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Everything posted by Ydrl

  1. You’ll be happy to know that I write science based poetry.
  2. Which schools are you waiting on?
  3. Anyone part of the b o r e d o m squad today?
  4. Michener is expecting to get ALL decisions out by early next week.
  5. Both, I didn't specify. I’m starting to think only NWP decisions are out.
  6. Asked Billy (UT Austin contact) if Michener decisions have been made, if we’ll hear about them tomorrow or next week.
  7. Do you have a professor in mind that you wanted to work with? Do you have a preferred climate? Do you want to stay closer or further from home? Just a few questions to consider.
  8. That’s probably true, usually people check the portal and find a rejection first, not an email. Okay cool, thanks.
  9. There’s a Michener rejection up. I checked my portal, nothing yet. My dead name’s last name begins with an F. Anyone brave enough to check their portal for confirmation?
  10. Oh no. I’m so sorry, what a birthday gift. Shoving you to the floor and kicking you again. Yikes Texas.
  11. Yeahhhhhhh not just with the whole mask off thing, nor Texas being 100 percent clear to open everything at full capacity. Another thing to add onto the garbage heap is the disgusting situation with UT Austin, “The Eyes of Texas”, and their donors. While some of us don’t know about Michener acceptances yet, if I (a part black person) get rejected from Michener, I’ll be genuinely relieved.
  12. Anybody who feels like it I suppose.
  13. This is so cool! I’ve already registered and I’m encouraging anyone reading this to register too. It’s free, it’s good information, and you don’t get invitations like this all that often. Also it means we could maybe chat afterwards in real-time? Maybe?
  14. Nooooooooooo
  15. I know I’m not fiction, but for me I didn’t include any poetry written after Mid-October (my first deadline was the 1st of December). Also, hot-take here, I didn’t revise my manuscript after my first submission. I didn’t want to make it worse, as when I go back and edit poems in a hurry/when I’m stressed, they’re somehow worse than the original. And for awhile, I didn’t look at my manuscript because I didn’t want to agonize over my mistakes. However, I did submit two poems to three different magazines and realized that I made a lot of strange choices in terms of structure and details. But even after I sent in the poems to the magazines, I still found things to edit. It never ends, I will always cringe.
  16. I’m gonna have to apply again next year if I can’t land a stipend. I don’t want to go for round three, if I must I’m gonna...sink deep between the couch cushions and hibernate until mid-October. Also, I get results for my COVID test tomorrow. It’s not looking too great right now, but I have hope.
  17. Also there’s only two assistantships at U New Hampshire, if both awardees accept there’s not really a lot of options funding wise. Aaaaaaaaand there’s a waitlist for V Tech in fiction.
  18. From what I’ve heard it might take awhile, there’s a lot of people joining this round of applications.
  19. Yo, we’re about to hit 100 pages. The virus must be making us talk more.
  20. You guys are gonna be so weirded out / confused when you figure out (or I tell you about) the shrimp thing.
  21. Nope haha, nice use of schools in your answer though.
  22. Sounds awesome, but I would try again.
  23. I know not many people get the “Shrimp” thing, but I do get it and maybe they aren’t trolling. I’m curious if y’all will ever figure out “shrimp”, I’ll tell you if you get it right.
  24. Nvm
  25. Leaning towards New Hampshire, but I really need a TAship to go. Good thing I’m on the waitlist for one.
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