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Everything posted by Marshall

  1. A bit of an unrelated question. It is common and almost required in my field to contact POIs to see if they're accepting students & open up a dialogue to get you on their radar. Is it common in other bio fields? If so, when do you guys usually contact people? I've been planning on early-mid Aug, my main concern is getting people when they're still out in the field and not answering emails (so, getting buried) or contacting them when school is staring up and things are getting hectic.
  2. Yeah, definitely. I'm still trying to gauge my situation. I'm not sure how schools will view it..
  3. Summer is field season for geologists & paleontologists. Our big conferences are in the Fall usually. The big 2 are at the end of September (which I'll head to that one if I have any POIs there, but it's the big geology conference so it's rare to have a vert paleontologist present) and the end of October. Heading to them is not a bad idea if I have people I contacted in August who want to meet and talk in person.
  4. Ha, its not just dinosaurs. It's the study of fossils and fossils are the at least 10,000 year old remains of an organism. The taxa I tend to focus on are generally between 100 million - over 300 million years old. My list (including the schools where their vert paleontologists are in the geology department) has been narrowed down to people who specifically do what I'm interested in. I'm looking to add a few more, but there might not be more folks whose interests align with mine.
  5. Undergrad Institution: Hm, very small institution. Master's was also at small institution, currently in Ph.D program I'll be leaving at an R1 Major(s): GeologyMinor(s):GPA in Major:Overall GPA: 3.89 (Currently, probably going to end with 3.88)Position in Class: Type of Student: Domestic white femaleGRE Scores (revised/old version):Q:V:W:B: **I have to retake these this summer (My scores will be over 5 years old )!!**Research Experience: 2 first authored papers, another paper where I'm 4th author. ~6 published abstracts & presentations at conferences. 4-5 years of field experience (Field seasons, summer). Awards/Honors/Recognitions: ? Number of research grants in my name (6-8) Pertinent Activities or Jobs: Tutor at the University, also a TA (TA for 5 semesters in Ph.D & 3 quarters for my Master's). Research Assistant for 2 years (1 at Master's, 1 at Ph.D.)Any Miscellaneous Accomplishments that Might Help:Special Bonus Points: Any Other Info That Shows Up On Your App and Might Matter: **SO, I have an odd situation. I am currently (won't be after May) attending R1 institution that's often cited as a top in my particular field. I am essentially being "kicked out" as in, I failed my comprehensive exams. HOWEVER, I did not fail them as in I couldn't answer the questions, they failed me because no one had the expertise to help me with my projects & it came down to no one knowing how to help me at all. My committee is fully behind helping me get into another program. So, here I am. Trying to spin this in a way that makes me look good while having to reapply (after already getting in and being funded! ugh). Applying to Where: University of Chicago Organismal Biology & Anatomy Harvard Organismic & Evolutionary Biology I'm looking to apply to 3-4 other institutions but it'll be for their Geoscience department (paleo tends to be split)
  6. A little late to the game but I'll be taking my exam this semester too. I'm a geology student specializing in ichnology (field of paleontology) and our exams are completely oral. 20 minute presentation on your dissertation work & then 2 hours of getting questioned by your committee on everything you know. There's so much I'd rather do than these exams and they feel quite daunting. Definitely in the same boat!
  7. Hm, I'm not much older (24) but I'm married and have my own apartment full of stuff that I really like, lol. Bed, mattress, tv stand, couch, etc. We also have boxes upon boxes of wedding gifts that haven't been opened or used. We got married the summer before I went away for my masters, he stayed home to finish his bachelor's so we haven't had time to use them. We actually have plans on visiting our new town in June to check out apartments and pick a place to live. When we do we're going to borrow a trailer and take a ton of stuff down and keep it in a storage unit until we move there. It will end up saving us 300-400 dollars to do that.
  8. I feel the complete opposite actually. I suppose it depends on your department, your thesis project. I took about 21 hours my last semester as an undergrad, worked 3 jobs, and was in the wonderful process of planning a wedding but it doesn't compare to the amount of time I spend working now. I am finishing up my thesis (25 days until I defend! lol) but I spend about 12-15 hours a day in the office now that school has started. During the summer I often spent 5+ hours at my field site and then would go and spend 6-8 hours in the laboratory. As for an RA, I don't know how much of that time you'll be working. I'm a TA now but was an RA my first year and managed to not have to do work most of the time due to my adviser having undergrads helping in his lab. I'm hoping it will slow down next year when I start my Ph.D. lol
  9. I hadn't heard about funding from the program I OMGWANTEDTOGOTO until Friday (Apr 13) morning. I was stressed to high hell but then when I heard I was funded all of a sudden it was hard to send the e-mail letting them know I accepted the offer. Then, after I finally did, I kept asking my husband if it was the right choice. Of course it is but it's such a huge decision that I think doubt is inevitable.
  10. My username is my husband's middle name. Deep and interesting, huh? 2 years ago I was on this forum and had an avatar of Quetzalcoatlus because he's my favorite pterosaur but when I came back to the forums a few months ago it had disappeared. Now the shadow and I mourn his loss.
  11. A few days ago after accepting an offer I got a "oh wow... more grad school?" . Gee, don't sound so excited!
  12. I'm in an extremely similar position. It's a horrible feeling, especially knowing you getting in hinges on people declining the offer (you know, since they have so MANY offers! lol). Hang in there. It's not helpful, I know.. my husband keeps giving me that advice but either way, GOOD LUCK!!!!
  13. I'm waitlisted for funding at my top choice school also. I've already e-mailed the department to figure out what was going on with funding and I let them know that I'm very interested in the program. I plan on e-mailing or calling them later in the week to 1. figure out when the deadline to accept the offer is and 2. ask if I can remain on the waitlist for funding and get an extension on the acceptance in case declines come after the acceptance date. I think it's a good idea to let them know you're still very interested in being on the waitlist.
  14. LMAO, you're not the only one. I had to comment on this because I can relate so much! I actually unsubscribed to the few email services/companies I had sending emails to the account I use for schools and business so I wouldn't jump and get excited every time I got an email about compasses being on sale.
  15. I am wait listed for funding at the program I really had my hope up for. I'm feeling very down and very negative about the possibility of getting off the wait list considering I have really 1 week until the deadlines. I've been accepted to the program so I'm curious about a few things. People might wait up until the last minute to reject, does this mean I have to accept the offer w/o funding and HOPE that up to or after April 15th when people do make their decisions final I'll get funding?
  16. The usual "oh, that's a lot of school" My favorite are the nods of 'I don't really know what that is but I'm not going there' when I tell them what I'm to school for. My father in law pulled a "she has a really good chance of getting into X school" which i wanted to throw his body into some wooden object out of superstition. The worst has been my mother in law.. "5 years? why's it going to take you so long to get your Ph.D?!" "Funding? That's normal though, they fund everyone" (excuse me for being excited/nervous) "You'll go to X school (the close-by school)" She'll never forgive me from moving away with her child. Perhaps this stuff isn't so bad but it's march 20th and I'm waiting to hear back from 2/3 schools for admission decisions at ALL and 1/3 schools which has already admitted me nearly 2 months ago and still hasn't made a funding decision. I'm ready to murder.
  17. Don't tell my in-laws that it isn't a delay in real life! It's the only excuse they'll except for why we aren't popping children out. Apparently "we aren't sure we want kids" isn't possible.
  18. Yeah, i would really appreciate hearing anything from one of my schools this week. A funding decision from KU would be nice..
  19. I didn't realize anywhere offered MAs in geosciences. Shows what little I know.. or at least how small the group of schools I've looked at/applied to in the past 3 years. LOL. 2 of the schools I'm applying to now for my Ph.D are 2 of the schools I applied to for my master's.
  20. I don't think you crippled yourself at all. I prefer having had the opportunity because it allowed me to find out exactly what I wanted to do in paleo. It really just depends on the department as to whether or not they prefer to accept students with master's. What do you want to do? academia? no, you definitely cannot do anything with a master's. Industry? Yeah, you can make a decent penny with just a masters in paleo. What specifically are you looking at doing?
  21. Hm, I'm not an introvert but I'm definitely an "on the internet/gaming" kind of gal. As much as I love the outdoors.. i don't hang out at any geo forums though.
  22. There are quite a few people in my department (all master's students) who are here purely because they'll be more marketable. They have no intention on going on to get a Ph.D. I don't think you'll be over educated. I do know that in both environmental and the industry (from what I've seen personally) they prefer those with at least a master's. there are 3 of us finishing up our master's and going on to Ph.D's. I thought it more common (maybe just with paleo?) to not go straight from undergrad into a Ph.D program in the geosciences. That's how it is in my department and with the top paleo schools, they prefer students who already have masters. I don't think it's looked down upon at all. There's a huge mixture of professors here who did a master's first and then a Ph.D and of those who went straight into a Ph.D program. I also, all 3 of us who are going on to Ph.D programs intend to go into academia.. so idk if that means anything, lol. it's common.
  23. I hope I'll get news this week . I'm starting to have a mini panic attack every time I get an email! Smart phones may be a horrible idea.
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