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Everything posted by redikulus

  1. One year a long time ago, there were penguins who didn't wear hats when swimming. This made their mothers livid. "Unacceptable!" Frightened, they screamed, "Bears!" Nobody seemed convinced so instead of going swimming they tried juggling. Their mothers tried everything they thought would teach her a skill. However, she couldn't even make oatmeal without disastrous results. So, the penguins gathered money (obviously) trying to purchase a bear. Towering over them, a grizzly beast danced, devouring all bears with such ferocity that even God enjoyed it. Afterwards, God congratulated the penguins and applauded them. "You did it!" Suddenly, the grizzly beast started dancing vigorously. There was an acromantula nearby. It challenged the preconception that magical mushrooms were magical. Sparkling, the magical mushrooms were spreading throughout town. Nobody with pyromania thought grilled cheese would spontaneously erupt into nine identical squirrels! Nevertheless, the penguins elucidated the benefits of sparkling water from Iceland. Suddenly, Iceland exclaimed, "Enough!!! No more penguins. Kill all of the arcades on Monday because King Arthur suffered from sphenisciphobia." Tragically, everyone forgot lasers cure bug madness, meaning none of them stripped the violet beast of his powerful jaw bones. So while some arms spouted Kool-aid, others chopped nuts. This phenomenon halted commerce. Together twenty-five yellow dragons danced sporadically inebriating all anger gods, while academics drank champagne profusely.
  2. vanishing cabinet
  3. I should be working on several projects right now, and also writing my thesis. I think a lot of us are like this. I was fine. I was concentrating. Then some people posted that they got acceptance emails to the program I want. Now all I can do is refresh my email. So that's my next 24 hours.
  4. This happened to me a few years ago. It is not an offer to M.Eng. It is a suggestion that you might fit better somewhere else. When that happened to me, I knew I wasn't getting in. I looked into the alternative program that was suggested to me and I couldn't figure what I had to offer it. So I emailed someone in that department asking why I might be a good fit, and also the person who emailed me asking me to change departments. They actually couldn't remember my application. I think it was just a flippant email they sent out. Like "Well, we don't want you, but maybe dept. X will." That's how it felt to me anyways.
  5. Found Objects
  6. One year a long time ago, there were penguins who didn't wear hats when swimming. This made their mothers livid. "Unacceptable!" Frightened, they screamed, "Bears!" Nobody seemed convinced so instead of going swimming they tried juggling. Their mothers tried everything they thought would teach her a skill. However, she couldn't even make oatmeal without disastrous results. So, the penguins gathered money (obviously) trying to purchase a bear. Towering over them, a grizzly beast danced, devouring all bears with such ferocity that even God enjoyed it. Afterwards, God congratulated the penguins and applauded them. "You did it!" Suddenly, the grizzly beast started dancing vigorously. There was an acromantula nearby. It challenged the preconception that magical mushrooms were magical. Sparkling, the magical mushrooms were spreading throughout town. Nobody with pyromania thought grilled cheese would spontaneously erupt into nine identical squirrels! Nevertheless, the penguins elucidated the benefits of sparkling water from Iceland. Suddenly, Iceland exclaimed, "Enough!!! No more penguins. Kill all of the arcades on Monday because King Arthur suffered from sphenisciphobia." Tragically, everyone forgot lasers cure bug madness, meaning none of them stripped the violet beast of his powerful jaw bones. So while some arms spouted Kool-aid, others chopped nuts. This phenomenon halted commerce. Together twenty-five yellow dragons danced sporadically inebriating all anger gods, while academics drank
  7. One year a long time ago, there were penguins who didn't wear hats when swimming. This made their mothers livid. "Unacceptable!" Frightened, they screamed, "Bears!" Nobody seemed convinced so instead of going swimming they tried juggling. Their mothers tried everything they thought would teach her a skill. However, she couldn't even make oatmeal without disastrous results. So, the penguins gathered money (obviously) trying to purchase a bear. Towering over them, a grizzly beast danced, devouring all bears with such ferocity that even God enjoyed it. Afterwards, God congratulated the penguins and applauded them. "You did it!" Suddenly, the grizzly beast started dancing vigorously. There was an acromantula nearby. It challenged the preconception that magical mushrooms were magical. Sparkling, the magical mushrooms were spreading throughout town. Nobody with pyromania thought grilled cheese would spontaneously erupt into nine identical squirrels! Nevertheless, the penguins elucidated the benefits of sparkling water from Iceland. Suddenly, Iceland exclaimed, "Enough!!! No more penguins. Kill all of the arcades on Monday because King Arthur suffered from sphenisciphobia." Tragically, everyone forgot lasers cure bug madness, meaning none of them stripped the violet beast of his powerful jaw bones. So while some arms spouted Kool-aid, others chopped nuts. This phenomenon halted commerce. Together twenty-five yellow dragons danced sporadically inebriating all anger gods, while champagne
  8. One of my professors offered to sneak in a request for me, since they know people there, and I was like "naaahhh, um, nah, mmmmm, no, that's okay" I mean it might make me look funny. What if they don't like my professor.
  9. I started my Masters a couple of years ago. It was a small cohort and several of us were non-traditional. About half of us were working as a priority during the program. One of the ladies held a fulltime job and has kids at home, so I think that says a lot about her ability frankly. There were people like that in the cohort for the year prior as well. I made sure I would have zero exterior priorities during this program and that's how I'm entering a PhD (if I get accepted), but I know that not everyone can do that. I also would not be offended if someone asked me about my exterior priorities and if I had children, because I do understand that as a question of whether or not you understand a- what your priorities are and b- how to manage them. One of the members of my cohort, for example, has very few external priorities but is constantly complaining about how overwhelmed, exhausted, overworked, busy, stressed out, etc. she is, when she literally has the least on her plate of everyone in the room. I think they just want to hear how you talk about your time and personal management skills. Someone else mentioned the GRE, that was also hard for me. It had been awhile for math... I had to study big time for that. It was a little stressful, but I planned far enough in advance that I had time. Unfortunately, I took it that first semester when they changed to the new test system and the newly instated computer algorithm graded my written essays (poorly). Sigh. My masters program seemed pretty fluid (maybe diverse is a better word) about demographics, maybe they are used to mixed age, etc. cohorts, I don't know, but I didn't notice any particular skew. There is one person older than me and a couple more about 30, I think. The cohort's pretty small and the rest are spread around in the mid to late 20s. The cohort before mine had an older average age. I think half of them were over 30 or 35. The gender ratio among grads was pretty even too, which is odd for the social sciences which tend to be heavily female biased. And about half of the cohort were minorities. Also, there was a good representation of individuals who grew up in non-elite environments, so, uh, we could keep the conversation "real" if you know what I'm talking about. I think that's the hardest thing for me frankly, when I'm in a class with a bunch of young, entitled, callous people. Well, that's all I'm going to say about that. There are a lot of non-traditional students at my current university so I don't feel strange about it.
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