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Everything posted by Karou

  1. Karou

    Applications 2019

    That's such great news! Congratulations!!
  2. Karou

    Applications 2019

    That's wonderful to hear, so happy for you! I'm feeling good, but tired, and having a hard time readjusting with my rhythm here, but I think that's just a case of being tired from travelling, as I just got back on Sunday and I still have no idea what day it is haha. Overnight flights are a good idea in theory... but yeah not so much in practice. It's also the last week of term here so things are moving fast! I've probably said this several times already, but if I were a more organized person I would have applied to different schools than I did (Emory, Vanderbilt and NYU come to mind) but I still think I would have ended up at Duke no matter what, so I definitely feel very good about my decision. No regrets, nothing but enthusiasm over here. I'm mostly just glad that part of the process is over! How are you feeling?
  3. Karou

    Applications 2019

    Thank you @fordlandia, it's definitely a great feeling to have made the decision, and to go somewhere I'm very excited about! I'm assuming your visit went well also! Do you think you'll go to UT Austin? @elx, I meant to comment on that earlier but it slipped my mind, in regards to your 1-year program dilemma, if you do get into Oxford, I know it's possible for MSt students to transfer into the two-year program (I'm assuming since you're an Americanist you've applied to the History program (?) which also has a 2-year track. They've revamped the programs recently so it's a bit confusing, they used to have separate programs for European and American history), so that could be a possibility for you. Of course, adding one year to your MA is also a significant financial decision so taking a year out could be the better option!
  4. Karou

    Applications 2019

    That's fantastic, congratulations! Feel free to PM me if you have questions about Oxford !
  5. Karou

    Applications 2019

    Thank you, it really did go well! I'm still a little jet lagged and it hasn't really sunk in yet, but I am genuinely thrilled. Duke is definitely the best possible place for me to get my PhD.
  6. Karou

    Applications 2019

    Amazing news @fordlandia, congratulations! On my end, I've officially committed to Duke, feels good to know where I'll be going! Now I get to do fun stuff like Visa paperwork. Yay.
  7. I just wanted to thank everyone for the fantastic advice in this thread! Taking some notes while I wait for my flight.
  8. Karou

    Applications 2019

    Thank you! Congratulations to you about the funding and making a decision, that’s such great news! Very happy for you.
  9. Karou

    Applications 2019

    It’s been a crazy week on my end so I haven’t checked in in a while but I wanted to congratulate everyone who got admitted/waitlisted/ made a decision!! Currently in NY waiting for my flight to Durham!
  10. That seems likely. Perhaps it's a case of POIs unofficially notifying applicants, and official letters haven't been sent yet? In any case, gods, I really hope it's neither of the options that you mentioned @halcyonday, either would be horribly cruel!
  11. I agree, there's hope for us yet!
  12. Haha, I know what you mean, we're a pretty nice bunch over in History a well, and the results page is usually pretty tame aside from the occasional "Pfft I'm the most incredible person ever, why would these plebs reject me" (I mean the ones when they're *actually* being serious and think they're entitled to being admitted to every school. I really do appreciate the ironic takes on "it's their loss!"), which honestly I find kind of funny most of the time. I understand people being a little angry sometimes, but those really intense anger bursts make me so uncomfortable!
  13. Karou

    Applications 2019

    Aah, that's very soon! I hope the visit/interview goes really well, keep us posted!
  14. Karou

    Applications 2019

    Yes, I can confirm that Duke's visiting days are next week (February 26-28), @Carltonjacobs! If by UT, you meant UT Austin, perhaps @fordlandia can enlighten you.
  15. Thank you, I know I'm a good position right now so I'm not complaining, I just really want this whole thing to be over with. Gods, I hope NYU lets you know what's up before April! But you'll likely have heard from MA programs by then. When I was applying in the UK, York notified me within 10 days, which has effectively spoiled me for life in terms of having patience about these things. Oxford was very slow though (I heard late March I think), but each of their programs work very independently from one another, so you may hear sooner than that. Sorry I'm not really helping haha. Stay strong throughout the waiting process! ❤️
  16. I feel the same way about Penn and Brown, I know I'll be rejected from both and I'd really like them to actually tell me haha. Keeping my fingers crossed that you hear good news from a PhD program (I know Cornell hasn't released decisions yet, and the situation with NYU has just been... confusing, so who knows), but otherwise an MA in the UK sounds like a great alternative!
  17. Aah I'm sorry, that's rough. Hope you managed to have a nice day anyway! And, happy belated birthday!
  18. Karou

    Applications 2019

    Harvard casualty over here as well. Honestly, I'm just really relieved that they've finally made it official!
  19. Karou

    Applications 2019

    Same, I just want this whole process to be over! I thought this week would have brought some news but... crickets. I know it's been eventful for a lot of people though!
  20. Karou

    Applications 2019

    Congratulations @hahahahaleigh, looks like you actually got two admits, that's amazing! No news yesterday, it's almost as if Harvard was trying to prove us all wrong by not releasing rejections on Valentine's day!
  21. Karou

    Applications 2019

    I'm also ready for a potential Valentine's Day Massacre, honestly I'm just hoping for news of any sort at this point! Also @HardyBoy, you are killing it this season! Big congratulations!!
  22. Karou

    Applications 2019

    @villageelliot, my experience was also similar to yours in terms of contacting POIs. Some exchanges were brief and to the point (replies along the lines of "yes I am taking students and will look out for your application") and others turned into longer conversations; perhaps over the span of a few days but never much more than that. But I didn't reach out again when these conversations naturally seem to come to an end, I definitely didn't "force" any contact after that because of the reasons you and others have mentioned. For what it's worth, I had no prior contact with the person I will likely work most closely with if I end up at Duke (I reached out quite late, and she was on research leave at the time), so don't worry too much!
  23. Karou

    Applications 2019

    Not sure whether that'll be helpful, but a couple of people here were accepted to UVA a little while ago, so they may have sent all admits already. ? @Balleu, I was wondering the same thing a dew days ago, and I think I'll send something along the lines of what you said once I officially accept an offer. It just feels like the right thing to do, to keep in touch with professors who have been helpful (not to mention it's a small world and you will likely encounter these people at one point or another. @AnUglyBoringNerd was saying a few pages back that they kept in touch with POIs from schools they were rejected from, and ended up meeting these POIs later on). @Tantive5, I think that unfortunately not many people on here are familiar with the University of Washington, but there are plenty of other resources on this site that I'm sure can be useful to you. Best of luck to you as you start researching programs!
  24. Karou

    Applications 2019

    Pretty much my reaction haha!
  25. Karou

    Applications 2019

    Oh wow, you've decided already! But if you're sure, you're sure. Congratulations!! In other news, I just received an email from Columbia trying to sell me on three different MA programs. Not sure if I should feel insulted. ?
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