.
  8. Also got the acceptance email today. With regards to funding, it stated the following: "Applications for funding are currently under review; we will notify you as soon as a decision has been made. In the next few days, the Columbian College will email you, asking you to log in to your application to view your official admission notification letter. The funding process can take some time, but please contact us if you have any questions."
  9. Reposting my profile from the "Am I competitive" thread-- Undergrad Institution: Davidson College, 2009 (currently #11 national liberal arts) Major: Political Science GPA: 3.15 GRE score: 167 V / 163 Q / 5.0 AW Years since undergrad: 5+ Work experience: Since graduating I have worked as a paralegal within an immigration law practice (5+ years of experience). Was originally at a "Big Law" firm, have been at a smaller firm for the past year. Also worked as a research assistant to a well regarded comparative politics professor at Princeton during undergrad. Was Editor in Chief of the weekly student newpasper at Davidson. Coursework: Intro Calc, Econ 101, Int'l Econ, Stats for Poli Sci. Language skills: English, Intermediate French Overseas experience (work, study and teaching): Study abroad in France Statement of Purpose: Decently strong Letters of Recommendation: Strong, I think 1) Undergrad Poli Sci professor with whom I took several courses 2) Above-mentioned Princeton prof for whom I did research work 3) Attorney supervisor from previous law firm
  10. Submitted on 1/15/15
  11. Just received the acceptance letter through the application website on Monday. Really surprised by the extremely quick turnaround. Feeling very excited though! The letter said nothing about funding, however. Does that mean no funding was awarded? Or do you think the school is still making funding decisions? Has anyone else heard anything?
  12. Hi all: Wondering how realistic any of the schools mentioned below would be, based on my profile. I realize a couple of them are stretches (G'town, GWU). Are there any other schools you would recommend based on my profile/interests? Program: MPP or MPA with policy focus Schools being considered: NYU Wagner, Maryland SPP, Georgetown McCourt, GWU Trachtenberg, George Mason SPP Career goals: Interested mostly in macro-econ policy issues. Want to come away with a strong quantitative background that could also be applied in the private sector, potentially in a consulting role. Undergrad Institution: Davidson College, 2009 (currently #11 national liberal arts college) Major: Political Science GPA: 3.15 GRE score: Taking in the near future, but hope to score high, as I'm a strong test taker and have done well on practice tests Years since undergrad: 5+ Work experience: Since graduating I have worked as a paralegal within an immigration law practice (5+ years of experience). Was originally at a "Big Law" firm, have been at a smaller firm for the past year. Also worked as a research assistant to a well regarded comparative politics professor at Princeton during undergrad. Was Editor in Chief of the weekly student newpasper at Davidson. Coursework: Intro Calc, Econ 101, Int'l Econ, Stats for Poli Sci. Language skills: English, Intermediate French Overseas experience (work, study and teaching): Study abroad in France Statement of Purpose: Working on it. Extra Essays: Letters of Recommendation: 1) Undergrad Poli Sci professor with whom I took several courses 2) Above-mentioned Princeton prof for whom I did research work 3) Attorney supervisor from previous law firm Concerns: GPA, whether work experience will be considered relevant at all
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