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    OhPsych reacted to DocMcflufffin in Counselling Psychology Canadian Application Forum Fall 2023   
    Just got my acceptance into the Laurier MA in Theology & Psychotherapy! This feels so surreal! Congrats to everyone who has been getting their acceptance emails! 
  2. Like
    OhPsych reacted to alexastudent in Counselling Psychology Applicants 2022 CANADA   
    Heard from UBC and got an offer for the Med in Counselling program!
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    OhPsych reacted to peachpits in 2022-2023 Clinical Psychology Applications - Canada   
    Just got an offer from UVic off the waitlist!!
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    OhPsych reacted to Psystudent3312 in 2022-2023 Clinical Psychology Applications - Canada   
    I just received an email from my POI saying that I have been accepted to MA Clinical Psychology at Lakehead University!
  5. Like
    OhPsych reacted to carlrogersfan98 in Counselling Psychology Applicants 2022 CANADA   
    I have been accepted off the waitlist at U of C's M.Sc Counselling Psychology program! If there is anyone else on here who is beginning there this fall feel free to DM - or if anyone is heading to Calgary for any program and may be in need of a roommate! I will likely be looking for a roommate myself
  6. Like
    OhPsych reacted to babooshka in 2022-2023 Clinical Psychology Applications - Canada   
    Thank you so much, that's very helpful! I was curious because the email I received was from the supervisor I applied to. Well, good to know that at least my scholarship application was acceptable, even if I don't get in. It's the little things
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    OhPsych reacted to T.O.hopeful in Counselling Psychology Applicants 2022 CANADA   
    It's a really long-winded way of saying you'll be getting an offer lol. Congrats!!
  8. Like
    OhPsych reacted to M.Ed123 in Counselling Psychology Applicants 2022 CANADA   
    Just revived an acceptance from UofA course-based  hopefully some other folks got this good news today as well! 
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    OhPsych reacted to Psych.kitty in 2022-2023 Clinical Psychology Applications - Canada   
    Woww sooooooo officially received an offer of acceptance into York! I am very excited!!!
    I have been applying over 7 years to clinical (in the meantime completed a masters in personality and measurement, and have been working as a research assistant over the past 3.5 years, with ample publication opportunities). 
    Also... if any others are headed to Toronto and would like a roommate, or even someone else to shop housing with for moral support, please let me know. Toronto living on a student wage might be a ~*struggle*~. 
    Hope all of you are holding up - this process is very stressful and it can be so difficult not to take rejections as a reflection of personal competence/worth. I was so close to giving up this dream, but I am honestly grateful for the time it took because I feel so much more prepared now. Best of luck to everybody ❤️
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    OhPsych reacted to optimisticfutureinpsyc in Counselling Psychology Applicants 2022 CANADA   
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    OhPsych reacted to SoundofSilence in 2022-2023 Clinical Psychology Applications - Canada   
    Congrats!! Always so awesome to hear some waitlist good news ?
  12. Like
    OhPsych reacted to peachpits in 2022-2023 Clinical Psychology Applications - Canada   
    Just received acceptance to UBCO for MA Clinical Psych!! 
  13. Like
    OhPsych reacted to hopelessbuthoping in 2022-2023 Clinical Psychology Applications - Canada   
    Well friends I think that’s the unofficial end of this admissions round for me. I didn’t get any interviews, got my rejections from Windsor last week, and reached out to my POI at USask to ask if I was still in the running and I am not. I think it’s safe to say I didn’t get in at UVic or McMaster as I haven’t heard anything from them. This is my first cycle applying, last year I got rejected from social work, I knew it was dumb to get my hopes up and apply but I’m still crushed. I don’t really feel anything yet but I’m sure it will hit me soon. Good luck to everyone wishing you fantastic studies ???
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    OhPsych reacted to PsychGiraffe in 2022-2023 Clinical Psychology Applications - Canada   
    For those who don't follow the results page, thought I should post here as well.
    Had an interview at UofT/OISE Feb. 7th for the School and Clinical Child  (with PIs not listed on my application), and this morning (16th) was told they have submitted a recommendation for me to be admitted.
    Morning of 15th got an interview invitation with the two PIs I listed on my application for Western Ontario for the School and Applied Child Psychology program (they're getting accredited this year) - interview is Friday the 18th with both PIs (same time; I assume co-supervision potentially).
    This is my third year applying.
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    OhPsych reacted to jenbloobery in 2022-2023 Clinical Psychology Applications - Canada   
    OISE offers starting to go out!
    Hi all, thought individuals would want to hear about OISE since I haven't seen much on this forum.
    I got an offer today from OISE for the SCCP program but rejected it because I've already accepted at York.
    Hopefully this is helpful to some of you!
    Best of luck
  16. Like
    OhPsych reacted to lemonsqueezy in 2022-2023 Clinical Psychology Applications - Canada   
    Hi everyone, I previously mentioned that I got an offer for York's Adult Clinical MA program, and I accepted it today. I also interviewed at Western and McMaster, so the pool of potential students has gotten just a tiny bit smaller now. Best of luck to everyone!!
  17. Like
    OhPsych reacted to aaapal in 2022-2023 Clinical Psychology Applications - Canada   
    Okay everyone.... here it goes. It's taken 3 cycles but I'm so beyond excited to share this.

    School: Ryerson University
    Type: Clinical Psychology MA/PhD
    Acceptance/Waitlist/Rejection: Acceptance
    Type of Notification: Unofficial acceptance - formal letter coming on Monday 
    Date Notified: 2/11/2022
    My biggest note with this one is that if it doesn't happen your first or second time around please keep trying and do not get discouraged. Continue to gain more experience and follow your path!!
  18. Like
    OhPsych reacted to PsychHopeful2022 in 2022-2023 Clinical Psychology Applications - Canada   
    School: Queen's
    Type: Clinical Psychology MSc/PhD
    Acceptance/Waitlist/Rejection: Acceptance
    Type of Notification: Unofficial email from POI after formal interview with department
    Date Notified: 2/11/2022
    After 6 apparent rejections this cycle and no other interviews, things have finally fallen into place. 
    Happy to answer any questions. Other future Queen's students, let's talk!
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    OhPsych reacted to applypsych in Counselling Psychology Applicants 2022 CANADA   
    @carlrogersfan98 The email was from the faculty of graduate studies and they CC'd my POI in the email who then contacted me as well! Feel free to DM me if you have more questions
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    OhPsych reacted to applypsych in Counselling Psychology Applicants 2022 CANADA   
    @carlrogersfan98 I found out through email, my portal has not been updated yet! 
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    OhPsych reacted to applypsych in Counselling Psychology Applicants 2022 CANADA   
    I just got an offer for the MSc in Counselling Psych at U of C. Unsure if I will accept the offer as I am waiting to hear from another program so if you are put on the waitlist, there is a chance my spot may open up within the next few weeks!
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    OhPsych reacted to carlrogersfan98 in Counselling Psychology Applicants 2022 CANADA   
    Did you find out via email or on the portal?
  23. Like
    OhPsych reacted to psyc2020 in 2022-2023 Clinical Psychology Applications - Canada   
    School: York University
    Type: Clinical-Developmental Psychology MA/PhD
    Acceptance/Waitlist/Rejection: Acceptance
    Type of Notification: Official Email
    Date Notified: 2/04/2022
    This is my fourth cycle and it still doesn't feel real! I cannot believe it, truly. I had given up last year but thought I would try once more. If anyone has any questions, don't hesitate to reach out. This is your reminder that the path may not be linear, might take longer than you anticipated, but if this is really your route then continue working towards it! 
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    OhPsych reacted to Pluckygirl in 2022-2023 Clinical Psychology Applications - Canada   
    Received email from POI for admission to SFU!! So excited and this is my top choice!
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    OhPsych reacted to T.O.hopeful in 2022-2023 Clinical Psychology Applications - Canada   
    *Pain* but thanks for this info! 
    Not to vent but if programs have internal deadlines of when rankings should be submitted, would it really kill schools to just be transparent and publish estimated timelines about interview invites on their website, so you don't have applicants waiting in the dark? Just being upfront by saying the dates are an estimate will allow us to know it may not be exact but to provide absolutely zero timelines seems unnecessary to me. Anyways venting over! 
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