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hnm1231 last won the day on October 16 2016

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    New York
  • Application Season
    2017 Fall
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  1. I've already told some schools no, mostly because of lack of funding compared to other offers. I felt bad at first, but I think you are right that it's better to give others an early chance! Unfortunately I will probably wait a bit (aka until April because I suck) to make my final choice because it's such a big decision.
  2. @feyfatale thank you for the advice! I don't think I've focused on that aspect enough in past interviews so I will try to make that point clearer You all have successfully lessened my nervousness, thank you!
  3. @feyfatale It's the Media, Technology and Society program! I hope you hear from your program soon It is 6 one on one meetings But hopefully it's like @heyDW said and they're just weeding out the BS in my statements... there is some but most of it is at least close to the truth lol. I'm going to try and memorize some information about all of them so we'll see how that goes. It is so weird knowing that we're halfway through February! I didn't think I would make it out of January alive with all this waiting but here we are!
  4. Congratulations to everyone who has heard positive news so far! I'm more of a silent forum user but I'm trying to keep track of everyone's plans haha. And it's a bit relieving to I'm not the only one with some imposter syndrome even though I wish that no one felt that way because as far as I know everyone here is wonderful I just got an email about individual meetings with professors during my trip to Northwestern this weekend... and I'm supposed to talk to 6 people within 2 hours!! Is this normal? Are they all going to be interview-style? This is really freaking me out
  5. I had to dig deep in my emails to remember this professor's name but I found her! I contacted Dr. Massanari briefly about UIC's program but seeing as I don't have an MA I was unable to apply. Her interests seem to correlate well with yours though Not sure if you already applied here or not... sorry if this is old news!
  6. If I had to guess I'd imagine there were just so few people that got accepted that they might not even be people who are active on here. But I suppose anything is possible!
  7. If anyone happened to get into Cornell (there must be some of you out there), my hometown is an hour away from Ithaca so I might know a thing or two
  8. I'm doing my undergrad in psych (and linguistics)! Are you as well? I was a little scared applying right out of undergrad but I'm glad there are other people here in the same boat
  9. Ah I'm so sorry that I didn't see this question before! I try to keep up on this thread but there's a lot of conversations going on lol. MTS is doing campus visits/interviews on the 16th but I have no idea what their decision schedule is after that :/
  10. @GreenEyedTrombonist I put "New Media and Technology" first and "Media, Culture and Community" second. My main research interests are fall under the intersections between language and technology (esp. social media), so those seemed to be the best fit.
  11. @SKB I got an email about an hour ago that was from the department and not just the university and it had funding information! Also dates for when I was invited to visit but they're in the middle of the week I don't think I'll be able to make it. @chiquitica I also contacted at least one POI from each school, usually two, because my advisor recommended talking to more than one person in case my main POI couldn't take students.
  12. @DBear Thank you! I'm enjoying every victory I can get in this process haha. Still waiting to hear back from Cornell though... It's not looking good because in past years they sent out decisions this week and I haven't gotten an interview :/ But I need to take my own advice and not give up hope!
  13. @GreenEyedTrombonist Thank you! Don't lose hope! Based on results from past years, we're still very early in the game.
  14. I got an email today to check USC and the decision was actually posted 2 days ago! @GreenEyedTrombonist I would look at the you.sc.edu site, if you haven't yet. Maybe you'll find something there as well!
  15. @DBear @ejpril88 yes I did post earlier this month! And thank you both The conflicting info is odd but I can only say what I know lol On another note, has anyone heard anything from Cornell?
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