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Everything posted by redikulus

  1. One year a long time ago, there were penguins who didn't wear hats when swimming. This made their mothers livid. "Unacceptable!" Frightened, they screamed, "Bears!" Nobody seemed convinced so instead of going swimming they tried juggling. Their mothers tried everything they thought would teach her a skill. However, she couldn't even make oatmeal without disastrous results. So, the penguins gathered money (obviously) trying to purchase a bear. Towering over them, a grizzly beast danced, devouring all bears with such ferocity that even God enjoyed it. Afterwards, God congratulated the penguins and applauded them. "You did it!" Suddenly, the grizzly beast started dancing vigorously. There was an acromantula nearby. It challenged the preconception that magical mushrooms were magical. Sparkling, the magical mushrooms were spreading throughout town. Nobody with pyromania thought grilled cheese would spontaneously erupt into nine identical squirrels! Nevertheless, the penguins elucidated the benefits of sparkling water from Iceland. Suddenly, Iceland exclaimed, "Enough!!! No more penguins. Kill all of the arcades on Monday because King Arthur suffered from sphenisciphobia." Tragically, everyone forgot lasers cure bug madness, meaning none of them stripped the violet beast of his powerful jaw bones. So while some arms spouted Kool-aid, others chopped nuts. This phenomenon halted commerce. Together twenty-five yellow dragons danced sporadically inebriating all anger gods, while academics drank champagne profusely. Who were they? Snotty undergrads eating free Tetrahydrocannabinol Chlorate. Homicidal kittens emerged from congressional hearings purring rhythmic improvised melodies, infuriating the associate professors who stripped them intermittently of
  2. Yeah, I guess not everyone heard that homeland security emergency revoked it or whatever last Saturday and airports reported they instantly went back to regular behavior, almost like, happily so.
  3. gum shoe
  4. One year a long time ago, there were penguins who didn't wear hats when swimming. This made their mothers livid. "Unacceptable!" Frightened, they screamed, "Bears!" Nobody seemed convinced so instead of going swimming they tried juggling. Their mothers tried everything they thought would teach her a skill. However, she couldn't even make oatmeal without disastrous results. So, the penguins gathered money (obviously) trying to purchase a bear. Towering over them, a grizzly beast danced, devouring all bears with such ferocity that even God enjoyed it. Afterwards, God congratulated the penguins and applauded them. "You did it!" Suddenly, the grizzly beast started dancing vigorously. There was an acromantula nearby. It challenged the preconception that magical mushrooms were magical. Sparkling, the magical mushrooms were spreading throughout town. Nobody with pyromania thought grilled cheese would spontaneously erupt into nine identical squirrels! Nevertheless, the penguins elucidated the benefits of sparkling water from Iceland. Suddenly, Iceland exclaimed, "Enough!!! No more penguins. Kill all of the arcades on Monday because King Arthur suffered from sphenisciphobia." Tragically, everyone forgot lasers cure bug madness, meaning none of them stripped the violet beast of his powerful jaw bones. So while some arms spouted Kool-aid, others chopped nuts. This phenomenon halted commerce. Together twenty-five yellow dragons danced sporadically inebriating all anger gods, while academics drank champagne profusely. Who were they? Snotty undergrads eating free Tetrahydrocannabinol Chlorate. Homicidal kittens emerged from congressional hearings purring rhythmic improvised melodies, infuriating the associate professors who stripped
  5. I've had professors offer me freelance work on projects. I've done some for them before so I know it's easy for me and pays enough to live on. My friends and I are also thinking about writing crappy porn fiction and selling it on the internet.
  6. Yeah, I guess I know some people like that too who are young, but like you said, they are poor and won't be going to college for a variety of issues related to that. So, they know how to take care of themselves, are good workers, and have a lot of common sense, but will never be in college unless they go late like I did. However, from experience, the typical college student is really frustrating to be around when you have real world skills, and now the college classes are being dumbed down to their level, it can be really boring at times.
  7. Isn't it funny? It's like we don't need to know that we have a good option available. It's that we want to know what the F we'll be doing in the future. Knowing we'll be okay isn't enough, which is just the weirdest to me.
  8. No. But in my shoes, I've seen acceptances posted and I've heard nothing, so that's worse. All that's left is a rejection. Or maybe I'm waitlisted and they don't want to tell me. Or maybe I'm in that last pile of "not as desirable" applicants. Also, a lot of people don't do interviews or only interview the one's they aren't 100% about. Then again, some schools only interview the people they are 99% sure about, just to double-check they aren't psychos in person. Ugh. It's non-uniform. You can't tell anything from not having heard anything yet.
  9. One year a long time ago, there were penguins who didn't wear hats when swimming. This made their mothers livid. "Unacceptable!" Frightened, they screamed, "Bears!" Nobody seemed convinced so instead of going swimming they tried juggling. Their mothers tried everything they thought would teach her a skill. However, she couldn't even make oatmeal without disastrous results. So, the penguins gathered money (obviously) trying to purchase a bear. Towering over them, a grizzly beast danced, devouring all bears with such ferocity that even God enjoyed it. Afterwards, God congratulated the penguins and applauded them. "You did it!" Suddenly, the grizzly beast started dancing vigorously. There was an acromantula nearby. It challenged the preconception that magical mushrooms were magical. Sparkling, the magical mushrooms were spreading throughout town. Nobody with pyromania thought grilled cheese would spontaneously erupt into nine identical squirrels! Nevertheless, the penguins elucidated the benefits of sparkling water from Iceland. Suddenly, Iceland exclaimed, "Enough!!! No more penguins. Kill all of the arcades on Monday because King Arthur suffered from sphenisciphobia." Tragically, everyone forgot lasers cure bug madness, meaning none of them stripped the violet beast of his powerful jaw bones. So while some arms spouted Kool-aid, others chopped nuts. This phenomenon halted commerce. Together twenty-five yellow dragons danced sporadically inebriating all anger gods, while academics drank champagne profusely. Who were they? Snotty undergrads eating free Tetrahydrocannabinol Chlorate. Homicidal kittens emerged from congressional hearings purring rhythmic improvised melodies, infuriating the
  10. I think I arranged mine as a way of freaking out less. I don't know. It's probably a psychological mechanism to distance myself from the pain of rejection.
  11. Actually, I have contingency plans, so I'm also not freaking about what the results are, it's just the not knowing that is driving me nuts. Bleh!
  12. store bought
  13. Yesterday I turned off my phone so I wouldn't even know if those jerks were calling me. I was trying to punish them for not calling me sooner. Also, I hate my inbox.
  14. On that note, I've noticed a lot of "college is necessary right after high school" propaganda-koolaid drinkers in the millennial population. And I feel kind of sorry for them. Because I really am glad I worked and supported myself for a while when I was younger and actually know how to navigate the work force, and get promoted for solely merit-based reasons. When I was younger, it seemed like there was less people who thought they were just entitled to a job, or entitled to a promotion based solely on some factor or other. That's a new thing and I feel sorry for the kids I'm in school with because they have no understanding of reality. Two people in my masters with me, a guy in his late twenties and a girl about 30, both complained that no one ever taught them how to do anything before they ended up in the world on their own. I guess the difference is that, as a gen-x-er, that experience happened when I was a teenager, so by the time I was their age, I was a pro at taking care of myself. That was normal for a lot of people my age. I get the sense parents "protect" their children now by not teaching them anything. I feel really bad for them.
  15. One year a long time ago, there were penguins who didn't wear hats when swimming. This made their mothers livid. "Unacceptable!" Frightened, they screamed, "Bears!" Nobody seemed convinced so instead of going swimming they tried juggling. Their mothers tried everything they thought would teach her a skill. However, she couldn't even make oatmeal without disastrous results. So, the penguins gathered money (obviously) trying to purchase a bear. Towering over them, a grizzly beast danced, devouring all bears with such ferocity that even God enjoyed it. Afterwards, God congratulated the penguins and applauded them. "You did it!" Suddenly, the grizzly beast started dancing vigorously. There was an acromantula nearby. It challenged the preconception that magical mushrooms were magical. Sparkling, the magical mushrooms were spreading throughout town. Nobody with pyromania thought grilled cheese would spontaneously erupt into nine identical squirrels! Nevertheless, the penguins elucidated the benefits of sparkling water from Iceland. Suddenly, Iceland exclaimed, "Enough!!! No more penguins. Kill all of the arcades on Monday because King Arthur suffered from sphenisciphobia." Tragically, everyone forgot lasers cure bug madness, meaning none of them stripped the violet beast of his powerful jaw bones. So while some arms spouted Kool-aid, others chopped nuts. This phenomenon halted commerce. Together twenty-five yellow dragons danced sporadically inebriating all anger gods, while academics drank champagne profusely. Who were they? Snotty undergrads eating free Tetrahydrocannabinol Chlorate. Homicidal kittens emerged from congressional hearings
  16. Department Head
  17. wonder wall
  18. One year a long time ago, there were penguins who didn't wear hats when swimming. This made their mothers livid. "Unacceptable!" Frightened, they screamed, "Bears!" Nobody seemed convinced so instead of going swimming they tried juggling. Their mothers tried everything they thought would teach her a skill. However, she couldn't even make oatmeal without disastrous results. So, the penguins gathered money (obviously) trying to purchase a bear. Towering over them, a grizzly beast danced, devouring all bears with such ferocity that even God enjoyed it. Afterwards, God congratulated the penguins and applauded them. "You did it!" Suddenly, the grizzly beast started dancing vigorously. There was an acromantula nearby. It challenged the preconception that magical mushrooms were magical. Sparkling, the magical mushrooms were spreading throughout town. Nobody with pyromania thought grilled cheese would spontaneously erupt into nine identical squirrels! Nevertheless, the penguins elucidated the benefits of sparkling water from Iceland. Suddenly, Iceland exclaimed, "Enough!!! No more penguins. Kill all of the arcades on Monday because King Arthur suffered from sphenisciphobia." Tragically, everyone forgot lasers cure bug madness, meaning none of them stripped the violet beast of his powerful jaw bones. So while some arms spouted Kool-aid, others chopped nuts. This phenomenon halted commerce. Together twenty-five yellow dragons danced sporadically inebriating all anger gods, while academics drank champagne profusely. Who were they? Snotty undergrads eating free Tetrahydrocannabinol Chlorate. Homicidal kittens
  19. cat burglar
  20. enter web
  21. One year a long time ago, there were penguins who didn't wear hats when swimming. This made their mothers livid. "Unacceptable!" Frightened, they screamed, "Bears!" Nobody seemed convinced so instead of going swimming they tried juggling. Their mothers tried everything they thought would teach her a skill. However, she couldn't even make oatmeal without disastrous results. So, the penguins gathered money (obviously) trying to purchase a bear. Towering over them, a grizzly beast danced, devouring all bears with such ferocity that even God enjoyed it. Afterwards, God congratulated the penguins and applauded them. "You did it!" Suddenly, the grizzly beast started dancing vigorously. There was an acromantula nearby. It challenged the preconception that magical mushrooms were magical. Sparkling, the magical mushrooms were spreading throughout town. Nobody with pyromania thought grilled cheese would spontaneously erupt into nine identical squirrels! Nevertheless, the penguins elucidated the benefits of sparkling water from Iceland. Suddenly, Iceland exclaimed, "Enough!!! No more penguins. Kill all of the arcades on Monday because King Arthur suffered from sphenisciphobia." Tragically, everyone forgot lasers cure bug madness, meaning none of them stripped the violet beast of his powerful jaw bones. So while some arms spouted Kool-aid, others chopped nuts. This phenomenon halted commerce. Together twenty-five yellow dragons danced sporadically inebriating all anger gods, while academics drank champagne profusely. Who were they? Snotty undergrads eating
  22. When I go to check my email, I estimate the probability of something new having arrived from a prospective university: 12:00am; 5% Highly unlikely, but still not zero 1:00am; 3% Less likely than midnight, but some professors are burning the midnight oil 2:00am; 5% My poor math deduces that if they are awake in the middle of the night, 2am sounds like a good time to email me after all. Check email. 3:00am; 2% If they were going to email in the middle of the night, they probably would have done so already 4:00am; 7% Some professors are cray-cray morning people after all 5:00am; 12% Better time for a morning person to consider it appropriately late enough to send an email out without seeming strange 6:00am; 12% Some of the early morning folks may have gone for a jog first and then had a snack or walked their dog and are only now getting to their email 7:00am; 15% Before leaving for work, someone may wrap up a few pending tasks, like sending me an email 8:00am; 25% First thing in the morning when getting to the office, a fantastic time to both accept and reject someone 9:00am; 20% A slightly less acceptable time to accept someone, but still perfectly acceptable for a rejection 10:00am; 25% An email after a brief meeting to finish making those final applicant decisions 11:00am; 20% They may send me something during a late morning meeting, from their phone, while ignoring the speaker, and acting like they are doing important business on their phone 12:00pm; 20% Right before lunch, they send out some satisfying emails that have been weighing on them, so they can go out to lunch satisfied 1:00pm; 6% The back from lunch now, forgotten email, rush send they intended to send during the morning and have recollected only now that they are well fed 2:00pm; 20% Final decisions were made after a long lunch meeting where some fights broke out and coffee was thrown 3:00pm; 15% After-lunch meeting closes calmly with no thrown coffee, applicants decided 4:00pm; 10% Private meetings in dark corners bring final decisions to a close in the late afternoon 5:00pm; 15% They save the feel-good happy acceptance email message for the end of the day 6:00pm; 20% "Oh crap, I totally forgot to send those acceptance emails" -on the way out the door 7:00pm; 12% Professor arrives at home, "Oh crap, I totally forgot to send those acceptance emails." 8:00pm; 10% Over dinner, "Oh crap, I totally forgot to send those acceptance emails." 9:00pm; 6% Late night fighting continued over final applicant decisions in office overtime. Pizza was thrown. It wasn't whether or not to accept me, but who got to have me. Rawr. 10:00pm; 10% The meeting transitioned into primetime TV watching and over soothed nerves they finally decided to throw some dice 11:00pm; 8% The toughest of decisions was resolved by transforming applications into paper airplanes and competing for flying distance Note: These numbers do not add up to 100%
  23. Yeah... I would probably reject an applicant just for having their dad contact me. But I don't know how committees actually respond to that. I know I've heard a few professors tell stories about how annoyed they get when parents call or email them. They definitely get a really negative view of the student's maturity level when that happens. I mean, they might suppose that anytime something doesn't go your way during the program, they're going to have to deal with your dad about it or something. Internal locus of control is one of the big things they want in graduate students, so yeah, if it were me, I would just assume I was already rejected. I would be too embarrassed to even apologize to them, honestly. And I would slap my dad.
  24. As far as I know, you have a much better chance of co-authoring (your alleged goal) if you are on the RA-ship because you will be required to accomplish your claimed goal and get paid for it at the same time. Just taking the courses required for your program won't guarantee you publication, but you will be much more likely to get one if you are on an RA-ship. That's because you will either be on a research team or helping a professor out, either way, usually you get associated with the publication. I've gotten four publications just this semester, due to my RA-ship. Also, having an RA-ship alone, regardless of publication, will help you get into a PhD. Your request is a strange one, grasshopper.
  25. I agree. I was really confused by it as well. Since I got shut out that year, it was my last thread of hope too. So that really blew.
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