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    2017 Fall
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    Hebrew Bible

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  1. I'm a current Harvard student and I have not paid more than $750/month in rent because I chose to live a bit further out. My first year I lived in Watertown (3 bed, 1 bath) in an apartment I found on Craigslist and this year I live in Medford with two friends (3 bed, 1 bath). In both cases, the commute is a bit longer because I'm not on the T (45 mins), but I saved so much money in rent that it was worth it for me. Especially if you bike, I would highly recommend looking outside of Cambridge/Somerville. Also, your friend is right that parking around Harvard is a nightmare, but if you live further out it isn't too much of a hassle. Watertown has (for the most part) unrestricted street parking, and my apartment in Medford has a driveway (and many apartments around Davis Square do as well). I never drive to class, but having a car is great for getting around to the grocery store and other places since I don't live near the T. Just something to keep in mind. You can also join the Harvard Grad Market page on Facebook to see Harvard people posting room openings.
  2. I didn't receive my email from my POI, so you likely won't hear anything from them regardless. I can't say for sure, but I think unofficial acceptances probably all went out today. If you didn't get one, it's possible waitlist notifications will go out next week. This is all just what I'm reasoning from what's happened today.
  3. Thank you!!
  4. I was accepted by Harvard this morning, so I might be able to shed some light on what's happening. I received an email from the Chair of the Committee notifying me of my acceptance, with a note that a "formal letter" will follow shortly. Earlier this week, I emailed the department to ask if they could give me a date range for when decisions would be going out because I needed to figure out some travel plans with a school that was lower on my list than Harvard. Someone from the department responded to me today, after I received the informal email, with "Decisions will be going out by the end of next week. You’ll receive a notice when the decision is posted in GCast, our online Admissions system." It looks like rejections and waitlist notifications will be going out next week, and possibly also the official letters of acceptance with stipend info.
  5. Do you know which field they are in? I'm also waiting to hear.
  6. And still nothing from Chicago Div either!
  7. Regarding U Chicago Div, I also applied and also haven't heard anything. According to the results search, they notified end of February last year but around this time two years ago, so who knows. Could be tomorrow, could be two weeks from now.
  8. For those wondering about Harvard, a friend overheard a professor from the Committee on the Study of Religion today talking to another person. He said the committee has met and made a list but that the decisions haven't gone through the GSAS process yet. So maybe next week? Not sure if this helps or makes me more anxious, but I thought I'd pass it along. Also this friend was short on specifics, so sorry about that...
  9. Anyone else get an offer from Emory? First acceptance and it feels pretty freaking good!
  10. I knew someone two years ago who was interviewed for the JCA program, so maybe it's something they are implementing or do when they have an especially strong candidate pool? She was an MA student at UVA but did a Skype interview, I guess to keep it fair for others who couldn't interview in person.
  11. Hi all, Anyone else going through the interview process with Emory right now for HB or going to their recruitment weekend this weekend? So far that's the only program I've heard anything from (also applied to Harvard, Union, Chicago, and BC).
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