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Everything posted by Ydrl

  1. Congratulations!!! Ah!!! I look forward to meeting you next year!!!
  2. I can only assume similar cohort to last year which was 30 fiction and 20 poets.
  3. I don't think they're done yet. I'm not sure as I'm poetry side of things.
  4. I don't want to alarm anyone, but the poetry decisions for Iowa might finalized. Don't know when notifications are going out though... Watching the professors spend hours of their weekends here just pouring over the manuscripts together around a table was a wild sight. Godspeed to you all, drink water.
  5. Honestly same here. I'm also here with super unsolicited but hopefully helpful advice straight from after my first semester at Iowa. Take care of your health. I almost kicked the bucket due to a chronic health condition, and while I was recovering I almost kicked the bucket again from a genetic health condition I didn't know I had until I met doctors here that actually wanted to do their jobs. Also, the school health insurance saved my life. Look up if your funding package will come with health insurance for either free or a significant discount. Lastly, I still have the super comprehensive spreadsheet with my lightly outdated info from the 2022 season. Dm me if you want it.
  6. I did it and now I'm at Iowa. If a program isn't right for you that's okay. Anyone who doesn't think so can go suck rocks.
  7. And if any of you happen to be in Iowa City or nearby today until the 22nd, I'm apartment hunting and sitting in on classes and want to hang out! (I'm traveling alone and I'm lonely...)
  8. There a very small poetry youtuber named Dimitri Reyes who went there. I'm sure if you found a way to contact him he'd answer your questions, he's a pretty chill guy.
  9. Vtech rejections are here!
  10. I mean I'm expecting a denial but still, why do that???
  11. For some reason VTech's portal says my status is decided, but there isn't anything that tells me what the decision is???
  12. They've sent out poetry as well, of which I accepted my offer. I did find out that 30 fiction and 20 poetry applicants will be admitted.
  13. Officially declined my FSU offer, hopefully this makes someone's day somewhere out there.
  14. Hey, not sure if this applies to anyone besides accepted students, but my portal finally updated for IWW. Anyone feel like checking theirs?
  15. Checked website and was denied from Michener.
  16. Good news for anyone on the Florida State waitlist, I'm going to IWW and will be declining my spot at FSU. Hope you enjoy your admission and TA-ship!
  18. Rejected form Oregon State yesterday, oh well
  19. I'm not the kind of person to bad mouth genres I don't typically find enjoyable. If it seriously entertains someone besides the author then that book is doing its job. I'm firmly in the camp of people can enjoy whatever books they want. Also along that vein, I write to entertain, so I respect authors who write in niches I could never write.
  20. Trashy romance is another name for erotica
  21. To be fair, one of my friends is aromantic but not asexual and according to the class wrote "a beautiful romantic relationship between two gay characters". It wasn't a romantic relationship but people read it as that ~anyway~
  22. It's an association that gives you access to a lot of resources for romance novel writing. I was debating for awhile but the universe (you guys) brought it up so that feels like a sign to write trashy romance novels.
  23. I have the student discount on the romance writers of America but I haven't joined, considering it though. Sometimes I have the urge to do writing that makes money. Update: I joined. Let's get this bread.
  24. U Washington rejections are here.
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