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  1. current painter at columbia mfa, class of 2020 Congrats to those who got in this year - wahoo!!! And those in the application process, man, i do not miss those days!! so much respect to all of you for applying and going through it for your dreams!!! @ those coming to Columbia -- tbh, If I were you, I'd come in Fall 2021, not this fall -- it's going to be a shit show this fall with school not knowing how to handle virus and plans. That being said, I did not log on here to shit on columbia. Actually - I am here to say THIS IS THE BEST SCHOOL, and it changed my life completely, I am so grateful to have put my $ here to become a better artist. AND a lot of us had the best time of our lives!!! Amazing professors, amazing critics. If you got in, come!!! Come in 2021, if you come this fall it may be a bit rocky, but still, COME!!! Faculty loves us, administration is the shit show, faculty are wonderful and all love. you will grow!! Sucks that we got facked over by the virus, but who isn't messed up by the virus right now? Gotta adapt and make-do. DM me on IG @susanmbchen if you have concerns/questions!! Rock on!!!
  2. Just got invite for RISD painting
  3. @jor SAIC takes about 25-30 MFA painting students, and about 15 Post-Baccalaureate. Accepted SAIC students also have the ability to defer enrollment for one year, so to start for Fall 2019 if they wanted to
  4. Go @Yetti! There is so much truth to your post. Find the school that is the best fit for you, where the professors care about you, versus the famous ones who's egos are so large they don't have time to get to know you.
  5. Thank you @Advice4MFA, we're really lucky to have you in the forum this year
  6. @Advice4MFA Thank you so much in advance for being so kind and generous with your help/advice. I hope when I'm in an MFA program one day, I can give back the same way as you. I am a painter and I have some questions: if I am applying to my dream program, and I do know alumni or students from there, how does meeting them help ~ what kind of conversations should I be having with them/what is the goal? I ask because simply conveying my strong interest for a school by speaking to their alum might not matter so much if they are not associated with or in contact with the admissions panel, right? The second question I have is... I was waitlisted at my dream school last year, so am reapplying. I think I bombed my interview. Is there anything you think I can do between now and January (when applications are due) to help make sure I get a second chance to interview this time round? With a new portfolio, should I re-submit 16 new works, or can 1-2 images in the portfolio be from the last application to help them jolt their memory that I have applied before? Finally, do you have any advice for how not to bomb an interview terribly, or how best to prepare? I realize there are so many questions here. Please feel free to answer any/just a few; I'm sure other applicants will find whatever advice you can offer so helpful too and thank you again
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