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  • Application Season
    2017 Fall

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  1. I am so jealous you have the opportunity! I have been applying like crazy without much success. I spoke to many students about the workload as a GSI and all of them said it was manageable. It just depends on your priorities I guess. What is more important to you-- putting your 100% in class and getting everything out of two years in grad school or the additional income?
  2. I only applied to one too! I looked at the core structure and scheduled around PP220, PP210, and PP240. PP260 isn't offered, so I'm thinking maybe I should take PP250 instead OR just chill out and find a class that fits if I get a GSI position.
  3. Look at departmental websites and watch out for emails from Jalilah. If a departmental website does not have any info, email the person on staff that would be in charge of academic appointments. It seems like GSI / reader / GSR positions for incoming students is all dependent on your initiative, so I am trying to make sure I can do everything in my power to get that fee remission / stipend! I do not have an extra 10k lying around!
  4. I am attending! Applying to GSI positions like mad!
  5. I was told I would hear back Thursday / Friday about additional funding. I know there is such a slight chance of getting additional funding, but I am still holding out some hope!
  6. I am a second year corps member with a very similar academic profile (with similarly horrendous quant course background) to you and I was admitted to Duke Sanford, Berkeley GSPP, Carnegie Mellon Heinz (MSPPM-DC), and Georgetown McCourt. I am unfamiliar with UChicago, but you definitely have a strong shot at Carnegie Mellon. I did not apply to the data analytics track, but the DC track, and I still got an 80% fellowship despite my weak quant background. Obviously taking a microeconomics or statistics course before you apply will strengthen your application but with strong SOPs and LORs, you already have a good shot To be honest, I think you are underestimating teaching experience. It is public service after all-- work experience that many public policy schools value.
  7. To folks who attended open house-- what was your general impression? I read one person posting about it on another thread, so I figured I might as well ask here as I did not get to go!
  8. What is so bad about attending a great university for both undergrad and grad? Of course it is not as exciting, but as you said, your experiences as an undergrad in a big state university and as a grad student in a small cohort will most likely differ. I did not go to Cal for undergrad, so obviously I cannot speak to it specifically. But regardless, it's a great choice to have between HKS and GSPP. You'll make a good choice no matter what you choose!
  9. Thank you for your thorough response! Your description of living expenses line up with what I am seeing through research of the area. I am honestly leaning towards Berkeley because I think it would provide me a great pathway to state/city gov't positions and when I want to move on from the bay area to another non-DC city, my experiences and my degree will still carry some weight. I am hoping that I will get a GSI / GSR position right off the bat so that it would at least offset rent, haha.
  10. Great, glad to know I'm not alone haha! Hopefully she responds with something in the near future.
  11. Hm I emailed her a while ago. She probably just skipped my email, HA! Thanks for the info
  12. I emailed Martha and she never responded! Did you email her? I figured my chances are low, but it does not hurt to try!
  13. Did anyone receive their official admission from the graduate division? And/or successfully get a response from Martha Chavez about fellowship negotiation?
  14. It sounds like you have a solid professional and social network built in LA and are not itching to leave. At this point, I would say just go with USC Price. Goldman's name and prestige is obviously so tempting, but I think going to Goldman would only make sense if you would like to move to the bay or maybe even back to DC.
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