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Everything posted by Investigate311

  1. HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHA FRIENDS IT GETS BETTER. Downed an adderall and an espresso to get some work done today then as soon as it hit I got my 11K funding offer from Carleton MPPA. Best feeling ever. Cheers Fingers crossed for the rest.
  2. Hey, I was curious as to if you got any funding from the MPPGA? I was going to apply but thought it was a bit of a cash cow program for being such a new school at UBC.
  3. Any idea about access to NPSIA resources and courses as MPPA electives? I'm planning on hounding the MPPA folks tomorrow with a call, but have similar concerns about the program's limitations. A lot of what I've read is that its focus is Indigenous policy, which is rad if that's your thing, but unfortunately it's not my thing.
  4. Congrats Hopefully I'll see you there in the Fall! I was wondering when your app status changed from incomplete?
  5. Hey, I was wondering if you were offered any sort of funding? I'm jut curious as to get a better sense of what's out there.
  6. Hola fellow punk ass refresh-pushing policy junkies. Wish I had found the 2017 thread sooner. Undergrad at Queen's; poli sci maj, development minor. Heaps of international internships, volunteer, and work. Had an FSWEP with the DND one summer. Currently finishing up a grad diploma in PR at McGill. Did an exchange year in Finland. First two years of uni were poor grade-wise while the last two and the grad diploma are A- territory. From what I understand, McGill is opening a school of policy studies aimed for a 2018 intake... too bad the timing is off because Montreal is unreaaaaaal. I applied to: UVic's MPA; Status: Under review by department - sounds whack but they have a fantastic relationship with the fed gov't, and you can rig your Masters to have up to 4 paid co-ops. On one hand, if you need 4 co-ops, you're doing something wrong, but on the other, it gives you diverse exposure to different departments whether it's ISED or DFATD, or anything in-between. PLUS they're paid <3 GSPIA; Status: Incomplete: I can't believe how bad their admin system is. I had to arrange transcripts from three Unis : / Carleton; MPPA: My file has said recommended for assessment for a week or two now. However, I'm regretting having not applied to the NPSIA. #Cestlavie. MUNK MGA: Under review for 2-3 weeks. U of T MPP: See above. Hertie School of Governance: Evaluation (yolo'ing for a scholarship to study in Berlin.
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