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Everything posted by MPPNYC

  1. I went to American SPA for undergrad (which is obviously not the grad program), but I have been reading many of GradSchoolGrad's comments about AU vs Georgetown with bewilderment. Yes, Georgetown's undergraduate program is SIGNIFICANTLY more prestigious than AU's (I have no reservations in saying that as an undergrad alum). But I have a few friends who tacked an MPP or MPA on to their bachelors as we were finishing and they're doing great in DC right now. No one has had any issues getting jobs that they want or are interested in, in politics or policy (even as we graduated into a global recession; zero of them are waiters, or have ever needed to take food service jobs along their career paths). Of course, it always depends on what you're planning on doing with the degree -- each school has its strengths and weaknesses. But the GU program appears reasonably new to me and I think this idea that it is SO much better than AU is not really fleshing out. My friends in public policy/political science academia have been confirming this (I initially was considering GU myself, it is now very likely off of my own list). Inside the Beltway, AU is very well known and my understanding is that GU's grad programs are not considered wildly better than the other DC schools (this fleshes out in the rankings, right?). Now, if you want leave DC, AU's brand is not as well known, admittedly. That is definitely something to keep in mind. Before I went to law school, people I encountered had not heard of the school (lawyers and law students tend to be aware of AU-WCL)-- I think that has changed a bit since I attended way back in the day (when I mention it to people now, they look far less bewildered, but who knows), but the name recognition is definitely different compared to GU. AU threw a lot of money at us as undergrads; I went on a very sizable scholarship. They asked us to look away from their USNWR ranking at the time and promised that they would be making strategic improvements to the school's academic program. They made good on that promise and it is now a harder undergraduate program to be admitted to than GW across town. I was there when they were building like crazy (it was a huge mud pit, ha)-- that money was specifically donated to AU with building in mind. It was not as if they got a pot of money and spent it on buildings rather than academics. But they literally ran out of undergraduate housing and needed more space. As for Maxwell, I am considering them myself right now and am really, truly, sadly totally underwhelmed. Everything is so disorganized. They can't even send us an email without having a typo in their school name in subject line. I'm personally not convinced that their new data analytics program/certificate has stood the test of time. They threw me lots of money, but can barely answer an email with questions within a week's time. They can't figure out an organized Zoom meeting after a year in this pandemic climate (were you on last night's call; what did you think?)? What are they going to be like when we get there? Plus, compare their hiring data with AU's -- which program sends students to more interesting jobs? I had to email Syracuse for their data (because their website is so abysmally terrible that they've allegedly been updating it for 2 years and the site is locked to improvements, which is a real thing they said to me) -- I personally don't think that 20% of the class going on for more schooling in 2019 makes any sense (they can't all be PhD placements, right?). I want them to be a strong program but I think they might just be getting by on being a long established program with lots of faculty, because so many departments are under the Maxwell umbrella. I otherwise can't figure out why they're #1. I'm not here to tell you what program to go with, I do think GU has a decent emphasis on quant if that's what you're going for (it's what I'm focused on), but some of this discussion seems pretty made up (for example, there was a comment in one post about never meeting an AU student in internships or employment in DC -- an interesting one because I met lots of GW, CUA, HU, GMU students/graduates when I was in DC, but literally not 1 non-GULC GU student/graduate. Does that mean the school is shit other than the law school? Or maybe that was just my anecdotal experience). There is a culture of DC schools looking down on each other, and I think this is really only an example of that. Fair enough; everyone wants their school to be the best.
  2. Thank you so much for the insight! I didn't apply to Duke (I'm a slightly unusual older candidate and wasn't sure what my odds were in this competitive cycle), but I have been really kicking myself for not applying there. I'm also interested in state and local government issues as well as beefing up my quantitative skills and am mulling Ford vs. McCourt vs. Maxwell right now. But great to know that you feel that the state and local government offerings are not as strong at McCourt -- I assumed as much given the strong federal and international offerings and connections.
  3. Did either of you end up at Ford? What are your thoughts after attending?
  4. Hi there -- where did you end up and what are your thoughts on that program? Appreciate your insight!
  5. Did any of you end up at Ford? What are you thoughts after a year in the program?
  6. Where did you end up?! What are you thoughts on the program after your first year?
  7. The recommendations are definitely held -- I reused one of mine. I can't recall if the essays stayed.
  8. Yep, held for 3 years
  9. Sad, I was rejected too. Off to Ford for me! Congrats, friends! Lovely lamenting with you
  10. Oh shit.
  11. Why would current students know, though? Just curious as to how this intel forms. Do they work with Admissions?
  12. Are you the new Matt Clemons? Will you release the results already?! Pretty please? ?
  13. Well, shit. I never noticed the end date on Linkedin. And there wasn't a blog post about THAT?! Oy vey.
  14. Last year, the first decision post during the month of March was posted March 4. Decisions arrived March 18. He still hasn't posted anything, so if we're relying on blog posts, we won't have decisions until April. I think it is safe to say that we really can't necessarily rely on the blog this cycle. There are no rules in 2021.
  15. They removed the appointment links for everyone earlier today. Someone must have gotten overzealous and started making appointments! Never fear.
  16. Nope, not here. Maybe we're just overwhelming their servers with refreshes.
  17. Seems like everyone! It also had their scheduling request links earlier today, but seems like some of us prospectives must have been taking advantage of it far too soon, and the links were subsequently removed.
  18. The year box was there, but the counselor names were added today.
  19. Where are the folks with inside information that today is the day when you need them?!
  20. I think last year's decision blog post said that results were released "shortly after 3pm," right? This is a free-for-all, really.
  21. I hit my limit on likes today
  22. https://hksadmissionblog.tumblr.com/post/60726536635/meet-the-staff
  23. Sure you're not, MATT.
  24. *Matt: currently booting up the espresso machine and warming up his enter-key trigger finger*
  25. TO THE MOON.
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