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Posts posted by Navygrrl

  1. 2 hours ago, Someonehere said:

    - now that you have most of your results, are you happy with your decision about where to apply?

    - for those with choices to make between schools, when do you think you are likely to make a decision?

    I had no idea what I was doing when I started applying. I probably would have applied to more fully funded programs, but then I would probably have ended up where I am now anyways. It's the school whose location best fits with me and my family, and I like the small cohort and the work of the teachers there. I've pretty much already made my decision, but I'm waiting to interview for a GA position, which will come with a tuition waver and stipend, before I actually accept. I already gave up my spot on one program to which I was accepted, but I'm also waiting on funding info on the third school.

    I definitely wouldn't have applied to Emerson, mainly because my husband refuses to live in Patriots territory. ;) 

  2. I was looking through the Berkeley submissions, due to some drama on the results, when I across these gems:

    UC Berkeley Physics, PhD (F18) Rejected via E-mail on 24 Feb 2018 A 24 Feb 2018
    UC Berkeley "Physics", PhD (F18) Rejected via E-mail on 23 Feb 2018  A 24 Feb 2018
    • hep-th. Screw it, let's all just go into finance


    Edited: Darn you, random cursor placement!


  3. 1 hour ago, GallifreyGirl said:

    And our programs are so competitive (I think the system broke me, as I now consider any program with better than 5% acceptance as not that selective I guess) that it feels like they're just looking for reasons to disqualify.

    I think I read somewhere that the MFA Creative Writing programs are the most selective and competitive of all the graduate degrees. I don't know how true that is, especially after perusing the results board and seeing so many rejections from all types of schools and programs, but from what I have personally researched from past years, the acceptance rates usually range from 0.5%-2% for the more highly sought after programs, although IWW seems to sit at 5%. I honestly had no idea how stressful this entire process is before I started my applications, and I fear that I would not have been brave/foolhardy enough to even try had I known. 

  4. Looks like Cornell has started the heartbreak.

    I haven't even thought about next season yet. I'm considering going for my English MA if I don't make it this year. The school I'm considering has a creative writing focus, so it would do as a stop-gap for now, so I could still keep up with writing. I'm familiar with the fiction faculty there, and my skills under those professors have really made a huge difference in my understanding of the technical aspects of fiction writing. I wouldn't have even thought about trying for an MFA without their support. It would still suck a bit, but I don't think I could handle not having a distraction while I wait for the new season to start.

    I had no idea there would be so much stress just waiting. If only I were the type of person who cleans to handle stress, then my home would be spotless.

  5. @npc Thanks for the link. I suppose they want students that are applying for the "right" reasons, but the site really does turn me off. This is my first season of applications, and I admit I only decided to apply at the last minute, after recovering from the soul-crushing stress of finals, but I'd never heard of this program until Grad Cafe.

    No notable quotes so far on rejections, but I've only been stalking it half-heartedly while watching Thor: The Dark World.

  6. 37 minutes ago, npc said:


    City University Of New York (CUNY Hunter) Creative Writing (Fiction MFA)  Accepted    

    after one of the strangest conversations of my life, I declined.

    I am so curious... 

    Also, I had to laugh because the Hunter MFA admissions page is quite possibly the most pretentious thing I have ever read in my life. 

    Ooh, please share. I've had three really strong mojitos, and I'd love to read this.

  7. Just joined, although I've been stalking the forum and results for a bit. I've applied to UNC Greensboro and Emerson for Fiction, and UNC Charlotte for the MA in English (my safety choice lol). I just graduated in December with a BA in English, so this is my first year of applying to grad schools. I didn't realize that MFA's were so competitive, so I wish I had applied to more schools. I'd prefer to go to UNCG, as I like the studio program and small class size, plus it's not a huge move for us. I'm a non-traditional student, with my two oldest children in college themselves, and the "baby" in high school.

    I spoke with the director of the UNCG program, and he said that notifications should be going out next week for Fiction.

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