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Everything posted by Adelaide9216

  1. It's a contest to encourage young researchers basically in their first steps in their career in academia.
  2. Hello, for those who are currently pursuing PhDs, what would be your best advice for MSW students, even if they do not know at this point if they'll do a PhD? What would be the best advice to keep doors and opportunities in academia open? Thank you,
  3. Hello, I just want to thank this website and you all for existing. Such a useful resource, such an enjoyable forum. Really. I am entering graduate school next fall and I am learning a lot from each and everyone of you. Keep it up!
  4. I forgot to mention that I will also be competing for a young researcher contest for that conference. Any tips? I feel like it could be helpful for my potential career in academia if I won it.
  5. I am also going to be presenting my first poster at my first conference this year and found this thread really useful. Thanks
  6. I don't know what the reason could be. I basically turned down one university program because one potential supervisor would rarely answer my emails. It just did not give me a good impression that our academic relationship would be good.
  7. I am going to be 24 when I'll start my MSW. I think most people are going to be older from what I know of my program.
  8. Thanks to everyone for your answers.
  9. It means that you complete the coursework load for the first year of your master's program, then go straight into a PhD without writing a master's thesis. Usually, it is for students who have excellent grades and they have to be supported by their school and faculty supervisor.
  10. Thanks to both of you. I always fear that my employer would not accept my choice, that's why I am always transparent about it all from the get-go. Never had any problems so far, but who knows.
  11. Are they a lot of scholarships and financial support for international students who would like to study at Columbia at the PhD in Social Work? Thank you,
  12. For those of you who have English as a second or even a third language, how does it feel to write a PhD thesis in English? Are you judged more severely on you writing at that level?
  13. Yes, it is very rare to find any indigenous researchers at all. But I know that indigenous peoples can sit on some of the "ethics board" for research and give their approval on what they think is ethical or not for student researchers and I am going to go through that process as well.
  14. Hello, is any of you aware of any research that is currently undergoing re: the intersections of race, gender and mental health in the Canadian context? I would like to find some research in the Canadian context that adresses the impact of stereotyped media representation on the mental health of black women. I've found some articles in the US, but nada in Canada. Does any one in the social sciences field work on these topics/themes? I keep searching and I cannot seem to find what I am looking for. Thank you,
  15. Thanks to both of you for your answers. I had this conversation a few months ago with an indigenous activist, who said the same thing, basically that she is glad that I am thinking so deeply about this. I guess it is my background as a woman of color who helps me being sensitive to those types of issues in academia and research. She did mention that it is not a problem for non-indigenous peoples to do research on indigenous peoples as long as it is done respectfully and by fully including them throughout the whole process (which is what I will do and have done in many ways.) Some of the ways that I want to be inclusive is to partner with indigenous communities on the ethics board for the feasibility of my research project, I've also volunteered in the community at a indigenous women's shelter to give something back and I would like my master's thesis to be translated in indigenous language for people from the community to have an easier access to it when it will be published. Do you think of other ways I could include indigenous people in the entire process? The thing is that the indigenous teacher, I have never worked with her before, and she will be on sabbatical leave next fall which is when I'll start my master's. So I'll pretty much be left on my own. I also know that the funding is a lot less stable and secure at that university instead of the one I am currently in. The teacher at my current university told me that our university is reknown for our work with indigenous people. My heart tells me to keep working with her, but I do feel uncomfortable because of the fact that we'll both be non-indigenous. It is mainly the main reason why I haven't accepted the offer I got this week yet from the university with the indigenous teacher. Because I don't think I'll be that secure with her, especially since she won't be around for a couple of months...
  16. Hello guys, I have a question. My master's topic focuses on indigenous peoples. I just got an acceptance letter this week that I'm in for a program in which I will be supervised by an indigenous teacher next fall at the master's level. However, I have a teacher at my current university, with whom I've been working for the last three years, who is a chairholder, guarantees me work throughout my entire graduate studies and even a research internship for my master's diploma... but she is not indigenous herself and I have a bit of a dilemma of possibly re-creating dynamics of oppression if I work with an non-indigenous researcher considering the fact that I am non-indigenous myself. What option would you choose?
  17. I got in University of Montreal. Still waiting for University of Quebec in Montreal and McGill.
  18. I'm so glad I now have a spot guaranteed in at least once university!
  19. I was admitted to University of Montreal! Still waiting for University of Quebec in Montreal and McGill. I thought I did not have any chance at University of Montreal!
  20. I also met with the people of my professional order recently for an interview for the newsletter they send to their members. I was surprised by how supportive they were of my choice and my extracurricular activities. They said they like the new generation of social workers like me, who are thinking outside the box, and that it is refreshing.
  21. Hello, a few years ago, I disclosed publicly my past struggles with mental health and my journey towards recovery. Ever since, I kept doing talks, media interviews and such on the topic. I have also won major community awards which led me to speak even more about my story. However, I am also a social work student. Although I have received tremendous amount of support for my commitment to fight stigma both from my peers and my school of social work, I am hesitant to work as a social worker in a clinical setting because I could potentially encounter clients that might have seen me speak about this online or on tv. I had anticipated that this could happen - it took me 5+ years to decide to share publicly my story, and I have received a lot of advice from people who have made similar choices. I never had a client of mine either at stage or in a field placement who has brought this up to me, but I know that this will probably happen and I am unsure how to handle it, other than turning back the question to them and their concerns and not make the therapeutic alliance about me. Has anyone here been in a similar position?
  22. Hello! Out of curiosity, what are the pros and cons of doing a interdisciplinary degree at the graduate level instead of a "regular" one in solely one field? Thanks!
  23. Ahh, University of Quebec in Montreal just wrote to me that I should have the answer pretty soon. The lady told me that some admission decisions were already sent out. Is it a bad sign if I haven't received my decision yet? Do they usually send the acceptance letters first and then those who were declined? The waiting is killing me lol
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