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Posts posted by ashley623

  1. Finally received some news back - acceptance to Louisville's MA program and placed on waitlist for funding. Kind of bittersweet because there's really no way I can go without the funding, and it's one of my top choices, so if you've been accepted with a GTAship and already know you won't be going, I would love if you would notify them! 

  2. It sounds like everyone on the boards is doing great this season! I just checked the results page from last year, and looks like Louisville (one of my top top choices) sent out MA acceptances during this week last year. The school fits my diverse interests including lit, rhet/comp, and creative writing so well, and every faculty member I've been in email communications with has been -extremely- friendly. Fingers crossed. 

  3. 3 minutes ago, a_sort_of_fractious_angel said:

    Hey! So I moved home after my MA and have been living with my rents for 2 years. We were always close during college/grad school and the living-home part has re-established some (awesome) bonds that we're now (starting) to talk about "extending" to wherever I move. If you want to chat about it, shoot me a PM!

    Thank you! I will take you up on that - warning, longgg ranty PM coming your way. 

  4. 7 minutes ago, Yanaka said:

    I’m sorry you feel that way. Could it be because you don’t know what’s going to happen as long as you don’t have an answer? 

    Unfortunately, I know that's not it. I've struggled with seemingly random bouts of depression in the past, so I think that's just it in addition to some non-grad school home life stressors going on right now. 

  5. I've been suffering with this quite a lot, and I haven't even heard back from any schools - I have a feeling if I get accepted somewhere and go to visit, it will be even more severe. My fears are less of what others think of me, and more about me totally not fitting in at all, not having an interest/understanding of classes, etc. I think, like a lot of things, imposter syndrome is something that gets easier with time after you matriculate into a program. 

    At least I'm hoping. :rolleyes:

  6. My undergrad institution was reallyyy small and we didn't have any sort of groups for bible study or anything of the like at all, so I'm hoping that will be different in grad school, or that I get sucked into a good local church with an active young adult group. If there's a graduate student association with meetups and whatnot, I would definitely be down for joining that as well. 

    Already, I practice pretty good self care in terms of staying exercise and cooking for myself, so I think the #1 thing when I move away from everyone I know will be to not become lonely and make some friends. 

  7. 10 minutes ago, mk-8 said:

    Maybe they have to rhetoric it out or something. You may have an even longer go at it because some programs notify MA acceptances after PhD! Some are the same though. 

    Ugh, I know. The wait is terrible! I'm adamant to visit any place I get accepted, and I want to start house shopping of course, so I'm impatient to say the least hahaha. 

  8. Here's my problem. I have a horse and a dog. The horse I board and the dog lives at home with me, my dad, my sister, my niece, and the other dog. Originally, I was going to take the dog and leave the horse for a little while. Then, my dad convinced me to leave the dog saying I would be very busy in grad school and it would be hard on the dog to separate from the other dog, and my dad promised he would bring my dog up if I decided I wanted him, so I agreed. But I just had surgery and have been recovering at my mom's house, and it's been a total sh*tshow with my dad taking care of my dog...he's kind of special needs, in a way. My mom convinced me to go ahead and just take my horse, so I'm doing that, and now I feel like I'm back to square one and having to take both! I'm just a little nervous about it, both with time and expenses. 

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