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Everything posted by janetjanejune

  1. @hippyscientist Red Lobster is only good for their cheddar biscuits. The rest of their food is crap (cheap seafood). The biscuits are free and unlimited, so order an appetizer and feel the freedom flow through your arteries as you succumb to our obesity rates. @sjoh197 Guinea pig, alpaca steak, and beef heart on a stick? Please explain.
  2. My mama's obsessed with tiny houses. That show on HGTV is one of her favorites. I'm not much of an interior designer plus my apartment's pre-furnished. I want it to feel like home since I'll be there for two years but I don't want to invest too much in it cause it's *only* two years. My last place I put zero love into it and it showed. Moving was a breeze though.
  3. @Danger_Zone I have narrator dreams all the time. I enjoy them more than the ones where I'm an active participant.
  4. @Pink Fuzzy Bunny Congrats on the move and cat! New place sounds pretty solid. I just secured a place for my move last week. @hippyscientist Very weird dream! Remind me not to mix coconut water and rum before bed. I have very vivid dreams. Most are romantic or sexual. When I'm stressed or sad, I dream about zombies or that I'm back in high school knowing I'm too old but I can't leave. Tried to start up a dream diary several times but always lose interest.
  5. I want one of those super big teddy bears from Costco. We don't have one in my area and I don't know if there is one where I'm moving. Maybe I could order it online.
  6. This girl from my undergrad contracted Lyme disease. She became so sick she had to drop out of college and move cross-country for treatment. It's apparently rare to get, but once you do, it's hell.
  7. I'm born and raised in the Deep South. I couldn't even imagine such temperatures until I moved. I'm sure Boston winters were nothing compared to Wisconsin's. @pterosaur On the flip side, I'm STILL not used to our summers down here. I was getting lightheaded today from the heat and it's only April.
  8. Moved from a year-round warm climate to New York. Here's some advice: -INVEST IN A THICK, HOODED COAT THAT GOES TO YOUR KNEES AND SNOW BOOTS. Gloves, hats, scarves are your friends too. Get used to scraping ice off your windshield and shoveling your driveway. Every morning. -Practice driving on ice and in the snow in a parking lot. Almost flew off a hill during the winter because I didn't practice. -Stockpile on food and necessities before the blizzards roll in. There will be days where the snow will trapped you inside. -The snow will be precious the first few weeks, a month tops. But once April comes around and it's still snow, you will want to scream. -Stir crazy is real. Find something to occupy your time in and out of your place. Make the most out of the snow with winter activities. It ain't going anywhere anytime soon anyway -Summers are beautiful. Nothing like the hellheat I was used to Enjoy New York! It is a lovely state.
  9. I haven't gone overboard with planning. My friend recently graduated from the school I'll be attending. She's given me a lot of tips and advice. The most I've researched are apartments. Called two already and been placed on a waiting list. Furniture's gonna be whatever I can find at Goodwill, Habitat of Humanity Restore, Craigslist, etc. I'm bringing an air mattress to save on cost.
  10. @sjoh197 needs to provide us all with chocolate peanut butter lasagna.
  11. I would love a meetup! Where should it be? Kansas is literally in the middle of the country. The whole 'bathroom bill' confuses me. You don't have to show ID or answer to a bathroom attendant to use the restroom. Assault can happen with or without this bill. This is a fabricated threat to induce fear of something people already don't understand. We just want to adjust our makeup and complain about guys with our friends. @Need Coffee in an IV Good luck to your boyfriend! The job search is rough. Hope he takes time to step away and recharge.
  12. I'm a black, trans, queer, low SES, non-Christian woman. I literally hit every diversity marker out there! Trust me, y'all don't wanna deal with what I go through to claim affirmative action. I'd say FU to anyone who calls me a token diversity. I work my ass off and am damned good at what I do. Even in the off-chance I was chosen because I'm a minority, let me revel in that small slice of victory. You (whatever majority is downplaying me) have the whole privilege pie to eat.
  13. Social work is a very thankless field. People either see social workers as underpaid and overworked (which they are) or The Boogeyman. It's a dangerous, stressful job. Good luck to the dye job! You should upload photos.
  14. @Neist You need a master's to advance and increase your salary in social work, but you don't need one to enter the field. Just an FYI as I worked briefly in social work with a bachelor's.
  15. Student debt's why I went to school in my hometown and lived at home my last year. I missed out on the typical "college experience" but my student debt is paid off. Especially important as the field I'm going into doesn't pay much. @hippyscientist The student debt situation in the U.S. is horrible.
  16. @MarineBluePsy Thanks. I'm a frank person, but I fear scaring folks off if I ask the wrong questions. Honestly, I'd rather live alone. My introverted self does not want to come home after a day of work and classes to another person I barely know. @hippyscientist I never realized a foreign credit score wouldn't translate over in the US. That's rough. :/ @haltheincandescent That's marvelous that you've avoided undergrad debt! Don't feel bad about your lack of understanding; life will most likely sharpen your loan knowledge, be it school, medical, business, personal, etc.
  17. All this talk about bills reminds me that I be renting an apartment for the very first time when I go grad school. First time paying rent, utilities, groceries. May have a roommate but it's too early to confirm. Any advice?
  18. @Neist I feel ya. Getting admitted to grad school in general is a reality check. Reminder to carry myself more maturely. Most folks don't understand my program or GA position. Instead of being downplayed, I stand my ground and educate them. I like being confident. Anyone else doing an inventory of your closet? I have a looot of clothes.
  19. Great advice here already. A friend in grad school told our friend group contact would be limited in the next few weeks. Nothing personal, he has a lot going on with school/work. We understood, wished him well, and are waiting for him to go back to normal. Another friend is missing my birthday because work is increasing, out of the country family is in town, and she got a new dog. We're adults. We're no longer in high school or undergrad. Your friend should understand that. However, one friend is in grad school, full-time job, internship, and married and we phone call almost everyday. Making time for her and just her is possible. See what time and communication y'all need. Text, phone call, lunch. Now's a great time to evaluate the friendship. Good luck.
  20. @MarineBluePsy I've looked at some videos and I'm already in love. @pterosaur Sucks to hear about the fellowship. Are there any others you can apply to? My instrument claim to fame: in 5th grade, borrowed my sister's old flute and played for three weeks. Only did it because the band director desperately needed kids and I felt bad for him.
  21. @rhombusbombus I've bitten in the bullet and gonna watch some now. Thanks for the encouragement! @Pink Fuzzy Bunny Your hair is BEAUTIFUL. Total hair envy over here. I've been curious about clubs and organizations as well. Being an admin at the school, I don't want to blur the lines, but I would like to get involved. @hippyscientist I think you should do it! You've gotten your advisor's blessing.
  22. I plan to stockpile and bring however much I can to Oregon. I'll restock on holidays. The struggle is real. Sidenote: Anyone ever use YouTube to get better at their hair/makeup? My friends rave over it for makeup tips, but I'm weary. Trying to get more into makeup as I have the skills of a five-year-old who's found her mama's stash.
  23. All this talk about hair lead me to my own research. I'm keeping my hair braided throughout grad school cause it's easier and letting it grow. Happy to say I found a salon nearby the town I'm moving to that does braids AND has great reviews!!! I just found a great hair stylist and was nervous to move to a predominantly white area. Not anymore!
  24. It's not a no until it's a no. Thinking positive for you. :-) Can relate to family not understanding. No one in my immediate family went beyond trade school. My parents can't comprehend what I'm going to grad school for. They sympathized with my frustration and was very excited when I got in but they couldn't offer much advice. My friends were much more helpful. On VT, wait till you hear back from the other schools. You don't want to jump the gun and miss out on a more suitable program. On another note: Found out I'm getting $450 less from my assistantship than I expected. Talk about a wrench in my plans... Thanks for the warm welcome y'all!
  25. Gonna hop in on the fun. Hey y'all! Accepted an offer with Oregon State. So happy to be over with the grad school application process. Now it's time to plan my cross-country move with my parents...
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