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  • Application Season
    2018 Fall
  • Program
    Composition and Rhetoric

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  1. I say give it until the end of the week (as hard as that is). This has happened to me with a couple of schools--they got in touch within 2-3 days.
  2. Me! I've been working in a writing center for two years. Before I get into why I love them, I will say I'd consider whether you will get any TA experience at Denver, or if you'd be all writing center, all the time. I know that getting the instructor-of-record experience is important for getting an academic job later on, so do look into that for this position (I know that some are WC for one year, teach for 2 years, WC for the last year, etc, so you get both experiences). So, make sure you know what you'll need for a job search. WC work is usually 1-1 tutoring, although "tutoring" is not really the right word. It's 1-1 work on someone's writing, but you do your best to help them figure out what they want to say (rather than prescribing what to say, etc) by asking open-ended questions ("What do you notice in this paragraph?" "What are you trying to say?" "What are you most concerned about in this piece of writing?"). Ideally, you're helping them gain transferable skills that make them a better writer rather than just producing one piece of better writing, ya know? Personally, I feel I've become a much better writer because of my WC work--it's made me a more patient teacher, and it's also helped me focus my thoughts when I look at my own writing. Writing centers are also very progressive, open-minded places and tend to be very feminist in the underlying theory that drives them. (If Denver offers a writing center course, I'd recommend taking it!) It's also a less common experience that may help you stand out, especially if there's an opportunity to be in an admin spot in addition to tutoring. This is a super short explanation, so please ask or message me if you want more information!
  3. @canadianchart, I agree with this. My MA is at a school that doesn't even offer a single rhet/comp class, but I got into several rhet/comp PhD programs because my faculty supported my interests. They helped me with LORs, publications and presentations in other areas, and with opportunities like working in the writing center, etc, and I did an independent study in my area to help get some official looking courses on my transcripts. So if they don't have the exact interests as you, you can still make it work. Personally, I'd look more at the opportunities you'll have and how supportive they seem to be
  4. Michigan State's is this week! I'm super excited.
  5. Thanks! Mine was yesterday as well. I thought it went pretty well...it’ll just depend on what they’re looking for i guess. Good luck to you guys as well!
  6. It took OSU about 3 days to email me after the acceptance went up on the portal, if that helps.
  7. I got in to Miami as well!
  8. Good to know, thank you! ...I actually think I received the email exactly 24 hours after you... This is too much precision for me to handle! I haven't been watching this thread super closely--have you been accepted to other programs yet?
  9. Thanks for everyone's input on the pet thing! Those are some really good points, especially about having continuous blocks of time. Mostly, I am thinking 1) I love dogs!, and 2) wherever I go, I'm going to be completely alone and at minimum 6 hours away from my family and most of my loved ones (not that I won't make friends, but, you know). It feels like it might be the right time. That said, I am nervous about making sure I have enough time to care for any animal. Also, I have a strict "no puppies" rule. I want to adopt, so I'd be looking at dogs that are at least a few years old. I know for sure I wouldn't have the time to train a brand new lil guy!
  10. I would email the program director or whoever set up the visiting weekend and place to stay and ask if there is any funding available to cover transportation. I straight up have begun to ask programs "What funding is available?" and at most places I've been told there is some (MSU paid for everything, OSU and UNL covered a portion of the cost). One school did flat out say that they didn't offer funding, but it wasn't awkward. They understand that funding is a big part of this. Edit: I will also add that one school didn't mention funding until I specifically asked, and then they did provide some. So asking is always in your favor, in my opinion.
  11. Congrats!! So excited for you! My mentor went to Miami and absolutely loved it there (his only gripe was Oxford itself). I'm still waiting for my Miami portal to update!
  12. please explain "don't get a dog" my soul is dying I NEED a dog!!
  13. So glad others understand what I mean here! I mean, the good side of it (for me) is that it has made me insanely aware of name spelling. Like, if your name is any official directory anywhere, I will NEVER spell it wrong in an email, EVER. One time, my mom’s employer (a large corporation) mispelled her name on a plaque thanking her for 25 years of service. The worst part is that she is a proofreader for the company.
  14. Got accepted into Urbana-Champaign for the English-Writing PhD but they...they spelled my name wrong on the official acceptance letter. (This happens to me enough that I’m actually sort of pissed about it. It might be petty, but it’s also...my name? Which is in my email address and all over the application I paid $100 to submit???)
  15. Also received the same email this morning. I wish they’d just email when a decision is up—I was feeling pretty calm about it but now I’m going to be checking all the time.
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