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Everything posted by juhidee119

  1. Me too! It was really hard to give up programs, maybe because we've worked so hard to get it? Not sure but we made other people very happy
  2. I would suggest trying for a masters first to get a better GPA to show doctoral programs. Sounds like you're on the right track with research experience and publications.
  3. Was it Georgia Southern?
  4. I would suggest going for the RA position. You can try looking at hospitals/universities websites near you for positions. I went for the MA path and I regret it, I'll be paying for it forever. I don't believe it helped my application at all. Publications, presentations and research experience made the difference for me. good luck!
  5. Technically the deadline is for phd admission offers with financial aid. PsyD, masters and phd without financial aid can pressure students to make a decision before 4/15
  6. Congrats! Agreed with 8bitjourney. Email or call #1 for an update and explain the situation.
  7. Jackson State University Clinical Psych Phd got into a program I liked more
  8. Ha I love your user name lol
  9. Hi! Sorry, it's so incredibly competitive to get into these programs. I finally got in this cycle after 5-6 rounds of applying. 1. My undergrad GPA was 3.6 so I got an MA to boost my GPA and some experience points (wouldn't suggest it unless it's funded, I'll be paying for it forever ?). The biggest thing was getting publications and poster presentations. I had only 1 last time I applied; this time I had 5 total. 2. In the past, I emailed the POI or DCT, depending on who I felt a better connection during interview. 3. I don't think other fields will harm your application, I think it actually helped mine. Makes you a bit more interesting. Sounds like youre taking the right steps steps to having a stronger application. Your psych GPA is strong, you should be sure to highlight it on your resume/CV. Good luck!
  10. Some programs just keep going down the list after an interview but don't notify people they're on a waitlist. Outright rejections happen pretty quickly after an interview. It's most likely people are holding on to offers from the program. Did the programs tell you when you should be hearing back from them? If it's past the date, you can email/call for an update. Theres always hope until 4/15- horrible, crippling anxiety provoking hope, but it's there! Good luck!!
  11. I'm in the same boat! I got a call and I know it's an admission but I feel so weird turning the dct down over the phone. I'm waiting for an official email so I can just reply to it #avoidance
  12. Oh wow, we interviewed at 2 of the same schools- I wonder if we've met at either one The funding at Georgia Southern definitely sealed the deal for me. I didn't feel a good fit at IUP, some things just seemed...off lol. As a minority student, I'm a little nervous about moving to the South in the current political climate but hoping people are openminded since it is a college town. I wanted to stay in the Northeast but Georgia Southern was too good to pass up.
  13. Good idea to start this thread! I declined at IUP so I hope that helps someone on the waitlist. I took my name off the University of South Dakota waitlist. I accepted at Georgia Southern. I loved the faculty and other students when I visited, I'm excited to start there! Metalpsychperson- hoping you get some good news and we can be cohort buddies!
  14. Hi! 1. Gre scores are fairly important in clinical and counseling programs. A good reference is the book "Insiders Guide to Graduate Programs in Clinical and Counseling Psychology"- it gives cutoff scores for all accredited programs. 2. In your situation, I would suggest going to a MA program, I was in the same situation. It makes you a bit more competitive especially if you do a thesis for graduation. It also gives you a chance to get a better gpa. 3. In my opinion, publications are very important. I've applied for a lot of cycles and I finally got into programs this time and the major difference is the number of publications I have now (3 publications, 2 presentations). MA programs are a good way to get more publications and presentations under your belt. Hope that helps!
  15. 1. In my experience, this will not count against you. Schools want to see that you have research experience and you're able to handle the duties that come with research studies. Working with your population of interest is a plus but not necessary. It seems you do have experience working with your population. 2. I also live in New York and I found there are a lot of paid opportunities when looking for a new research position last year. Search "research coordinator" on indeed.com. You can also look through job opportunities on specific school or hospitals websites. I know Weill Cornell, Mount Sinai and NYU have had a lot of opportunities in the past. hope that helps!
  16. I took the General and subject GRE a few times. I got the best results with Magoosh. You can download the apps on your phone and do flash cards anywhere and their website lays out the best plans for you and how much time you'll need.
  17. Agreed with stereopticons, Harvard implicitly carries more weight with its name. If both are equal, I'd go for Harvard.
  18. As the above poster said, both programs are somewhat equally reputable. It comes down to fit. If you feel both programs are an equal fit, consider which area you would rather live in, cost of living vs your stipend (would you need loans), etc. another thing to look at is each school's licensure rates and attrition rates. High licensure=quality education low attrition=generally happy students congrats and hope that helps!
  19. First- congrats! You'd be a jerk if you held on to multiple acceptances. Rule of thumb is to hold on to 1 acceptance at any given time to avoid a bottleneck across the country. You only have 1 acceptance. I see no harm in waiting on these waitlists to get into a better fit program. You being on the waitlists doesn't stop the admission process from continuing. you have my blessing lol
  20. I've heard that if it falls on a weekend, the actual decision is then Monday following the weekend. That being said, some schools may still call on a weekend. Best to be by your phones!
  21. I was accepted to Georgia Southern University for clinical psychology. Still waiting on some more interviews, but I will most likely accept. Anybody have info on Statesboro, Georgia?
  22. I'm in New York with an MA in psychology (not Mental health counseling)- I've been able to do nothing with my MA but I'm not sure if it's the same for mental health counseling. My advice would be to take the PsyD acceptance because that is the end goal (right?). Even if you aren't happy with the area, it sounds like you're happy with the school and grad students don't have a lot of free time anyway. That being said, I'm not sure how unhappy you are in the bay area- if it's soul-crushing, then you should leave the area since it is 5 years at least in the program. It's really depends on how bad you want to leave the area. My inclination would be to go for the higher degree since acceptances are hard to come by and there's no guarantee you'd get a job with that degree.
  23. Personally, I would advise against that unless your programs would have you doing research that's very different what you want to do. I've been applying to so many application cycles and learned it's really a luck of the draw, and you should really put your money on a sure thing. There's no guarantee you'll get in on a later cycle. I would take one of the programs that accepted you and possibly do a collaboration with the researcher.
  24. Personally, I would wait for a program with better funding. All the other factors you mention are very important but speaking as someone with crushing student debt, funding is equally important.
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