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Status Replies posted by MidwesternAloha

  1. A program that sent interview invites in January and a couple of weeks ago sent me one today! I guess you just never know.

  2. Is this a bad time to change my phone number? I'm trying to get over an ex, but I'm worried if the grad schools are going to contact me via phone.

  3. Cleveland State or Wayne State???

  4. I wish it was March

  5. Cleveland State or Wayne State???

  6. Cleveland State or Wayne State???

  7. Cleveland State or Wayne State???

  8. Cleveland State or Wayne State???

  9. Opinions on attending programs with no TA requirement? (fully funded, though)

  10. TA offer from NC State! :)

  11. Flying out for my first interview today... Haven't slept all night. Nervous/excited. Maybe I should pack...

  12. The real waiting has begun...tick tock tick tock

  13. I really hate school it's taking up all my free time

  14. Unbelievably anxious. Please somewhere accept me.

  15. Alternating between prepping for an interview and saying "I'm going to barf" to an empty room.

  16. Lost the love of my life and got a rejection today. Anything else to make this week spectacular??

  17. first rejection. kill me now.

  18. love when I'm taking to a guy and he tells me I'm an "idiot" for my career choice and that I'm going to be poor for forever.

  19. Please what is the probability of been offered a scholarship when you are given a letter as reserve candidate

  20. First acceptance letter! Was not expecting to hear this early :)

  21. First acceptance came last night! Super excited. :D

  22. Epiphany: The graduate school admissions process can be summarized in Linkin Park songs.

  23. still absolutely no news yet. at least that means no early rejections...

  24. This waiting game sure is overwhelming. Regardless of any acceptance or rejection, I am going to the S.E. Caribbean for 2 weeks!

  25. So after trying out 11 different baskets, it looks like all my eggs are left in one. I sure hope that basket accepts me.

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