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  1. Some people also upload their articles on researchgate or academia.edu - I've found some that way, too.
  2. I would urge them to use more updated information about your work, imo. Send them updated papers so they can see progress, a new CV, a statement of your plans, etc., so that it's more in line with your other letters. I would have been extremely upset if a professor simply reused a letter from years ago, since we've all changed quite a bit since then, and you want the programs to see who you are now, and will be in the future.
  3. I'll be there too! I'm over-exerting myself and chairing two panels (Irish literature and 19th-C British) and presenting in 18th-C British. It's my 5th year presenting at SCMLA, and I have to say the people I've met are fantastic, and many helped me craft essays. Sad to say that this will be my last at SCMLA, since I'm relocating to the midwest, it only makes sense to actually submit to conferences around Chicago (finally!) (my GRE scores were laughably bad - and I mean I laughed with my advisor about the scores after I studied for months because there was no other way to handle that stress tbh - but I still got into the only school that even looked at them) GOOD LUCK to everyone! Let me know if you need anything -- even just an ear. Love to you all.
  4. I found my place through the Facebook marketplace!
  5. Just signed a lease on a great house in a quiet neighborhood less than a 10 minute bike ride from campus!
  6. I'm taking a pedagogy course, my intro to grad studies course is based on Mary Shelley, and vampire in fiction and film. This first semester is tailored so well to my interests. I can hardly contain myself. Hopefully securing housing next week -- fingers crossed.
  7. I'm chairing the irish literature panel at SCMLA this year, and the deadline has been extended until April 30, if you're interested! Also, you are so my kind of person. I would love to talk more! I've been working pretty heavily with Lady Gregory and her influence on literary and political thought, but want to hear more about your work if you're willing ?
  8. I'm about to say yes to a program and I'm suddenly panicking. SEND HELP.
  9. I have.... worse GRE scores than yours, and the program that I'll likely be attending is the ONLY program to which I applied that gave a crap about GREs...and I'm still accepted with full funding. I was told my CV and writing sample/SOP literally negated my crap scores.
  10. I will be! I'm moderating the 19th century British Literature and the Irish Literature panels!
  11. I keep getting emails from schools-that-rejected-me's graduate colleges with information about welcome days and grad orientations and being on campus. But why? I was rejected, and now I'm sad about them again. You'd think the grad colleges would've gotten the memo by now.
  13. I know I'll be sitting in on at least two classes one day, and this may be a stupid question, but can I.....participate? or do I have to just sit there and listen?
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