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Everything posted by woolfie

  1. Thanks! I'm really dumbfounded by this, especially after all my other rejections. My area is early American, and I'm also interested in narrative theory and cultural studies.
  2. Maybe I can clear things up: I posted the accept with funding for the MA. Though, I am somewhat confused; I have a BA only and applied to the master's but I was accepted with 5 years guaranteed funding. So maybe it would be more accurate to say I was a PhD accept? Sorry for the confusion, I'm also confused as to how they're program works. Brian Reed referred to it as the MA/PhD program so I'm a PhD accept but at the Masters level I guess. Hope that helps.
  3. So did anyone whose GAMES said "a decision has been made" get a letter yet? I want to know if it was a reject or an accept, I don't know what to make of this. Mine just updated today.
  4. So what's up with there being acceptances while I'm not getting any, huh?
  5. I have a visit scheduled next weekend and the monday-tuesday afterwards. By that time, if I've heard from one remaining school that I'm still interested in that I haven't heard from, I will know. Though, this school is taking forever!
  6. What is going on with the MAs at UIUC? Has anyone heard at the master's level?
  7. Probably, I'm going to plan a visit first though before I make a decision. I still have a few schools to hear from.
  9. I would think that the absolutely CHEAPEST rent would be in north campus. I mean as far as being close and cheap, north campus is pretty shitty (sorry) so it's cheap. Cheap but far away would be anywhere east of 71 and the railroad tracks. Though that's far away, you'd have to drive, which is expensive. But rent there is cheap. Hope that helps! Yeah, honestly, I think people live in Clintonville because it's nice yet cheap.. .but its far away enough that you are either going to have a 20-30 min commute or pay for parking. I really really recommend living in the Victorian village, short north, Italian village area. Clintonville kind of sucks.
  10. I got letters by mail generically accepting me last week, as well as the registrar's stuff this weekend, and then I got the informal email today about funding. They said there was still info on its way via postal mail. I still haven't gotten that, I only just got the email. It seems like they send a lot of stuff, and separately at that.
  11. I also got an email about being on the waitlist. I'm pretty sure there is a prospective student weekend coming up next week, so some people might already know already. I don't know, however, if they are finished notifying acceptances yet.
  12. I, as I usually am wont to do, spoke to soon. I just got an offer for funding at the master's level. I'm completely blown away, I thought it was impossible. It's for less than 14k a year, which is not much for Seattle, but still, I'm thrilled.
  13. I think it's a reapplication process. And I do think that their phd is funded at that point. I've just heard that there is absolutely no way you can get funding in the first year of the MA.
  14. Man... no funding in the first year or possibly at all. Is anyone seriously considering going into debt for an MA in English? I mean that in all seriousness, I'm wondering if they have people who pay 40,000+ in tuition and take out loans to support themselves for an English degree? I love the idea of studying at UW but I can't do no funding. I can barely live on 14K a year to begin with. I hope I don't sound crass, I really want to know who is accepting these kind of offers...
  15. I'm sorry, but can I just complain for a second? Here goes... GOD DAMMIT. I can't believe I got into every MA program, but not a single Phd. Sorry if this sounds insensitive to others who might not be so lucky as me, I'm certainly blessed to have received any acceptances at all and I'm very happy about it. But I know that I'm serious about a phd and UVA was my dream school. I want to study colonial American lit and what better place to do it in an actual place with colonial history. I'm sorry, I'm just so frustrated. If you were accepted to UVA, savor it, you are so lucky.
  16. AW MAN Do you think that's the end of hope for UIUC? They were my last big school that I'm really into. Do you think that's it for acceptances? Maybe I should contact them about this informal waitlist... Oh man, I thought I had a shot...
  17. I hate the schools that slowly trickle information. I prefer when a massive wave of rejection hits everyone at the same time. I can at least commiserate with others that way.
  18. Oh, sorry, I guess I misunderstood.
  19. Are you suggesting that there are multiple visiting weekends?
  20. Have they made all their offers though? I haven't seen any waitlists yet...
  21. I think it's spring break for a lot of people, so maybe that's way. It's only Wednesday, maybe there's some acceptances on the way for you!
  22. Right, but we are talking about Bloomington, so why would the Indiana that's not near Bloomington matter? The way you phrased it gave the impression that the area the OP was considering living in was flat. I just wanted the person to know that it's not. It's not mountains, but it's absolutely not flat. I'm not trying to challenge your knowledge, I just want people to have the right impression of southern Indiana. Sorry if it seemed offensive, it wasn't a personal knock against you, i just want someone considering IU to have a more correct impression of the landscape.
  23. Okay, I need to correct this misinformation. I see this all the time probably because people drive on I 70 and assume that all of Indiana is like that. Lots of NORTHERN Indiana is flat. Southern Indiana is near Kentucky, where the Appalachian foothills are. States can be diverse and don't necessarily look like the highway you drive through on. Bloomington is right near Brown County which is rolling beautiful hills. Look it up on Google maps and you will see a beautiful spot of green. I know I'm biased, but living in Ohio right now, I miss it so so much. Nashville, Indiana is the most beautiful place I've ever lived. Here's a picture of it:
  24. One thing to think about, as I am from Bloomington, is that it is VERY cheap to live there. And it's awesome. If it is only one year that you aren't funded, but the rest is guaranteed, that's not a big deal. It would be in NYC but Bloomington is very very cheap. You can get a studio for 375/mo (Bicycle Apartments, I lived there, it's cheap and not shitty and RIGHT in town) and renting rooms for like 200. Even less if you can find people to share a house with (don't do graduate housing, it's a rip off). I one time saw a room for rent for 165 in town. I think taking out 9K in loans MIGHT be worth it for Indiana, but I also wouldn't fault you for taking the MA offers. It also depends on your financial situation/previous debt. I'm lucky to not have undergraduate loans cause I worked throughout college, so I would not feel guilty taking out a little bit for year 1. That's just me though. Good luck and congrats, I'd kill to go to IU's phd!
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