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Posts posted by hfj23

  1. 14 hours ago, AspiringGC said:

    Lots of updates on more upcoming programs here:

    https://med.ucf.edu/news/new-genetic-counseling-program-moving-forward/ (noted a desire to have first class start fall 2018, which is unlikely with new process unless all second match?)

    https://geneticcounseling.uconn.edu/ (not accepting apps and will have a summer start date)

    https://www.unmc.edu/news.cfm?match=20759 (starting w/ 10 students with intent to have a class of 20 thereafter, hasn't even found a program director)

    https://news.vanderbilt.edu/2017/12/11/vanderbilt-university-school-of-medicine-to-offer-new-masters-degree-in-genetic-counseling/ (first class expected fall 2019, director may not be a genetic counselor?) 
    This little blurb made me feel a little worse about my chances of getting in "There are upward of 25 highly qualified applicants for each existing position, so we are turning away really good people in a field that desperately needs them.” Lol so a 4% chance of getting in even as a qualified applicant... if we look at it like that (and who knows where that number came from). 


    This is so exciting! I like how UCONN already has a webpage with all their pre-reqs and rotation sites (which look amazing!!). I know that new schools being added doesn't mean we have a higher chance of getting in, because it means more people will be applying overall, but it's nice to have more options. Tbh if I don't get in this cycle I will be really anxious because I have a feeling it is getting more and more competitive as time goes on. I'm definitely jealous of the people who got in years ago when not that many people knew about this field lol 

  2. 25 minutes ago, NewAtThis said:

    Sorry, I'm just clarifying. Your UM friend account said it was received two days ago? or your e-transcript exchange says that they received it?
    They definitely go in order of when they received it. When I called last month, they said they were working on transcripts received on Dec 13th and would be onto December 15th on a later date...etc.

    The UM friend account shows that it was received 2 days ago! I sent an e-transcript back in October and it was never retrieved and neither was the one I sent in December so maybe they don't retrieve it and just forward it to the department?

  3. 22 minutes ago, NewAtThis said:

    I mailed in a transcript to Michigan back in November. Then panicked about it going to the wrong school, so I sent an e-transcript on December 15th. I received confirmation from the e-transcript delivery service that the transcript was retrieved on December 21. But my UM friend account still shows that they haven't received my transcript. I called and they said they were backlogged. But that's pretty far backlogged... I just get worried that I sent it to the wrong email address or something.

    Did anyone send in a transcript later and have confirmation that UM received it?

    I swear, if I have to do this again, I will send in my transcripts in September. New Years resolution.

    I sent an e-transcript in late December (after my fall semester ended) and it says they received it 2 days ago. I forget if we were actually supposed to send official community college transcripts to Michigan or not but I did send one a long time ago and it says not received... but idk if it was even required to send it? If it's free maybe you can send an e-transcript again? Honestly thats the way to go because its just an email and it will come up as one of their more recent ones so they might be more likely to open it. Also keep in mind that the university was closed over winter break so they just started looking at stuff Tuesday! 

  4. 1 hour ago, Blizzard said:

    Congrats to you! 

    I don't know if this makes me feel better or worse--I submitted my application before December 1st, but I got an email last week saying my application was still "incomplete" (FALSE--they had all my transcripts, the grad admissions office just hadn't marked it in the system!) which wasn't resolved until I called Monday. Probably just shot myself in the foot really good for a chance at an interview.


    I figure they probably interview 40. I also am going to take a wild ballpark guess and say that only maybe 25% of applicants know about this forum and are reporting their results on the spreadsheet. So if that's the case, they probably called 16 or so people yesterday for interview invitations. That leaves everyone else left for the second string round of calls 24 spots. 

    I actually had a similar problem, like I checked buckeyelink and they were saying they hadn't received my community college transcript even though I had sent it months ago so I emailed them around the end of November to check and they removed it from the to do list the next day! I have a feeling they're just swamped with stuff in grad admissions. That sucks that it took you out of the running for 12/1 though, just bc they didn't check /: 

    Where are you getting the number 40 from? Is that how many they interviewed last year or is that how many people schools usually interview? 

  5. 2 hours ago, NewAtThis said:

    Also, it has been a long time since I have applied to schools. Should I be applying to FAFSA before even knowing if I am getting an interview? Is there a "pending acceptance" status or something? I just don't want to fill out my FAFSA in May when all the money has been given away.

    Yes I've already applied for FAFSA and added all 10 schools i'm applying to. Although I don't think MS students receive any good financial aid anyways, probably just loans /: 

  6. 1 hour ago, AspiringGC said:

    Looks like someone just posted that they did get a call from them today.. Not sure if that was you or someone else, but you definitely still have time as they invited people to interviews in February as well. 

    Not me :( I wish though!! Last year they seemed to have started on 12/16 so I've been staring at my phone. February seems so far away  /:

    9 minutes ago, Rosie414 said:

    Just out of curiosity, where did you look to see if anyone had gotten a call from OSU?

    Results tab at the top of this page, and you can just search for genetic counseling 

  7. 53 minutes ago, kbs12 said:

    Just to clarify, is it expected we submit fall 2017 transcript updates to all schools? This past semester wasn't the best for me, and I totally understand if that's the expectation, but also am worried about these grades and I wouldn't want to send them if I didn't have to  :\ 


    I submitted my apps to OSU and CWRU w/o the transcript from this semester and they haven't asked for it yet but Indiana U has, so it depends on the school I think. Like what AspiringGC said, you'll definitely need to submit it if there are any pre-reqs but if not you can probably hurry up and submit it before the semester ends lol. I'm in the opposite situation because I'm doing well and so I'm waiting for the semester to end before submitting my remaining apps and sending the transcript. 

    On an unrelated note..according to the results from last year OSU started calling people for interviews around this time and I'm sad I haven't been called yet. Has anyone who applied for the 12/1 deadline heard anything? 

  8. 7 hours ago, Brifeir said:

    Quick question: for those who already submitted apps but need to submit their fall 2017 transcripts- how are you going about to do so? Any info on Boston U, Brandeis, Indiana U, Mt Sinai, Arcadia, UTHealt, or VCU would be great. Should I just email each school and see what they prefer?

    IU should send you an email saying what to do (they send this form thing and it says to send the transcript after the semester ends and email the unofficial one  to that person). VCU you can probs just mail it in whenever since the deadline isn't till next month. I can't speak on the other schools though since I'm not applying to them

  9. 7 hours ago, CdnGC123 said:

    Should I put my pre-req courses and GRE scores on every CV or only the one's that require it? I don;t want it to go over 2 pages :/

    Depends on the school. When I asked the associate director at Michigan she said most applicants kept their CVs 2 pages max. Michigan also said that they would be looking over our transcripts very carefully, so putting pre-reqs on the CV was kind of repetitive. Same with GRE scores. But as stated above, some programs are probably okay with it. If you feel really unsure about what a school wants, I think you should email them as most seem open to that! (Except Wisconsin, she told us to not email her lol) .

  10. 14 minutes ago, Blizzard said:

    Is anyone else having a heck of a time trying to get ahold of Indiana? I really wanted to apply there, but I've been calling them for the last week to see if i can submit just unofficial transcripts (they have that Dec. 15th deadline) since my official won't make it in time at this point, and no one will answer, or it transfers to the main line and no one seems to know who I should talk to. I left a voicemail with the director, but haven't heard anything.

    Indiana U or state? I submitted my application to Indiana U already and got an email soon after on what materials they had from me and what they were expecting, and since i'm still in school, they said I should send my transcript once the semester ended (12/20ish). They also say to reply to the email if they should anticipate anything from you. So I think if you submit your app and reply to that email about how they can expect your transcript soon, you should be fine!

     If you haven't already submitted your app for IU you may be in trouble though because they don't send out LoR requests until you submit the app unless you've already discussed that with your recommenders. Just a heads up in case you didn't know!

  11. 2 hours ago, slb25 said:

    Hi all,

    I am a re-applicant this year.  I will only be applying to University of Cincinnati.  It would be nice to be able to apply to a lot of school but with a family relocation is out of the question.  I've done a lot in the last year to strengthen my application and have high hopes :)  I also and taking the cardiovascular genetics course they offer online (about halfway finished).  Is anyone else here applying to UC? Also, I am a bit older as worked after undergrad and started a family.  I have two kids (11 & 7).  Does anyone else have children?  I've started my application and pretty much have everything submitted besides my CV and personal statement.  They are done however I want to wait and see if I want to change anything before I officially submit LOL.  I plan on doing it before Christmas though that way I can stop being obsessed with it.  

    I agree the bio's can be intimidating!  Just remember they want diversity though so try to play up what you can bring to the table and how you are unique.

    I didn't get an interview last year which made me pretty bummed but I also know they got about 250 applications and only can take about 20% for interviews; out of that only 12 students are accepted (about 5% of applicants!!!).  Knowing this I really upped my game as far as hands on experience and shadowing goes.  Also, this is the first year both of my kids have been in school all day so I've had a lot more time on my hands to volunteer and get the additional experiences in.  

    Before applying last time I had a few years crisis counseling, specifically took Human Genetics and Biochem to enhance my understanding of genetics.  My background is Psychology and I do have research experience although qualitative.  I was on the "maybe" interview list.

    This year I started volunteering at 2 hospitals (adult cancer infusion & peds transplant unit), started job shadowing a gc, as well as attending genetic counseling information events at UC. 

    I also feel my personal statement is much more relaxed and shows more of my personality vs. trying to present myself as the perfect applicant.  

    Does anyone know with the match system if you only apply to one school if they can notify you early or will it still be in April?  Any feedback on the cardio class?  I know there is an exam but it's a lot of content and not all videos have sides you can print so its a lot of note taking!  I plan on studying my butt off to get an A I would imaging anything under a B wouldn't be good!!!

    Good luck everyone :) 

    I'm also applying to UC! I've talked to a current student who had nothing but good things to say about it so I'm hoping for an interview at least. The only thing I have left to do is the dreaded video essay <_< Also waiting for my semester to end so I can upload a transcript that shows my grades up till now.

    It sounds like you have a ton of experience and re-applicants seem to be looked upon favorably so I think you have a shot at getting an interview this time around! Good luck!! Also I think with the match program we are all notified on the exact same day regardless of the number of schools. Even the schools themselves won't know till April 27! 

  12. 12 hours ago, katiespencer said:

    Hey! Does anyone know what they are doing over the summer? I am worried since I won't know if I get into a program until April!

    I think the weakest part of my application is not having a lot of shadowing experience (only 3 days /:) so I'll probably work on that if I don't get in. Otherwise, both of the crisis line agencies I volunteer at are also shelters and are always hiring so I will probably try to get a job at one of those. I'll be graduating in April with a BS in Biology and the only type of job I can really get is doing research, which I already do and don't enjoy very much. Obviously, I'm really hoping to get in this time, which is why I'm applying to 10 schools! Hopefully I will at least get interviews, because I think feedback from those will help direct me on how to improve for next cycle. I really wish they would let us know earlier! It sucks bc I've already submitted my apps to the schools with earlier deadlines (like OSU, IU, CWRU) and won't even know about interviews till late january/early feb <_<

  13. 3 hours ago, skburz said:

    Definitely a hard question to answer as there are tons of variables in play, but does anyone have an idea of what percentage of all unique applicants get accepted into a program?


    2 hours ago, Nefelibata said:

    At the last two open houses/program informational meetings I was at I think I heard it's usually around 35% acceptance. But I don't know if that is for unique applicants or for all applications submitted. 

    According to data from 2010, 31.5% were accepted (230/731 unique applicants). But I feel like it's probably more competitive now, because more people are aware of the field. I remember at Wayne state's open house the director was saying we were the biggest group they'd ever had! There have been a couple more programs added though so maybe it's been balanced out

  14. 30 minutes ago, dc2588 said:

    Hey all!

    First time applicant here and I'm freaking out about this process. Can someone tell me how I can better my application besides doing crisis counseling (which I'm trying to line up)

    I graduated in biology 2017 with a cumulative GPA 3.5. I did 1 year of research with a professor and TA for physiology. I did the GC internship with Northwestern which is why I decided to apply to GC school. GRE scores 86 V  55Q.

    Currently, I'm taking biochem and statistics to fulfill prereqs but I'm very likely to get an F in biochem. If I don't get an F, it'll be a D.  What should I do about this biochem dilemma? Do most people pass in the first go-round? Btw, I'm applying to LIU Post, Mt. Sinai, Rutgers and Northwestern. 



    Are you applying this cycle? Because if so, I don't think your chances are great if you don't have the crisis counseling experience yet because I've heard that it's a really important component! I might be wrong but at both open houses I went to, they emphasized this (but the school you're applying to might be different, I went to Michigan and Wayne State's open houses). 

    As for biochem, I did do fine when I took it, but it was definitely a lot of work! Maybe you can take it at a community college or somewhere it might be easier? If I were you I would wait a year to get counseling experience and do better in biochem or I would apply to more schools to increase the chances of getting an interview! I'm also a first time applicant, but I see how competitive it is to get in /: I think your NW internship might help you a lot though! Good luck! 

  15. 2 hours ago, AspiringGC said:

    Looks like a great program! But I went through the FAQs and it looks like they don't offer scholarships, clinicals are offsite, and the personal statement can be max 500 words which doesn't even seem possible for me at this point so I'm going to pass on applying there which means you have 1 less competitor lol. Although it doesn't look like we're applying to any of the same schools anyways, but i was interested in Arizona. Thanks for putting the website here!

  16. 1 hour ago, lilmaz said:

    Just submitted all of my applications and it feels so good! (Bank account is hurting a little though...) Now for the hard part.....waiting :)

    Nice!!! I'm spreading mine out so it doesn't seem like I'm spending ~$700 at once lol. So far I've only submitted Ohio and Indiana and still waiting for one more LoR to be submitted /: Did Northwestern, Wisconsin, and VCU send you a confirmation email with the materials they've received so far? I'm not sure if they got my GRE scores but i know Indiana and Ohio told me what they had received when I submitted my apps so I'm just wondering 

  17. 10 hours ago, GCo.Hopeful said:

    I interviewed a couple of places last year and they just used the list to sort of gauge where they ranked in your mind compared to the others you listed. But I don't think it's required at all. Probably not as necessary this year with the match 


    5 hours ago, KG203040 said:

    In Sarah Lawrence's webinar they said it was used so they can see how they compare to the other schools you are applying to like if you are looking at all small schools or all schools that have rotations in the first year etc.  This may differ from program to program though.

    yeah...that definitely sounds like a trap. I don't want schools to think I'm indecisive/don't care about their school or anything because I'm applying to 10 lol and honestly I have almost no preference. I'm just trying to get in at this point! I just hate leaving part of the application blank but in this case I probably will.

  18. 13 hours ago, trp111 said:

    A couple of the schools I'm applying to have a section on the applications called "experiences," where we're meant to enter certain types of experiences, like research, employment, etc. Does anyone know if this is necessary to fill in even though they're requiring a CV? It's super repetitive, but I guess so is the "transcript entry" that some schools require. 

    Are you talking about the SOPHAS schools? I'm applying to Johns Hopkins through there and I emailed the director about that so I can let you know if thats the school you're applying to 

  19. 4 hours ago, lchurchi said:

    Some ask for you to list them like Northwestern, Wisconsin, and OSU, while most just look at your transcript.

    You mean we just list them on the application not on the CV right? Bc NW has that supplemental form and OSU has a spot to specifically enter them. So I'm not even putting pre reqs on my CV unless I hear otherwise..

  20. 2 hours ago, katiespencer said:

    Hey everyone!

    How are you guys listing classes on your CV, like prereqs? I was listing them out but it looks so bad...

    Are we supposed to list pre-reqs or does it depend on the school? Because when i asked the Michigan director about it she said we don't need to bc they will see our transcript

  21. 23 hours ago, GCBrittany said:

    Guys, help me out. I'm totally freaking out about the GRE. I've studied but I still feel unprepared. I dropped out of high school when I was younger, so I literally skipped high school math. When I went into undergrad, I took exams that got me into upper math classes and I went from there. But those easy formulas with lines and geometry I'm having a hard time remembering b/c I just didn't use them.

    Anyway, now that I've ranted... I'm just curious if your if experience with the GRE (if you've taken it) was good or bad, and if the practice tests were pretty close to the actual exam? Did you have to retake it?   Any advice? 


    The free GRE powerprep practice tests that you get when you register for it were most helpful in predicting my score but overall I did better on the real thing than on any practice test (i also took magoosh practice tests). I wouldn't call my experience good because I have major standardized test anxiety but I got the scores I wanted on my first try although I studied about 6-7 hours a day for it and memorized all of those geometry formulas by practicing a lot. Honestly once you get it over with you'll feel soooo much better so just work hard now and it will pay off! Good luck!! 

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