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  1. UBC!!! Congratulations everyone!!
  2. Hahaha absolutely, no problem! I'm glad I got the information to you in time!! Edit: LOL jk I thought this was in response to my post. I never read anything fully. Either way, happy you were informed in a timely matter.
  3. I definitely wouldn't include that in the email. I'm pretty sure it's against the Match rules to state exactly how you are ranking a school (you & the school are allowed to state THAT you are ranking each other, but not how, or in what order). On that note.. has anybody had a school inform them that they intend to rank you during the interview or afterwards? Just curious
  4. No wayyyy this is Kira?!? That's so exciting. I've been listening to DNA Today for just under a year now. SO helpful to gain insight into the field.
  5. @soon2beGC and @TAGC Thank you both for your support You are both clearly very qualified candidates.. I mean, look at those interview lists! It helps a lot to hear from other candidates about not being discouraged by let-downs from one or two schools. It's really encouraging me to keep a more positive outlook. So I guess we shall make the best of the interviews with programs who are showing interest in us. Best of luck to you both!
  6. Thats a really great attitude! Thanks for sharing
  7. @Nefelibata that's fair, thank you for the support!
  8. This specific school told me last year I could only contact the coordinator for feedback if I interviewed, which is why I included that
  9. That's what I thought too, after i received the rejection email.. maybe they just know it's not the program for me (however, I felt SO strongly that it was the right program for me after interviews last year). I'm just confused as to why they would encourage me so heavily in my feedback to apply again if they made up their mind already, you know? But thank you for getting back to me, it really helps to know I'm not alone!!
  10. A bit lost and confused here, looking to see if anyone else has been in the same boat. I applied for a program last year that I got an interview with. I didn't get accepted or waitlisted, but in their rejection call they phrased it like "in the highly unlikely event that you don't get accepted elsewhere, we strongly encourage you to apply next year." Additionally, I phoned for feedback, and they informed me that all of my academia, advocacy, volunteer experiences were very strong and I was a great applicant.. but I could improve on my interview skills a bit. Additionally they told me that they don't normally take students right out of uni so to try again next year. So I did, I applied to their program this year, and I didn't even get considered for an interview. Received a rejection email today. I'm lost as to what to think. Anybody else have this experience? I'm going to try to message the coordinator later in the year and ask for feedback, but I don't know if they'll even do that because they don't normally provide feedback unless you interviewed.
  11. My opinion is to just wait and see. I'm always cautious of tainting my name if I call and annoy them about my application status before the end of February.
  12. AH the nerves! What's going on with this school!!
  13. I haven't heard back from Manitoba (UofM) either, and my application says "Complete, under review by department." It has since the day all my documents were submitted. I have a feeling they're either sending out another round of interviews or something of the sort.. because someone earlier on here said they received a rejection email recently (if they did indeed mean Manitoba when they said UofM). So perhaps no news is good news. All hope is not lost yet!
  14. Happy to see more Canadian school applicants chime in!!
  15. That makes sense. Nervewracking indeed! Well keep us updated if Manitoba sends you confirmation emails for the interview, and above all, congratulations!! I think we met last year at Toronto and McGill. I remember you telling me your username. Wishing you luck this year =)
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