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Status Replies posted by MidwesternAloha

  1. Rejected from the school closest to home on my list...

  2. My friend is moving out of state with her boyfriend in 2 weeks, she wants to hang out before she goes... I really don't think I feel like talking to her or seeing her. What am I supposed to tell her?

  3. I've decided to accept my current (only) offer to a PhD program. What's the worst that'll happen, I get off the waitlist at the other school?

  4. The post-interview wait is so much worse... so anxious to know if it's acceptance or (probable) shutout... so anxious I just want to jump out of my skin!

  5. So close I can taste it.

  6. Made a very important decision today. I am no longer going for my PhD. All those pompous assholes at NYU made me realize that I'm much better off being human. No matter what I do, it'll never be good enough. I'm so done. Thank God I already have my MA. Now to get my NY teaching license and start teaching high school kids. :)

  7. My interview/recruitment weekend at my top choice starts tomorrow. Oh dear, what do they expect me to know???

  8. Being waitlisted is such a slap in the face.

  9. Being waitlisted is such a slap in the face.

  10. Got into my dream school. So happy right now. :)

  11. Two offers of admission! Today must be my lucky day :)

  12. That awkward moment when you're un-rejected from your #1 school. Glad I only applied to 3 schools, the is a lot to handle!

  13. Reading about flightless birds instead of preparing for interviews. Motivation is lacking because this school is not at the top of my list, and ratites are awesome.

  14. First rejection… It sucks, even more when it comes from your dream school. I guess is a "dream school" for a reason.

  15. First acceptance came today!! YES!

  16. First rejection… It sucks, even more when it comes from your dream school. I guess is a "dream school" for a reason.

  17. Two places I interviewed are making decisions today and a third place is calling "to discuss my research interests. " Panic Mode.

  18. Had thought I had finalized my first choice out of my offers, but then my prospective supervisor from my other school sent me an excellent email this morning and now I am torn again. Thankfully, the decision is sort of out of my hands now because it is down to where I get more funding.

  19. Interview at top choice on Friday. Freaking the F*CK OUT ______________________

  20. Somehow the post-interview wait is less traumatic/nerve wracking than the app submission wait.

  21. 1 admit w/ waitlist funding, 2 waitlists, 4 rejects, 1 to go. Argh,, the waitlist funding is a bit annoying..

  22. So, February has not been my month. Really ugly breakup and rejection letters. I feel so unwanted. :(

  23. "While you wait" emails are kind of like that State Farm commercial where the fisherman dangles a $1 bill on a hook. "Oh you almost had it!"

  24. When you took a bold approach to your personal statement and an interviewer emails you to compliment it *yessss*

  25. Here's a second offer!

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