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About senorbrightside

  • Birthday December 12

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  • Gender
  • Pronouns
    he, his, him
  • Interests
    20th and 21st Century Peninsular/Iberian literature and film
  • Program
    Spanish (Peninsular literature) Ph.D

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  1. I'll be headed to Nebraska-Lincoln, but I am extremely worried about how conservative the state is. Bloomington is a nice little progressive town in a sea of conservatism, and Indianapolis is close if you ever need a big-city getaway. Hope you hear back about the funding from UIC soon!
  2. Queer male here...anyone know how Lincoln, Nebraska is? I know NE is pretty conservative, but does that go for the capital too? I'm weighing a UNL offer of admission. Thanks!
  3. I'm also having some anxiety deciding. Option 1 is an amazing university in a city I love and would be more prestigious and give me a hands up on the job market, good fit. Option 2 has a fantastic faculty with an even better fit that seems VERY supportive and really wants me...but isn't ranked as high and in a place I really don't want to live. Option 1 wants to know by Friday, but they appear to be a part of the council schools, but I don't know if they're on the April 15th agreement or not.
  4. I was recently admitted to UNL, and I'd like to know more about what living in Lincoln and Nebraska are like. I'm a bit worried as a queer male with very progressive views. Also, not that grad school gives us free time, but are there any hiking places nearby? Finally, as it's been a while, where are the good places and places to avoid for living? I would prefer no roommates as I'm a bit older (I turn 40 in December) and would like to have a dog too. Thanks for any tips, advice or help in advance!
  5. So McGill has now offered funding! I'm pretty torn between Nebraska and McGill now...but I love having a choice to make when I had convinced myself I wouldn't get any offers WITH funding. Espero que todxs estén recibiendo buenas noticas esta semana.
  6. So today got an acceptance from Nebraska, although NO word on funding yet *and* news that I could defer my McGill acceptance so I could apply for external funding that has deadlines in December/January. Even if the funding doesn't work out at either place I'm feeling a lot better about things. Estoy emocionado.
  7. Congrats! I went to undergrad at UK (in the 2000s, showing my age *hides*) as journalism/Spanish double major. I can answer questions about Lexington though if you have any!
  8. Rejection from Toronto. Two pending, one wait list, two acceptances without funding and two official rejections so far...
  9. @Angela MerkelHe recibido este mismo email. Aunque aprecio el gesto, también estoy harto de esperar....para ser sincero Nebraska ni estaba en mi radar hasta que una profesora me lo recomendó porque encajo bien con un profe allí (y es verdad, estaría genial trabajar con él) y también porqué "no reciben muchas solicitudes." Jajajaja. Bueno... Creo que no voy a recibir ninguna oferta con funding dos años seguidos.
  10. Pues...McGill me han dicho que hay pocas oportunidades para funding. They said I have to secure all funds for tuition and living in Montreal myself and I should reject the offer if unable to do so. In humanities an acceptance without funding is pretty much the same as a rejection, so my 24 hours of happiness has already come crashing down.
  11. ¡Tengo novedades! Accepted to McGill, but without funding attached. I'm emailing the DGS today to ask about funding opportunities and how to apply for it. It's my first choice, but without funding...no puedo No estoy loco. And I saw someone had been wait listed at Penn State so I emailed them myself...también lista de espera. I was expecting a quick rejection from them, so being waitlisted was actually a pleasant surprise.
  12. Champaign-Urbana's winters aren't too bad for being the midwest, but I grew up in the snow belt of Ohio. Last week's 10-inch snowstorm was the most snow they had seen in a single snowfall in about 8 years. It can get cold (this February has been exceptionally cold), but it's nothing like Chicago's winters. If you're coming from the south, then it will take some getting used to though. UIUC is definitely strong in linguistics. I'm so happy for you!
  13. ¡Enhorabuena! I did my MA there so let me know if you have any questions...I know more about lit than linguistics though. It's a great program
  14. Story of my life. In other news, Campus Rec decided to put me back on their mailing list this week after no mails for two months...my heart skipped a beat at seeing a new email notification...only to be "This Week at Campus Rec..." Ojalá...ojalá. @ConejitaI thought refreshing my email would make the decisions come faster ?
  15. ¡Enhorabuena! My advisor from undergrad basically told me when I was considering applying to Michigan that "if I get in, GO." I didn't end up applying because I didn't feel a real match despite various professors I admire being there. Granted there are other factors, like Angela Merkel and presidentialpudding said, but an acceptance to Michigan is a HUGE thing as it's so hard to get into.
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