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  1. Rejected! Was expecting it, so nothing of a surprise. Excited for GMU though! They've been extremely helpful and couldn't be more grateful to have been accepted there. Congratulations @coldbrew5! Happy to hear. Hope the best for you! (Here we are laughing at how worried we were. Haha)
  2. I spoke directly with SSP Admissions. They were pretty blunt and straightforward about it, but I don't blame them! I bet they get a lot of people asking everyday.
  3. No I did not. But congrats on getting accepted there! Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I spoke with admissions yesterday and was told first week of April. But I'm really hoping for @coldbrew5's timeframe!
  4. Got a hold of admissions today and can confirm - decisions will be released by first week of April.
  5. Program/Institution: Georgetown SSP Interests: National Security, Technology Undergrad Institution: Cal U Undergraduate Major: BA in Arabic Language and Culture Undergraduate GPA: 4.0 GRE: 150V, 145Q, 3.0AW (Embarrassing! Took it right when I got back from deployment. Had no chance to re-take. Bummer) Age: 24 Years of Work Experience: Military - 6 years total; 4 years in the Intelligence Community/Special Operations; One deployment; Study-abroad in Morocco Languages: Native Spanish, Fluent Arabic (Modern Standard Arabic), Beginner Levantine Dialect LORs: 1 - Professor at Defense Language Institute who I'm still in contact with (Military Language school that I attended to learn Arabic) 2 - Professor during my undergrad who I worked closely with 3 - Supervisor/Manager (in civilian terms) during my time working in the Intel community 1 & 3 sent me a copy after they submitted and I was blown away by both. They knew me both on a professional and personal level, which is why I chose them instead of some commander who didn't know me at all. Concerns: Obviously the low GRE scores. I'll admit, I wasn't as prepared as I should have been when preparing to apply. Just a mix of the op-tempo at work and other obligations made it difficult but still shouldn't be an excuse. I've seen other people in similar situations with stellar backgrounds/scores, so kudos to you! Luckily I was accepted into another program in NOVA, Georgetown was just a long shot. I'll be happy regardless of the outcome! Appreciate any feedback! Don't mind if you're straight with me. In fact, I'd prefer that. Ha!
  6. Thank you! And I feel you on that one! SSP has been my dream school for a long time and it would have been SSP or bust for me too but I'm getting out of the military in a couple months, so I had to get real and have something lined up immediately after. Hope we can come back in a couple days and laugh at how worried we were!
  7. Yes I agree! I had a "safety net" school I already got into (George Mason) and I only have until the end of this month to accept or decline. Georgetown better not let me down! Better they tell me I'm rejected sooner than later. It was a long shot! Haha
  8. Yes! Holy cow! So much pressure! How long ago did you contact Admissions??
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