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Posts posted by Tyedyedturtle91

  1. On 3/23/2018 at 1:51 PM, teb said:

    Got my rejection from the Guelph MFA this morning. Nooo diiice.

    Yeah, me too. I was pretty bummed about this one. I loved the sounds of their program. But the rejection email was very kind and genuine, which I appreciated. Now just waiting to be rejected by Boston University and Purdue, lol.

  2. 37 minutes ago, teb said:

    Are you referencing the one result on the Grad Cafe results page? That one looks weird to me. It's from mid-Feb and the way it talks about the program ("offered $27,500 in funding") doesn't really seem like the way the program works--there's the Constance Rooke scholarship, covering 2/3 of tuition, which all MFA candidates get, and then there are other merit- and need-based scholarships. So I'm just gonna assume that post is some sort of glitch and ignore it, hah.

    I applied for this program last year as well and didn't get in, but I didn't find out until early April, so I think we're still within the reasonable timeframe for responses. Good luck!!

    Yes, I believe that is what I saw! I also thought it seemed weird, but hey, maybe they got a killer additional scholarship, lol. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Hoping and praying it is a glitch! Fingers crossed. Good luck on your application!

  3. I think a better fit will benefit you academically and professionally in the long run, and that is likely the choice I would make. However, I, too, am a person who loves to be closer to home to be near my family. I currently live about eight hours away, and there are days I really hate the distance. But I have adapted to it. It really depends on what you value more and think will benefit you more down the road. If you will be absolutely miserable farther away and it will impact your mental health and studies, then choose the closer option. If you are just a little nervous about the change but think you can handle it, pick the better fit.

  4. On 3/17/2018 at 10:11 PM, Vivalabetsy said:

    Any word from Guelph yet?  I haven't heard a peep.

    No, radio silence. I emailed on March 6, asking if a status update were possible or if they knew the rough timeline. I was told that they were hoping to finalize and communicate decisions by the end of March. I don't know how to feel about Guelph. Didn't they notify some poetry peeps already? I'm getting very anxious. Want to believe this means we're all still in the running for fiction, but can't help but be a bit negative at this point. Ugh... I really love their program.

  5. 20 hours ago, exvat said:

    I should add, my "craziest" backup plan would probably be stand-up comedy. At least then I'd be PAID to get told "GO AWAY, NOBODY WANTS TO HEAR FROM YOU," rather than shelling out cash for the honor. And the drinks are free ?

    Can I open for you?

  6. Moving to Orlando and working as a Disney World photographer, and I'm only like half joking. If I can't follow my dreams in real life, I will relocate to a place where the illusion of dreams at least exists, haha. But only after I take like a month off, take a cruise, drown my sorrows in a buffet or bar or both. I told my husband that was non-negotiable, if I got flat out rejected, lol.

  7. I really agree with Exvat. These programs all have minds of their own, their own timelines, their own ways of doing things. And, I think that is pretty universal to any field of study. I think you can use the data here to form loose probabilities after following the historical trends (when/how acceptances go out, do they accept in waves, etc.), but you just really don't know from year to year. Things change: funding, faculty, resources, program demographics (for MFAs, how many prose vs. fiction, etc.), taste/subjectivity, research interests. It's a complicated calculus, which is difficult to really objectively understand. But that should be comforting. We tend to internalize all of this, as something we could have changed or controlled, but so very much of it is not even in our hands and kinda comes down to luck.

    I think the farther you wait into March, the less likely an acceptance is coming, generally. However, some programs accept way late into March. Some don't discuss (if they ever do) the waitlist until then. And, as I said, things change, and the Grad Cafe is not all-knowing. As an example, one of my schools had an acceptance posted in early February. As a week and then another passed, I was like, "Okay, that's it. Rejected there." I marked it down as such on my spreadsheet (yes, I have a spreadsheet, lol). Then at the very end of February, I got an email that I was in. I was totally shocked. What I knew of past years said it was over by then. The acceptance earlier in the month confirmed it for me. But that was totally wrong.

    So, my advice is be reasonably realistic, but still hopeful (that's what I'm doing). The data might show six acceptances probably aren't on their way to you. It is getting late in the game. But one or two or three very well might be. And, hell, I might be totally wrong, which is my whole larger point. We just don't know. Six definitely could. Stranger things have happened! And I sincerely hope six ARE on their way to you. But even one would be awesome, right? One still means you got in. You did it. And even if one doesn't, you still took this risk; you put yourself out there; you went through the gauntlet that is this process; and you are smarter, stronger, and more skilled because of it. Keep your head up, no matter what happens.

    I'm still waiting for seven programs. I'm guessing four rejections, probably more. Hoping for one more acceptance, maybe a couple waitlists. But who the hell knows? Hang in there!

  8. Ditto on the video games (Monster Hunter is pretty lit). Ditto on the reality TV binge. I watched two seasons of this early 2000s home design show called Love It or Lose It, most recently, on Amazon Prime. It is so awful and meme-tastic. If you like HGTV and dada humor, this show is for you, my friends.

    Otherwise, I've been trying to get into better habits, focus on things I can control, like exercise. I got an exercise bike over Christmas, and my husband got me the new Just Dance for Switch for Valentine's Day, lol. I've also been cooking a lot. I made some killer guacamole the other night. Ya know, just trying to keep myself well and balanced.

    I also took a weekend trip over Valentine's Day. That really did wonders for me, even though it was only a couple of nights. Not only am I wallowing in the misery of this process, but I also hate my current job. So, I took a jaunt up to Philly, just did the touristy things. Since then, I've really made a concerted effort to make my weekends totally grad school and work free. Don't talk about it much. Focus on other things. Ya know. And I feel a lot better since trying to stick to that. It quells the obsession and the misery.

    Also! I think spending time with my pets really helps me. There is nothing better than snuggling with a cat or watching the proverbial butt wiggle before they pounce while playing. Sorry, dog people. :P

  9. Reviving this thread. Considering an offer at University of Saskatchewan. What's life like in the Great White North, friends? Anything changed since 2014? Any recommendations or advice? Where's a good neighborhood to live nowadays?

  10. On 3/1/2018 at 3:55 PM, Vivalabetsy said:

     Have heard from many that it's been a bit slow this year, although this is my first year applying.

    How did your call go?

    It went really great. The director was so kind, and I loved the emphasis on community. Just very feel-good, overall. Feels like it will be a great fit. I'm very excited to find out about funding and whatnot.

    I got rejected via post by Toronto yesterday. Still waiting on 8 others. I emailed Uni of Victoria today, and was told they are finalizing decisions this week. Eeek! Wanted to email Guelph, but held back, lol.

  11. On 2/27/2018 at 2:57 PM, Vivalabetsy said:

    I applied to a lot of the same schools.  Any word from Saskatchewan?  I got accepted, but they still have 3 fiction spots available (as of Sunday when I spoke to the program director).

    Hey Vivalabetsy! You must be the first Saskatchewan acceptance on the Results page. I'm the second acceptance (woot!), who mentioned seeing your acceptance and expecting the worst! Nice to meet ya! Congratulations! I have a call scheduled with the director of U of S later today. Program looks great. Price is great, especially if funding is offered on top of that. Maybe we'll see each other there! Saskatoon will be a pretty huge change for me, but that is part of the appeal, honestly.

    I have been accepted at University of Windsor (MA), as well; rejected by University of Michigan (surprise, surprise); and still waiting on nine others. Being a realist at this point, that this likely means several rejections are looming, but I was so surprised by the acceptance at Saskatchewan that I learned it really isn't over until it is over. Seems like lots of programs are moving very slowly this season. Does anyone else get that impression?

  12. 2 hours ago, Oklash said:

    !!!! I was just accepted to a great MA program. They have a great renaissance lit program and I’m so excited! I’m sorry if i seemed a bit melodramatic before but this has honestly been such a long process. I initially applied to 6 MA programs and 4 PhD, each with lots of hope/consideration. I also have two more apps still pending but it feels so good to finally hear a yes! Especially one that’s funded. And from a phone call of all things. 

    Thanks again everyone for being so supportive. I will probably seek professional help in the upcoming months and  I really appreciate everyone here.

    CONGRATS! I’m so happy for you!!!

  13. Hi everyone,

    I applied to a variety of MFA and MA programs in fiction writing, including the MA program at Concordia University in Montreal, QC, Canada. I am from the US, thus an international applicant. Today, I received a weird email from someone in financial aid, providing important links for financial aid resources. It thanks me for my interest in CU, and says that " Once you have been accepted we can discuss your program costs, your budget and determine what resources are available to you."

    I found this email very weird. I've never received anything like it from another program. "Once you're accepted" sounds like I have been preliminarily accepted...? Would they really send out a tease like this to everyone, including rejected applicants? Seems strange and ultimately unfair. Just wondering if anyone has received this or seen this before? At this point in the process, I am looking for any glimmer of hope I can get. Am I reading into this too much, haha? Thank you for the help!

  14. Ditto on the self-loathing. It's an odd, surprisingly pleasant day when I manage not to question nearly every decision I've made for the last six or seven years! I have heard hardly anything back from my programs. I have eleven apps just floating along in the ether. I really thought I'd know a little more by now, and it is definitely leading to a speedy descent into madness. Every ten minutes or so, I wonder if I should check my email. I have even stared at my phone once or twice (okay, maybe thrice) and tried to will it to ring. Yay, sanity. :-)

    Hang tight. February is officially half-way over.


  15. On 3/12/2014 at 4:42 PM, CarefreeWritingsontheWall said:

    True that:

    U Of Iowa Economics, PhD (F14) Rejected via E-mail on 12 Mar 2014 U 12 Mar 2014

    • Safety school, they probably think I will not come, get better offers

    One pet peeve of mine is the "safety school" BS. Like, I get it. We apply to a range of programs--some more attainable than others, some we want more than others. But you shouldn't look down on the "safety school." Don't apply if you have no intention of attending and will actively hate the option if you get in. And don't get so comfortable that you assume the safety school is just a given. Don't underestimate the difficulty of this process.

  16. A decent nearby town is Alexandria, VA, very close to the mall (15 minute drive no traffic), as others have pointed out. It is more reasonably priced than in D.C. itself. I pay around $1700/mo. for my two bedroom townhouse. I live in the West End area (aka NOT Old Town, which is very pricey), and I have liked it. It is helpful to have a car in this area, but public transportation is a viable option--lots of buses and then metro. Real estate is INCREDIBLY expensive. I'm not sure I would ever consider buying. You don't get much for your money. I mean, renting isn't better either. The housing market is very ridiculous around the entire metro area.

    As for our town, Old Town is great to enjoy a night out or a weekend afternoon. There is the waterfront and plenty of parks. The Del Rey neighborhood has GREAT food and is small and cozy. Try Holy Cow there if you'd like the best burger ever. We are short drives to a great mall, Pentagon City; the actual mall and monuments in downtown D.C.; and only an hour or so from Baltimore.

    If you can afford it, I would look on the VA side mostly. Things are more conveniently located, as far as grocery stores and gas stations go. I looked in Maryland prior to moving, and it was largely food deserts with no groceries for miles. It was hard to find basic things, like a post office. I feel like it is easy to learn Alexandria and the surrounding area, and all the things you need are close by.

  17. So, there is no one correct approach to writing, editing, or revising your SOP, and at this point, you have submitted it. You have to let go, and stop the over-analyzing. What's done is done. Breath a sigh of relief. It is behind you, and you spent lots of time caring about this and getting the work done! That's great!

    I see both sides to your dilemma. It is always great to get a range of constructive criticism on your writing. Fresh eyes can show you things you never realized you might be communicating. They can provide editing for mechanics, usage, grammar, and spelling (MUGS). They can suggest improvements to your content or organization, and most of all they can tell you if you are telling a compelling enough story, if you've made your case, if you've been persuasive enough. Those are all great things, and it is good preparation for grad school and a life in academia. You have to stand for your work, and allow others to read it.

    If you don't think MUGS is your strong point, I honestly think allowing someone, who is a skilled writer/editor, edit your statement on paper copy with you beside them is a great idea. It allows you to see the edits in real time and discuss the changes. It keeps the edits on paper and doesn't alter your digital copy. It provides you a record for revision. Then discussion can turn into more global areas, such as organization, themes, content, etc. For this, try a professor, advisor, or tutor from a writing center to ensure you are getting the best information. You might want to consider that in the future, should the need arise, and hey, I hope it won't! 

    But I also think there can be "too many cooks in the kitchen." I think your fourth reviewer was one too many cooks, personally. I do not agree that it is reasonable to spend an entire year writing a personal statement. These SOPs tend to be no more than a couple pages. Talk about overthinking it! I spent a few weeks off and on, returning to mine. Finally, I got to a point where I was being ridiculously obtuse and nitpicky. I decided it was time to let go. It was as good as it was ever going to get. I had someone review it a few times and offer feedback. I listened carefully and revised several times. I tried out a few different versions until I settled on the one and then subsequently began tearing apart every paragraph and sentence. That's when I knew it was time to stop. So, no, you shouldn't spend a year. You shouldn't let hundreds of people read it.

    You did all the right things. At the end of the day, this is a little subjective. People might differ on what they think your SOP needs. But it sounds like three people gave you largely positive feedback. That's good. Next time, I would just go to a tutor for a brief editing session, since you seem worried about your MUGS. My first round of apps, I let a couple professors and my then boyfriend read. I didn't get in hardly anywhere. This round, I only let my one person read, and I've got an acceptance already. Just trust yourself. You felt confident in it before. Don't let one person tear that down!

  18. 2 hours ago, surprise_quiche said:

    I got an email with the subject line being "Accept..." in the preview. It was just spam from another university saying "Accepting Applications Now!"

    Goddamn clickbait.

    Likewise, any email in my inbox that isn't grad news semi-engrages me, lol. I get job posts from recruiters and whatnot, and no matter how much I put into the spam folder, BS seeps through. Ugh!

  19. Like many people, I was just sitting at work, obsessively checking my email when a notice to check a portal came through. I could hardly contain myself. I practically ran out of the office to find a private place to call my husband and my dad. My husband works for the government and was onsite at the time, so I couldn't get through to him. I called my dad, and realized I was like yelling into the phone, haha. I had to make myself quiet down.

    Then, as stupid as it might sound, I went to the bathroom and sat in a stall and cried. I cried for like fifteen minutes, and I "talked" to my mom, who passed away in 2015. Just said how grateful I was and how much I wished she was here to tell. When I went back to my desk, I realized there was another page to the offer letter, and it was a decision for some funding. I was so happy and surprised.

    I feel immense relief to know this is actually happening. Good luck to everyone out there! Keep faith. <3

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