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Everything posted by lambda

  3. Interesting, i thought that the finalized budget only gave 1500? It would be great if there was 2000!
  4. I noticed the 2018 were down like maybe a week or 5 days ago
  5. Alright yall...last weekend to wait it out, presumably! Eat good food, hang out with friends, and take a bunch of deep breaths.
  6. Does anyone know if we can get comments? especially if we made it to the second round?
  8. I mean...it would be cruel to make us sit through another weekend but I can see that happening!! I feel like I can't focus on anything rn
  9. Website doesn't have a maintenance notice again....gargh. I just want to find out already.
  10. Thanks for trying! Guess it's just time to wait...
  11. Like ARO and other major offices, or by the BAA section? Was that made clear?
  12. Other people have called them and tbey have confirmed release is set for "early April" still.
  13. Ugh...good to know though.
  14. we can only hope...
  15. I haven't heard about my app either...hopefully that means it's by office and not that I got rejected!
  16. I haven't heard either way about my application...so maybe by office?
  17. Do the programs you want to apply to require the GRE? Can you figure out how much they weight the GRE scores? Mine did not weigh it very heavily.
  18. I am in the same boat with questions, but no answers...maybe we can talk them out on here though?
  19. lol nice, I was thinking about asking them as well. Guess I won't!
  20. I'm doing one as well as a hail mary! I am also nervous about the 3 page thing, because I couldn't find examples online of the 3 page one (I guess it started in 2018?).
  21. I’m extremely confused how you think 1) that working full time is 20 hr/wk (are you still taking courses?) and that 2) just because you’re funded you won’t need to work that much. You'll need to finish your PhD, right? You’ll need to accomplish work regardless. Also remember that the GRFP only covers a salary- you still eat up research costs. Also, you don’t need to keep doing the same project you proposed for GRFP... it’s to fund you, not a project. So don’t worry.
  22. Yeah, I’m a first year wondering if I should wait until next year...I figured it would be easier when you are settled into a lab (and not just starting a rotation)
  23. How can you put together a project as a first year that’s as good as a second year tho?
  24. First question...is there a significant advantage as a second year applicant? I am hesistant to apply as a second year, because everyone else in my program is doing that. But it’s hard to write a grant without finishing a rotation. Any input?
  25. Hey everyone, sorry if this exists...couldn’t find it via phone search. Maybe mobile is just bad. Thread for this year’s GRFP application!
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