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Everything posted by jo0210

  1. @Anatta was your BC scholarship $30k in total, or $30k/year? I was thinking about asking for more aid but also want to know what their scholarship range is before I ask. Congrats on all your schools and scholarships, and fingers crossed you hear from Smith soon!
  2. That’s awesome!!!! Good for you! Congrats! Looking through this forum, it seems that BU doesn’t give a lot of scholarships, so I am really happy for you. I am sure you worked really hard to get here! And as for me, I didn’t get into UC Berkeley, BU has given me nothing but loans, but BC gave me 20k/year, so I am thinking that I will most likely be attending BC next year unless something wild happens with BU’s aid. I see you live in California also, what are you thinking?
  3. Me too! So exciting! Such a bummer that it seems that they mostly offer loans. Is that what you received as well?
  4. Anyone else apply for the 2/15 deadline and anxiously waiting for an email?
  5. @Jess21 for the last round, they told us Feb 15th but let most people know on February 1st. So fingers crossed for you, this week could be your week!
  6. Mine has an option for “Grad Enrollment Deposit” under Account and Personal Info. I clicked on that and it said I was accepted, and asked for the $200 enrollment deposit.
  7. Go to the applicant status page. Log in, and on the bottom right you’ll see a link for Agora. Click on this, and change your password for the email address you used to apply. It’s been awhile since I did this, but I think this is more or less what I did!
  8. I was rejected from Berkeley last night too. I don't want you to feel alone because there's got to be many of us! But we don't know until we try. Congrats on your acceptance to CSUEB!
  9. Yes it's sooooo early. I am going to email/call and ask for an extension because I am still waiting to hear back from 2 other schools. I think I read somewhere that BC may only give a 2 week extension? Which seems pretty unreasonable. I am thinking I will pay the deposit after the extension even if I don't hear back from the other schools because the package I received will be hard to beat! What are you thinking/feeling?
  10. Officially got the acceptance email today!!!! Anyone else hear from them today?
  11. That’s great. I have heard that often about BC’s MSW program. Congrats, again. Hoping I’ll hear officially soon.
  12. Congrats!!! That’s so exciting to have officially heard! Did you receive anything in the mail yet? I heard that scholarship offers come in the mail.
  13. I am from New England originally and am thinking about moving back, and I'm interested in macro social work so I was drawn to the Center for Social Innovation! How about you?
  14. I talked to a friend who went to BC for undergrad, and someone told her about the old Agora trick back when she was applying. She saw that she was accepted on Agora, and then about a week or so later, she got the official email. So I'm thinking we'll get the emails next week!
  15. I read your instructions, ss0112 for gaining access to Agora, and have been obsessively checking it for a couple days. I just checked about 5 minutes ago, and I have been accepted as well! Thank you so much for your help! Good luck to everyone - let me know if you need instructions for Agora.
  16. Congrats! This is great news Is BC your top choice?
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