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Anonymouse124 last won the day on March 28 2019

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  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Application Season
    2019 Fall
  • Program
    English Lit PhD

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Caffeinated (3/10)



  1. I tried to find my notebook with all the questions I had, but I couldn't find it! I started off cold emailing professors in my field, mentioning my interest in their work, told them that I was working on a WS about xxx and that I would love to get their input on sources, and asked which programs and professors would be good to keep on my radar as I continue fielding schools to apply to. Yes, we Skyped and Facetimed which made it way easier to chat! I definitely recommend reaching out to profs in your field!
  2. Congratulations, everyone!!!
  3. Hey there! Happy to share some of the helpful tidbits of advice I received throughout this process ? Competitiveness - I personally don't have any publications/conferences under my belt but I'm sure another GC'er will be able to speak to this topic. I have been told, however, that applying at least 2-3 weeks before the deadline helps greatly. Not sure how true this is, but at the very least, it ensures all of your paperwork (GRE scores) gets in on time. Apply to at least two funded MAs (I hear Villanova's is great, I personally applied to Purdue's). What drew you in to the schools you applied to? Is there a critical mass of professors there for you to work with? I'd suggest sending out emails (I did this the summer before I applied) to profs in your field. I spoke to them about my writing sample and asked to pick their brains about the field and possible programs that would be a good fit. Take a look at the work grad students have recently done at the schools. There's a chance if someone in your respective field is graduating, the ad comm might be interested in accepting another! Finances permitting, I've heard applying to 8 schools is the sweet spot. Also make sure to check for application waivers! I would also suggest starting an Excel spreadsheet for the schools you're applying to with professors you're interested in working with, if they require GRE scores, cost of applications, etc. It's definitely a lifesaver. I would definitely suggest writing a new WS! I did this the summer after I graduated from college and it was tough. What was helpful was speaking to professors in my field over Skype/Facetime to get their thoughts on sources/theory and having a friend of mine enforce deadlines. The summer was getting away from me and having deadlines (I would actually email my friend formally saying 'Dear Professor X, I have attached the most recent draft of...etc.) really, really helped. Most important point: make sure your WS reflects the interests outlined in your PS! The ad comm wants to see your intellectual evolution and you should show them where you're at! I freelanced while applying too and I know how tough time management can be. Make time for rest. Read for pleasure. Have family and friends help out with the more tedious parts of an application (opening up accounts on all the portals and filling out info). This is a tough process and having those moments will tide you over. I've got my fingers and toes crossed for you!!
  4. My hands were shaking the whole time, I was so nervous! I even had to rehearse a couple of times with my best friend. I really love the prof and definitely want to work with her in the future so I wanted to make sure my sincerity about staying in contact came through. Time to go take a bath and not think about anything for a week ?
  5. Will be attending UPenn in the fall! ?
  6. Just called my favorite professor at UMD College Park to turn down their fully funded Ph.D. offer. This one hurt but I've got my fingers crossed for any GCers out there on the waitlist!!
  7. Turned down funded Ph.D. offer and provost fellowship from CUNY Grad Center! I hope this helps out a GC'er out there!
  8. Declined fully funded offer and additional fellowship at UIUC! Hopefully that helps a GCer out there!!
  9. I took a gap year after my first round of applications (to MAs alone - none of which were even funded Good god) and got into my dream school. It’s a top ten and in the city I was living in at the time and it felt like everything was falling into place. I felt like I’d won the lottery; I spoke to professors, toured campus, bought the obligatory sweatshirt, listened to Heaven is a Place on Earth on a loop, but when it came time for me to take out my loans through FAFSA, I couldn’t do it. I was looking at paying back approximately $130k in loans and interest over the course of thirty years for an MA that would last one single year. I had been lucky enough to have been granted a full ride in undergrad and the realization of what the cost of the MA would be didn’t really hit until the night I was applying for loans. I spoke to my best friends, my family, and my professors. I cried a lot. My family thought I was being stupid, but my friends and professors supported me, convinced that I could get into the PhD programs I thought were out of my league. So I took the year off. I spoke with professors on skype and over email, I conducted independent research, wrote a whole new writing sample reflecting my new interests, developed a new personal statement, and it paid off. I would not have developed my current research interests if it hadn’t been for my previous application cycle. I learned so much and now have six acceptances to fully funded programs. All this to say, sometimes the first journey is practice for the next one, but also: if it’s not funded, don’t do it. (Edit: I didn’t even apply to the “dream school” in my second round because the fit was definitely not it. I wouldn’t have been in a position to make such a call in the first round.)
  10. Turned down UC San Diego today! Hope that helps a GCer out there
  11. Ahhh thank you so much!!! ?
  12. Does anyone know where to find that list of things to consider/ask faculty and grad students on prospective visits? I've been searching for ages and haven't been able to find it! Thanks in advance!!!
  13. Agreed!! I don't get why people do this. We're all doing our best and trying desperately to make it through the cycle. There's no need to be a jerk.
  14. Begun to make initial offers? Didn't they inform people weeks ago?
  15. Did Yale lose all our emails or...?
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