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  • Application Season
    2019 Fall
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    Cognitive Psychology

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  1. I very nearly applied to RPI for undergrad when I was looking for a school strong in cognitive science. I think it has one of the oldest cogsci programs in the country, but my impression was that it was somewhat isolated from the outside world and isolatING in department culture, or at least for undergrads. It's probably irresponsible for me to comment on it, not having done any research about their grad program or having visited though. I still have a soft spot for RPI because I spent a good amount of time fixated on its cognitive science program in high school though.
  2. it was fine in the end haha. I feel bad for what I put their program coordinator through though, in figuring out dates and times. What a crazy job they have this time of year. Mad respect for their patience.
  3. I think I'm done hearing back from my programs. How about the rest of you? People I know applying to neuro have yet to be notified by some places, but the more personalized direct-admit style psychology programs sped right along for me. First interviews will be a mega trip!! Visiting three campuses on the other side of the country before even coming home (gonna figure out the laundry... somehow). Eeeek! Good luck to all with interviews ? I wonder if I'll mysteriously end up in the same room as any of you. Edit: OH- one thing on JHU @itsannat and @Sophie Su. I got an invite on the 14th and as I was working out my scheduling I learned that they have a very short recruitment window. They have to start bringing people in soon and when I asked if I could visit in mid-Feb, they said it would be too late. If they haven't sent you guys anything they should seriously hop to it.
  4. @aurlito that seems odd, but maybe it's case-by-case. At my institution, we've had international students work as hired RAs.
  5. I might have a slightly unique answer to this, because I had a not so great (54th %ile) quant GRE (much better verbal) and okay/moderately good GPA, but have still gotten 5/6 interviews, and 5/5 of the schools I actually could see myself at. For me, it was a matter of Skyping with 11 individuals before even writing my applications, and not sending in any duplicate SOPs. I firmly believe that I would've had much lower quality applications had I applied to any more programs than I did. I felt like I formed some solid relationships with faculty that inspired how I tailored my essays to each school, and as a result, it's easy for me to demonstrate genuine interest in programs. I also wrote an NSF GRFP, which not only gave me a topic I could talk about, but also the potential of being a self-funded student. Other than that, my name appears in a list of authors on a paper, I went to a good undergrad, and I've been working in a great lab with some lovely, well-liked and well-connected co-workers. I think, the more times you're able let your love of the subject shine through, the better your shot is. If they can see it on your face in a skype call, and then again in your writing, you're in if you can convince them that you can Do The Thing.
  6. Here's another opportunity, app open until end of month https://jobs.hr.upenn.edu/postings/42437
  7. @aurlito if you can handle waiting another round, maybe it's worth networking your heart out for the next year and tapping those connections? You have more experience than me so I can't presume to know more about the process, but did you rewrite each app knowing that those particular PIs were your audience? I honestly feel like I beat my own odds, given my stats, by knowing each of the PIs I applied to, talking via skype and in person to 11 individual people before even writing my application.
  8. I don't know if my info is worth anything, but all of my friends are neurobiology grad students at UCI (I work here) and I have one friend in pharmacological sciences. They seem very similar in that they're rotation programs and not direct admission. In neurobiology, each student requested a list of faculty with whom to speak but was told only like a week in advance of their visit whom they would be interviewing with. Many of them got a seemingly random assignment of faculty (but maybe I just happen to be friends with unlucky people haha). So in that case, they had to lean heavily on their ability to talk about their own research and grapple at topics to connect with the interests of the person they were sitting with. One of my friends was happy that she had a vague understanding of the research of various faculty in the department. They were assigned to a current student buddy who walked them to their interviews, whom they later got to mingle with at an evening party. I don't know how many were invited, but I do know that neurobiology has, for the two years I've been here, had prospective students behave questionably by the end of the day that earned them no admittance.
  9. @PsychApplicantFall2019 ah yeah, because they have Paul Smolensky in JHU cogsci so linguistics makes sense. I'm so fascinated by who lands in what department. At my current institution, our cogsci department is a whole bunch of mathematical psychologists, and my undergraduate degree in cog sci was mostly psychology. And then there are the cognitive neuroscientists in the psych departments.............. I'm trying to figure out how to teach our undergrads about this craziness before I leave.
  10. It seems like clinical psych programs are often different departments, so whether they got invites has no bearing on us. I've heard their applicant pools differ from experimental psych in various ways too. Pretty sure if it's just a track of a general psych PhD program they send them out around the same time. It's nice to know we aren't competing for PIs with those folks though. As long as the threads for other degree programs have comparable admissions processes.... along the lines of whether they do interviews, how much I should worry about interviews, I guess it's transferable advice? Is the process for a "pure" cog sci program the exact same deal as cog psych?
  11. @PsychApplicantFall2019 Psychology! I also haven't heard back yet, but I'm expecting a yes based on POI interactions? (watch as I jinx it) the cog sci department looked awesome too. Is that what you applied to?
  12. I made an account just so I could help get this thread populated!! Yeah, I agree, the developmental psych people have much more data points on their programs and comfort in numbers. I think a number of cog people went over to that forum since they couldn't find a home like this. I did not apply to Northwestern. Mine were Duke, WashU, Penn State, Univ. of Toronto, Johns Hopkins, and Stanford (neuroscience. not sure why I swung for that one ? )
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