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Everything posted by ClassyBrat420

  1. Hey folks, I'm the asst. editor of QED Journal of Queer Worldmaking and we're accepting submissions of academic work. Right now is a general call for submissions, so any subject in any field so long as it relates to Queerness/LGBTQ studies in some way. We've got a repertoire of notable authors in past issues so this is a good opportunity to get your name out there. Graduate student submissions are accepted! http://msupress.org/journals/qed/subguide/?id=50-214-F Please feel free to message me if you have any questions or concerns.
  2. Hey folks, I'm the asst. editor of QED Journal of Queer Worldmaking and we're accepting submissions of academic work. Right now is a general call for submissions, so any subject in any field so long as it relates to Queerness/LGBTQ studies in some way. We've got a repertoire of notable authors in past issues so this is a good opportunity to get your name out there. Graduate student submissions are accepted! http://msupress.org/journals/qed/subguide/?id=50-214-F Please feel free to message me if you have any questions or concerns.
  3. Yes! It's a work study on the QED Journal of queer worldmaking, and a 60% tuition waiver. I wish it was a full waiver but I decided it was worth it.
  4. After a stellar campus visit and a decent funding offer, I officially accepted at Syracuse University's MA in Composition and Rhetorical Studies! Nervous to move up north for two years but excited about the cohort and the faculty.
  5. @E. Coronaria, @LexHex, @Sandra Kruse, @JustPoesieAlong thanks y'all for your perspective! I feel more comfortable now accepting the GAship, esp since I already know I like WC work.
  6. Y'all a bunch of lit nerds making me doubt my nerd status with your smart books. I'm over here reading sci-fi. Albeit, great sci-fi. Lilith's Brood by Octavia butler is PRIMO. Followed closely by Parable of the Sower, which was just adapted into the queerest, radicalist, bombest play I've seen ever.
  7. Hey! So the one solid acceptance with funding I got doesn't do TAships for Masters students. Instead the funding is a Graduate Assistantship with the Writing Center. I love WC work and feel good about this, but I was wondering if it's gonna hurt my PhD applications to not have teaching experience. Side note, this would mean that I have 4.5/5 years of Writing Center experience by the time I'm applying to PhDs, if that helps. Advice from the more experienced? Do I NEED that TAship? Thanks!
  8. Ps. this is the CRS website: http://vpa.syr.edu/academics/crs/ and this is the CCR: http://wrt.syr.edu/Graduate/Welcome.html
  9. Seems like all the grads applying to Syracuse are going for the CCS program, so I haven't learned much at all about my program, the Masters in Communication and Rhetorical Studies, or CRS. They're two separate departments, which is confusing. So yeah, anyone out there for CRS? Any news? Anything?
  10. It's not stupid, because panic is real and I know what that's like. I'm not trying to minimize your experience, but offer comfort if it helps to hear this: you can rest assured that declining is not going to hurt anyone's feelings, and there's no reason (other than the realness of anxiety) to feel guilty. In fact, you declining is good news, because the schools can cross you off their lists and offer those spots to other people who are prolly anxious as hell on the waitlist (like myself). You could even post in one of the waitlist threads which spots you declined, so that the people watching those spots can jump for joy at their chances increasing.
  11. I'm also currently chewing on this one. My situation is a bit different though, in that I don't have more money and a better fit far away, the money situation would be about comparable for me. One thing I'm considering is how important is my family/support system to me. Moving means starting over with building these relationships and forever changing the friendships you have now. Not to say that you shouldn't, because ultimately your friends and family should support you doing what's right for you, but I wouldn't underplay the difficulty of this if your support circle is something you heavily rely on. That being said, especially if you've never had the experience of going to a new place on your own and starting from scratch, it's a really great experience that teaches you about your own strengths and weaknesses, and helps you grow in your resilience and other life skills, potentially enhancing the kinds of education you'll be getting by moving. That plus the fact that you've got better money offers and a better fit, I'd go for it and move if I were you. Be prepared to suffer through the adjustment, but know that you can and will grow from it. Like another poster said, unless you've got someone who's only got a few valuable years left to their life that you want to be present for, your relationships should survive the move and you shouldn't limit yourself for fear of leaving the nest. Good luck, and congrats on your offers!
  12. Still #2 on the waitlist for funding at Syracuse's CRS Masters. Fingers crossed, though I know it's unlikely since their cohorts are SOOO small. I just want it so bad!!
  13. Thank you so much @renea, @mk-8, and @Daenerys! Seriously your input has helped me get my head straight about it and avoid a potentially huge mistake. I was already thinking this but was getting caught up in how good I think the program is, so a reality check is what I needed. Thank you!!!
  14. Feeling so much regret that I didn't apply to more schools. bleh!

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  15. @nooorebecca Thanks, it's Syracuse so their cohorts are REALLY small. Though, it's unclear to me whether PhD and MA students are in the same pool with the same cohort number or whether they're separate. The website only seems to provide information about the PhD program, and I don't see any MA students listed in their student profiles either on the department website. I'm going to visit the campus for the prospective grad student event at the end of the month, so I think I'll wait to ask in person.
  16. Thank you @a_sort_of_fractious_angel and @nooorebecca for the super helpful responses! And also for sharing the news that you declined your spots!
  17. I wasn't sure where to put this question, so I hope it's on the right forum. If someone were a sex worker, and was outed while in grad school, what do y'all think would happen? Would they get kicked out, even if their work was legal? I would hope that, especially in more radical/liberal programs, where scholars read, write about, and study sex work and sex workers, that this wouldn't be an issue. But I also know that this is perhaps wishful thinking. School policies don't often address this explicitly, and I imagine it would be part of the grey area of "moral negligence."
  18. In my research I've been finding wildly disparate answers, as well as many that don't seem relevant because they are for different kinds of programs. What do folks think the likelihood is of getting funding when you're already accepted but on a funding waitlist? I'm supposedly #2. If you answer thank you in advance I'm dying over here.
  19. Also, if anyone has insight as to the odds of getting funding off a waitlist, I'd love to hear it too.
  20. Hey, I was accepted to Syracuse for the rhet comp MA in mid February, and was told I'm #2 on the waitlist for funding (now I'm wondering if that ranking was arbitrary?) It's my top choice but I did tell them I'm considering another offer. Even after I sort of politely pushed for more info on the funding situation, she kindly told me that there's basically nothing she or I can do until they find out if other people accept or decline their offers. She did seem genuinely appreciative of my interest though, so there's that. As far as how many students get in every year, I thought that number 4 applied to PHD applicants. I'm not sure if the MA is its own pool or what. I think reaching out and letting her know you're considering another offer is a fine idea, though you'll probably get the same kind of answer of "we can't make this go faster so you just have to wait." So, while this might not have been the most helpful, here's to grey-area waitlist solidarity.
  21. Hey! So I've been accepted to my top choice MA program and should be hearing from my second choice within a week, which I'm positive I'll get into but I'm unsure what the funding situation will be like (this is UNC Greensboro, my undergrad institution, and 3 key department members were my recommenders, so in addition to my credentials that's where my perhaps naive certainty comes from). For my top choice (Syracuse U), I've been accepted but waitlisted as #2 for a TAship. I know the general advice is to not go into a PHD program in humanities without funding, but is this also generally recommended for an MA? I have only 8k of debt from undergrad, so that's a factor. I'm seriously considering doing the loan thing but I want some advice from yall please!
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