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  • Application Season
    2021 Fall
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    Philosophy and Comp Lit

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  1. They could just be terrible at responding and really busy (I am dealing with that kind of DGS at the program I am going to in the fall). I wouldn't worry about it too much! I think if you give reasonable time in between emails, it is perfectly reasonable to check in again because that is their job.
  2. My situation might be a bit different since I do continental philosophy, but I strategically made my thesis project both about my interest + included stuff that I was less interested in that demonstrated an engagement and understanding of the history of philosophy because I knew that would be important and what departments would be looking for. I got into one of my top choices + had a few offers and interviews, so it seems that it worked out. Definitely pick something you are excited about; don't stick yourself with a project you will resent and will suffer from your lack of interest (I'll be honest that I hate and suffered through that chapter, but I learned a lot writing it and my other chapters were much better), but there is nothing wrong with strategizing a little bit in order to make yourself an attractive candidate for the kinds of programs you want to end up at. Find some sort of balance. Best of luck!
  3. Hey I understand the anxiety and a lot of people are in the same position, but this isn't really cool. Generally putting it out there for people to decline at a certain school is already a grey area, but asking a user directly if they can decline soon is an unfair position to put someone in and is crossing a boundary. I don't want to sound mean because I totally understand the pressure and position you are in and no one will hold it against you, just a general note to everyone that as long as you are taking others into your considerations, everyone has the right to take the time and manage their decisions how they need to and it isn't fair or cool for anyone to be pressured to decide or make their move fast (especially asking a specific person directly). I only say this because there are people gracious enough to share publicly their offers and where they stand which is some insight that is very useful for those anxiously waiting to hear back, but if people start getting targeted and asked to decide quickly then people will feel uncomfortable sharing this information and we won't have it anymore. 99% of people aren't jerks and know that there are people who will be affected by their decision and know to make their decision as soon as they are comfortable, so everyone deserves the time they need to be 100% sure and officially decline.
  4. Also waitlisted at Villanova. I have a much better offer so I will be turning it down, but it might be a week or two until I do because per strong recommendation of my professor I am going to wait until I officially accept elsewhere and have things locked in and I want to wait until after the virtual visit to do so. Since I am on the waitlist anyway my spot doesn't matter as much atm, but if I get off of the waitlist beforehand I will make sure to turn them down earlier so that the next person can hear back quicker. Best of luck to everyone!
  5. Sometimes universities have a policy where a department can't send out rejections until all spots have been filled (there are also variations of this). It makes no sense and is cruel, but that is one of the reasons. I know the anxiety is rough. We are all there with you ❤️ Hang in there!
  6. Someone in the FB group did
  7. @HomoLudens and everyone else, I know its super hard, but don't get down on yourself and don't give up hope! I can't take my own advice and this is my second season, so I understand the pressure and frustration. I have had many panic episodes and other anxiety induced behaviors this season (and it is still so early), but I was literally in the middle of crying (like in actual tears having just come down from hyperventilating) while having a panic attack about being sure I was getting shut out because of a few rejections and an implied rejection from one top choice and rejected after an interview at another top choice (that one really stung) and then I got an acceptance email with anxiety tears still running down my face. I then also found out that my app at the other top choice (which I thought I was rejected from) never even made it to the department and since it was an issue with the graduate school the committee is going to look it over (I am not sure how that is going to work exactly. If it is successful, maybe added to the waitlist?), but it just goes to show that you never know what to expect. There is so much left of this season and there is plenty of time for something great to work out!
  8. This is pretty typical for MAs. Since a lot of people apply to MAs as a backup while they also apply to PhDs, usually the first accepted people to get the funding are those who are probably also accepted to a PhD and decline the offer. I know the thought of that kind of stings, but I was in that position too. I was really sad about only getting into an MA and being waitlisted for funding, but I did get off the waitlist plus I was offered a graduate award that bumped up the stipend even more. I also wish I had told myself at that time how much of an advantage an MA is when you apply again. My first round I was waitlisted at 1 PhD program and I was heartbroken when I didn't make it off and then only had the 1 MA offer with no word on funding. Now this cycle I have been doing much better and have an offer from a MUCH better MUCH more well funded program than the one I was waitlisted for. I also feel much more prepared for PhD work where now I look back and think that I would had ad a really hard tike jumping into a PhD (but everyone is different of course). I think an MA offer can sometimes outweigh some PhD offers in the long run, so having this offer is a good thing no matter what. I hope it all works out!
  9. It is not a stupid question! Schools are very unclear about these things and they all have their different definitions of things like "rolling," so I think your best bet is to email the DGS and ask! This is a very good and important question, so don't feel bad or stupid for asking about it! I am not sure about the schools you named, but I know that for some MAs they will have a hard deadline for funded admission and then afterwards they have rolling admissions where basically they will review and accept/decline as applications come in, but they are without any funding (which I would highly recommend against unless you have some sort of external funding like a fellowship). I would definitely email the schools ASAP so you can make sure you apply for the funded positions if that is still an option. Never feel like a question is too dumb to email the department about! There is a person designated to answer these questions and also this info tends to be very hard to find or decipher. Best of luck!
  10. What happens if it is later discovered that there was a system issue and your application never got reviewed? Many people got rejections on the same day from a school and I never received one, so I went to check the portal. When I looked at my status, it said: "Your application fee has not been received and your application will not be considered for admission until payment is received. You or another individual may pay the application fee by credit card via the Graduate School Payment Portal, or by check/money order using the Application Fee Form." I was granted a fee waiver and I entered it when I submitted my application no problem and went through. Other times I checked the portal that message wasn't there. Under that message it said: "A decision regarding your application has been reached." And that I would be notified soon about it from the department. (This is also the message everyone else had under "status") I am worried that my application may have never even been looked at? What if it never made it through, what would the department do at that point? I emailed the DGS, but I am interested to hear from people while I wait to hear back...
  11. I have really loved following and being apart of this thread and you guys have been very great and supportive. I was really heartbroken because I was rejected from Duke Lit after an interview, but the next day (while in tears and being absolutely SURE I was going to be shut out) I got an email I was accepted to Emory's Philosophy program! I know this isn't a philosophy thread (I applied to both Phil and Comp Lit), but I thought I would share to encourage everyone not to count themselves out and keep your head up! (i feel really silly for letting the stress get to me before I had heard back from almost half of my programs). It ain't over until it's over ❤
  12. This is what you all look like to me and probably sums up grad application season well. Congrats to everyone!
  13. Congratulations! I wanted to just heart react, but apparently I have used too many reactions today...
  14. I feel this way too! Second-hand happiness from everyone's success
  15. I feel the same/do the same. I have read through a bunch of forums that are years old or in different disciplines and I also go to the results page that just has the most recent entries generally and read the comments. There have been a few where I see a comment and go to that specific program's results page and follow the drama ?. It has made me really appreciate this thread and how nice and supportive everyone is. A few other disciplines (mostly STEM) seem to have some really nasty and competitive people. But it makes for a good distraction ?
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