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Everything posted by Marshall

  1. wireless internet
  2. Love interest
  3. Shut down
  4. HA, only once BUT it came after I spent approximately 2 hours hunting down every single unread email to read and/or delete so that if I got a new email it would say "Inbox (1)" rather than "Inbox (105)".
  5. Good boy (my dog is watching....)
  6. I realize you were responding to the other person, but I had the same thing happen to me my first round of PhD apps (I was in a program, had to leave due to poor fit [after way toooooo long trying to make it work]). I was like "well, fine, I didn't want to go here anyway". I did . Good luck with those interviews you have lined up!!
  7. Well, the research you were interested in, I'm assuming that people doing that sort of work were in a variety of departments if you were able to apply to EEB and general Bio. I don't even go here tbh, Harvard is out for me so all my other applications are in Geology departments (where a majority of paleontologists reside).
  8. Night owl
  9. Hoping someone else can offer something up since this is something I'm worrying about as well. I have an almost certain rejection from one place I applied and I'm starting to see interviews going out for another program. I also only applied to a lowish number (4) because I have very specific research interests and those places were the only places that matched those interests. I'm starting to become concerned that I've bottle-necked myself. I was also under the impression that it would seem better to be able to put forth a proposal; however, my research interests are quite a bit outside everyone elses' in these threads. Good luck with the remainder of your applications! ETA- just saw your post. With the GRE score, most people acknowledge that it is not a good indicator of your abilities as a researcher but some institutions and departments (especially those who get a lot of apps) will most definitely use that to cut the deck and thin out the applications. That score is quite low for someone in STEM and immediately stands out to me. Now, of course you can get into a program with those GRE scores, just like it is possible to get into a program with a lower GPA, but it definitely isn't helping.
  10. Fudge bar
  11. Perhaps. Their interview event is pretty soon here though. Feb 5-7.
  12. Ah, thanks for letting me know. So, in that case, I'll continue assuming all invitations were sent out.
  13. Yep. I'm assuming they were all sent out on or by Friday (1/13). Let me know if anyone knows or has heard differently- until then, they're tucked nice and tightly into my rejection pile. Someone did post a rejection from OEB, which I find curious. I'd like to know if it was a formal or actual rejection or an i-didn't-get-an-invite assumed rejection.
  14. Water buffalo
  15. Taco bell
  16. Soy latte
  17. star struck
  18. Product placement
  19. Pink Panther
  20. Shopping cart
  21. Third base
  22. Wagon wheel
  23. Swedish meatballs
  24. Iron curtain
  25. Bird brain
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