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  • Application Season
    2019 Fall
  • Program
    I/O Psychology

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Decaf (2/10)



  1. Hi Joegeo! The funding is the same at both places, but cost of living is different at each. I want to make a decision so others on the waitlists can hear, but it’s a really tough decision. Do you go with a top tier program for rank and an advisor who isn’t as well known? Or do you go with one of the top researchers in your area of interest but lower tier program?
  2. Is anyone having a hard time making a decision between the offers they have? For instance, if you got into a top tier program that maybe wasn't the best research fit for your interests but they allow independent study in your area, but you also got an offer from a program/advisor you're already working with at a moderate tier program, how have you guys decided which path to choose? I feel as though the decision of which school to choose is the hardest part about this whole process...
  3. My Penn State portal says my application is still pending review and I didn't get an email from them yet. This whole process is so interesting lol
  4. Yeah, I'm actually very surprised that not one of us has heard from USF yet (whether rejection, acceptance, or waitlist). They've never taken this long to deliberate in previous years, I guess not as many applicants are using gradcafe this year because a few other schools I applied to no one has posted results either. Hopefully we'll hear movement one way or another by end of next week!
  5. To the other person who got into Bowling Green I'd love to chat, are you going to recruitment weekend? If so, I'll see you there! Has anyone heard anything from USF?
  6. Joegeo - If you got into places last year then you are off to a great start already. I wouldn't stress out too much about turning down offers and re-applying, most professors don't take those things personally as they know there are several factors that come into play for applicants.
  7. tryingtostayafloat - it looks like Texas A&M sent out all of their recruitment invites beginning of January, so If you didn't get one (myself included) then we are not first choice which means most likely a rejection possible waitlist but unlikely... I've applied to 10, all PhDs in I/O, with only one interview thus far. Looking at the trends from previous years all the way back to 2009 usually first choice applicants are given interviews in late Jan. early Feb., and if you're on the waitlist it could drag on for many months. Everyone has their own opinion about contacting the department or POI to check on status, and I don't think either way is wrong, but personally I haven't and won't because my logic is "if they want you, they'll call/email". The anxiety is definitely hard, but that's why this page is so great to talk with other applicants and share in the stress I'd love to see where other people have applied, and what made you choose I/O, let's kick 2019 application cycle off to a great start! What are your interests? Generally, mine are workplace safety/occupational health, so I only applied to programs whose advisors specialize in this area. I applied with a BS in Psych, and have been working in the I/O field for 4 years now. I hope we all get some great news soon!
  8. Has anyone heard from Texas A&M yet? From previous years it looks like they have their recruitment weekend early. The waiting is the hardest part haha, I'd love to hear from other I/O applicants! :)
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