Hello, I am one of thousands of students currently in the process of applying for Fall 2016. I am applying to Washington University, Armstrong State University, Portland State University, Marquette University, Rush University and Northwestern University. Currently I have an in major GPA of a 3.95 and an out of major GPA of a 3.93. My GRE scores are V-158 Q-151- W-4.5. I have checked all of my stats against these school's pages on ASHA's edfind and seem to do well. I have been on staff in Residential living for two years. I spent a summer volunteering at a Children's hospital in the Speech Pathology department, I have been involved in NSSHLA throughout college. I also have a semester of clinical experience where I did weekly therapy for a client through my undergraduate program. The professors that I am asking to write my LORs are ones that I have very good relationships with and I think they will speak highly of me.The thing I am struggling with the most is not having a clue on whether or not I stand a chance on getting in. This is going to be the longest year of my life.