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Posts posted by AVSchilling1995

  1. 26 minutes ago, CBG321 said:

    Study super hard and retake your GRE!  That's really all you can do at this point, you can continue to maintain relationships with professors so your LORS aren't average too.  Maybe some lab work would help.  Good luck!

    I’m just not sure how much I can raise my Gre scores! But of course realistically my only options are to build experience or the Gre!

  2. So I recently graduated with my BA in Communication Disorders. Average Gpa (3.5), average Gre score (147 quant, 153 verbal and a 3 on writing). Tons of  volunteer experience with leadership positions. Conducted and kept up with research in Modified Barium studies under a professor. It’s looking like I’m taking a gap year but I’m not sure how to improve my application. Does anyone have any suggestions? I’m open to anything! Thank you!!  

  3. 1 hour ago, Ggslpa said:

    I'm an SLP assistant in a school district in Texas so in the the summer I plan on taking a graduate level class. I was told some programs accept up to 9 credits of graduate work even before you are accepted in to a program. Either way, I think it would help my GPA and show that I can get A's in graduate level course work.  I hope I don't have to tho.....

    How do you take graduate level classes without being accepted to a program? Is it in another field or do you just apply for them in your undergrad program? 

  4. I took a writing CD class at my school, and we literally only wrote our SOP's and resumes! The teacher in the past had served on admission committees so I want to say I've got decent SOP's lol 

    12 hours ago, Daniel998 said:

    That's a lot of schools! lol how are your SOPs coming along? It feels odd writing SOPs for out of state schools since I plan on working in California so idk if I'll be rejected out right if the AdCom feels that I will not stay and work in the state. I've researched counties that are Medically Underserved and have written that I have a predilection for serving these communities, but I have an inkling that they will see right through that.


  5. 41 minutes ago, SLPsingballs said:

    You GRE scores are almost the same as mine (154 V, 146 Q, and 4.0 AW), and I graduated with a cumulative GPA of 3.3 (but when I applied to schools, the cumulative GPA was a 3.1, and CSDCAS lowered it with their weird calculations to a 2.97).  BUT my CD GPA was a 4.0, and that REALLY helped me.  I applied to about 10 or 11 schools. I don't really remember as it seemed like an application frenzy.  In the end, I was accepted to Radford U, CSUN (where I did my undergrad), Western Washington U (where I'll be starting grad school this month), and Idaho State U.  I was waitlisted at a couple other schools too and rejected by several.  I spent a lot of time on ASHA searching for schools that I might have a chance with, and emailed them to see which ones focused more on cumulative GPA vs the GPA of the last 60 units.  (My last 60 GPA was about a 3.96).  Some didn't even look at me, which hurt, as the student I was 10 years ago is not the student I am today (hence the GPA difference).  I think that what helped me in the end was that I built up my application in other places.  I had a decent SOP and my LORs were pretty good too (I am assuming there).  My personality and passion shined through my writing, and because of that I am now getting ready for grad school.  Good luck!!  If you have time, it might help to try to raise your GRE (but if not, it might be good enough for some schools).  

    I really don't want to try and take the gre again. It burnt me out haha. But I've got tons of experience and I know I'll have amazing letters of rec and a bomb SOP. I've got a working list of 22 schools and I'm going to start touring the ones I can get to easily!

  6. On 7/22/2017 at 2:39 PM, AlwaysaFalcon said:

    Sure! I got into Sacred Heart University and Governors State University. I also had an interview at Samford University but was not accepted. I had interviews at all three schools and two out of the three I was accepted into. So I feel if you have interview you have a good chance and are able to shine in person!

    Thank you so much!!

  7. On 7/15/2017 at 6:12 PM, AlwaysaFalcon said:

    @plume great suggestions! I agree with everything that was said.

    @AVSchilling1995I had the same gpa and graduated with an undergraduate degree in Communication Disorders. I volunteered as a preschool assistant working with a special ed teacher an a integrated preschool. It was a great experience with different professions and I also got to observe the slp there! I also improved my gre slightly but honestly like what was said look at edfind and find the range of schools that fit your gpa. After 3 times applying for grad school I was accepted into 2 grad schools and waitlisted at 9 others! You can do this! Don't give up! ?

    Do you mind me asking what schools you got in to! Thank you in advance! 

  8. 22 hours ago, AlwaysaFalcon said:

    @plume great suggestions! I agree with everything that was said.

    @AVSchilling1995I had the same gpa and graduated with an undergraduate degree in Communication Disorders. I volunteered as a preschool assistant working with a special ed teacher an a integrated preschool. It was a great experience with different professions and I also got to observe the slp there! I also improved my gre slightly but honestly like what was said look at edfind and find the range of schools that fit your gpa. After 3 times applying for grad school I was accepted into 2 grad schools and waitlisted at 9 others! You can do this! Don't give up! ?

    Thank you so much!!

  9. 7 minutes ago, plume said:

    And just to give you an idea: I am 28 and worked in unrelated fields immediately after college. I have a degree in English. I worked as a language therapist (kind of a mix between SLPA and behavioral therapist) in an excellent clinic for 2 years. I worked under professionals who are published and well-known in the field and they wrote my letters. It sounds like your experience is great!

    Applying to grad school is just stressing me out! Wanted to make sure I wasn't completely out of my mind thinking it might be possible! Sorry for all the questions! But thank you!!!

  10. 1 hour ago, plume said:

    I had a 3.3 when I applied. I was told that my GRE needed to be strong to counter it (I ended up getting 158V, 149Q scores, so my math wasn't good at all). However, I have been out of school a while so I had great LoRs and work experience. It sounds like you are setting yourself up to have great letters. I would focus on the GRE and make sure your personal statement is excellent (make sure to have it edited by may people and keep rewriting it!) I was accepted to 4 schools and wait listed at 2, so you can do it!!!

    Do you mind me asking what schools you applied to and where you got accepted? I'm working at two different clinics with clients that are also enrolled on campus but they have disabilities and fall in to ODS or Office of Disabilities Services. I'm a student mentor- therapist and do mainly social or behavioral therapy with them. 

  11. 11 minutes ago, Concordia said:

    If you've finished undergrad, take night classes in the field that interests you-- once you're sure that you're ready to take full advantage.

    Otherwise, do everything you can to make sure that 2 or 3 professors actually think well of your work and remember who you are.  That might mean office hours, research, more-than-minimum creativity on projects, etc.

    I'm already doing a few independent studies for teachers (aka working directly with them on their research) and those will be the teachers I ask for LOR, and no I haven't finished my undergrad yet but I am entering my senior year of undergrad. 

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