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Everything posted by Ydrl

  1. Thank you for your consideration.
  2. 777. I'm currently at 777.
  3. I'm sure a couple of you saw, but Iowa's first snail mail rejection has arrived at someone's house.
  4. You guys ? thank you for your support, I really hope this'll work out.
  5. To anyone that looked back at their sample and cringed, I just did and cringed too. It doesn't indicate much besides your growth as a writer.
  6. That's a big mood haha. I heard somewhere that there were two slots open for both poetry and fiction this year. That's crazy!
  7. Hell yeah, this is my number one. I already let Lindsay know in my response email that if a spot opens up I will accept the offer immediately. ?
  8. I got rejected across the board last year, survived my suicide attempt 11 months ago, and got waitlisted at my top choice today. I know that those of you who want this more than anything will succeed. Keep trying, you can do it if you keep trying.
  9. YES!!!!!
  11. This isn't helpful by any means, but I'm also the person who randomly applies then forgets things on Submittable. I feel attacked haha.
  12. Maryland hasn't been in touch, and I'm still under program review. I'm also waiting on an email from Lindsay at UMD.
  13. Okay, hear me out. I might sound ungrateful, but if I don't get a TA offer from UNH / get in anywhere with a livable stipend, I'm thinking of giving up my acceptances and go for a third round. If I went to UNH without a TAship for both years, I'd be down 30,000-35,000 dollars accounting for every expense. This is exactly why I'm hoping to get my results soon. But I'm dreading them. I'm genuinely scared, and it's really hard to scare me after nearly dying last year.
  14. Here's to hoping someone hears from a college tomorrow. Or that multiple colleges notify a bunch of us this weekend.
  15. Honestly, my old professors catch me saying shit like this and ask if I've written it down. I never notice them haha.
  16. Emailed Maryland again about time frames because I'm a nervous chihuahua piloting a human skin.
  17. Every second U Maryland, V Tech, and U Florida drag out my decisions, the faster I die inside. Only reason I'm holding onto Maryland hope is that last year, waitlists went out after rejections. That, and I've been under program review since a week after applying and still haven't gotten rejected. I want to believe, but I did that with VCU and UNLV last year and it made me suffer more.
  18. Not as mad as you, discount dad.
  19. The delusional talk, the Shakespeare weirdness, the constant putting people down, the unwillingness to go away, the small dick energy, the obsession with quotes...If, by the slightest chance, this is my unstable dad (he heavily disapproves of me going for my MFA in poetry) I'll feel really really bad for all of you.
  20. I swear, the troll sounds like my delusional father. It's really concerning. That you Bryan?
  21. Again, I'm really sorry. I didn't realize I read your post that wrong. Take this link with you on your journey: https://www.pw.org/mfa It'll show you every school in each state, and also will tell you if there's screen writing, funding, class size, and most anything else that you need to know.
  22. Ah, I'm sorry. My ADHD brain seems to have failed me once again. Maybe it's just me, maybe it's both of us. It's probably just me though. And thank you for increasing your font size.
  23. @oubukibun Also, please, can you increase your font size?
  24. I don't know what to tell you, but @Ophelias pansies and @ophelia 2 are different people. Please, listen to me when I say that you don't have to attack the former like that. The latter is a troll that's been popping up under different names including Gertrude. If you aren't going to listen and continue treating the former as a bad person, the rest of the good people here will come to defend the one who's obviously not trolling.
  25. Uh...nice to see you again??? Please leave.
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