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Everything posted by Xndr

  1. Xndr

    RCA vs Goldsmiths

    I also interviewed at RCA and Goldsmiths. The major advantage at Goldsmiths as I see it is space to work. The RCA is cramped for space, but it also depends on the department and program you applied to. I can give you some info about the facilities tour I took at both if you're interested. Which program were you accepted into? For me, I'm going with the RCA. The program there is more specifically related to my work and I feel that I have a lot to gain by working with the head professor. My interview with them was challenging but in a positive way that was meant to question my methods of working and understand my motives better. When I interviewed at Goldsmiths, one of the tutors took the stance of belittling to challenge the work. Equating one of my projects to a completely unrelated thing he did in grade school, and even mocking the pronunciation of my name. I left having stood up for my self and work, but ultimately having a bad taste in my mouth about the program. They do have great resources and facilities and most of the students I encountered seemed involved and challenged. I wanted to love it, but I didn't. Talking with Londoners about the schools, it's a mixed bag on which is the better choice. RCA is generally more prestigious, and Goldsmiths is seen as highly conceptual. Both are great options to choose from. Good luck on your choice! As for RCA vs RISD, I think that's a more complex question. It depends on what you're wanting out of your experience. At RISD you definitely get more dedicated space, as a personal studio is standard practice in the states. Providence vs London is really incomparable, but it is also important to question whether you want to leave with more connections in London and Europe or the U.S. The MA from RCA is internationally recognized so that shouldn't worry you.
  2. I received my Royal College of Art acceptance last night!!! This is my first choice school, and I'm crazy excited. I had thought for sure I was rejected because the administrator had told me the results would come out in 1-2 weeks, and I had waited a month. Congrats to other's offers as well! Anyone else planning on RCA? I'm still excited to see Goldsmiths as well. There are some notable advantages they have, namely dedicated studio space. At the RCA you basically get a desk and small square of space... but the facilities are top notch none the less, and the tutors seem wonderful. So: RCA: Interview 2/7 Acceptance 3/3 Goldsmiths: Interview 3/16 UCI: Assumed Rejection
  3. I'm curious why they have you paying the international rate... on the website for Goldsmiths it said EU residents pay 9550. Did they mention why? How was your interview with them? I have an interview there on the 16th!
  4. Since each department conducts their own interviews, I'm sure yours will be different than mine (I interviewed in Contemporary Art Practice), however, all interviews can benefit from adequate preparation and self-care to calm your nerves. I found the thread about interviews to be really helpful, and I spent some time writing out answers to questions I knew would be important ie. talking in depth about my work, my influences/artists I love, concepts that inspire me, what I'm currently working on, why I choose this school/program/location. During my interview, we only talked about the work that was in my portfolio and just a quick note on what I am working on now. Also make sure to come in with some good and specific questions for your interviewer. Otherwise, just try not to let your nerves get the best of you! (I'm a hypocrite for this one of course) Also, ask if you can set up a tour of the facilities before your interview. I did this and it really helped to calm my nerves and make the place less intimidating. Good luck! We should meet for a coffee if you're there the 15th.
  5. Still waiting in anticipation for the final call from RCA after my interview two weeks ago, but I got an email from Goldsmiths for an interview on March 16th! Will anyone else be there? Their email was really clear about the interview process and questions (discuss one piece in your portfolio, why did you choose Goldsmiths, and questions you have for them), so I'm much less nervous than for RCA.
  6. They did that to me too since I was out of the country but I called and told them it was important for me to do it in person since it is such a big decision. I've been told by professors on admissions committees that it could show a greater degree of commitment. However, I am currently in Europe, so the price wasn't as much of a hindrance, but you do have a say in the matter!
  7. I applied to RCA Contemporary Art Practice in Critical Practice. It's my understanding that the departments run on different timelines, so I wouldn't worry about the staggered timing. Are you doing an in person or skype interview?
  8. I attended Brandeis' Post Bacc many years ago and would recommend the experience. They are really intensive, give great space, have dedicated professors, and bring in some notable visiting artists. I believe they also give scholarships, so I'd check it out (Especially if you're a painter).
  9. Hi all, First-time in the freak out forum here. Has anyone heard from UCIrvine yet?? I applied to RCA, Goldsmiths, and UCI. Interviewed last week at RCA and am waiting for the final call... my stomach is in knots! Good luck and congrats to those accepted!
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