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Everything posted by mmmmcoffee

  1. I'm a bit stressed about starting grad classes in a few weeks with everything going on (and considering I haven't registered for classes yet, but we don't start classes until the end of September), but I already moved across the country so there's some sense of relief to the PhD program beginning soon! For those applying right now, I can't sympathize enough - applications are hard and stressful and with everyone's modified schedules I'm sure that adds an extra layer of stress. How are you guys feeling about beginning classes? My school is doing a hybrid class model but I'm not sure if I really feel comfortable teaching and attending classes in person...
  2. Hi! I also applied for dev psych and human development and family studies last cycle and would be more than happy to help if I can!
  3. this is awesome! thank you so much! I see we'd likely be in the same program too so let me know if you decide on OSU!
  4. Hi everyone! I've been reading through this thread and thought I'd put a post out there. I've decided to attend Oregon State starting fall term (even though it's the only program I didn't get a chance to visit due to work and the pandemic) and I'm so excited to move out west! I've lived in smaller cities so I'm not really worried about being bored at all - I'm happy with a few coffee shops, breweries or pubs, and maybe some shopping options, but driving 30 minutes for a Target is normal to me. That brings me to my question: if you live in Corvallis, what are your favorite local haunts? I'm planning on road-tripping for my move across the country in early July (or maybe even earlier if I can find a job; my job got dissolved when schools closed) to get to know the area and have time to visit places I haven't been before! Anyways, I'd appreciate some suggestions for places I should definitely see in Corvallis (or the surrounding area) and also where I should take my parents to dinner when they come visit! Thanks! If you're also attending Fall 2020, feel free to pm me! I'd love to get to know some students regardless of grad program - maybe we can all meet for drinks before fall term!
  5. I'm going to Oregon State for HDFS! I'm so excited to move out west. If you are also attending, feel free to message me! Now to decline offers at other programs... yikes ?
  6. I've recently met with some of my younger professors that are fresh out of PhD programs and they all recommended looking at counseling services and support groups for grad students that the school offered. Don't be afraid to ask how hard it is to get appointments - if you need support within the week and aren't able to get it at school, you'll have to account for mental health services in your personal expenses. Same goes for if you have different doctors - are optometrist or hematologist visits covered in your healthcare plan if you need those services? Also, the weather/terrain is turning into a bigger factor than I thought it would be for me. It doesn't hurt to consider how your skin/eyes/hair holds up in drier weather, for example. All these smaller things that contribute to your daily stress play a role in your overall well-being.
  7. hey folks, i'm having a LOT of trouble deciding between offers... i love my potential mentors and programs and happen to have great fit at my accepted institutions. also, i'm waiting on one more official offer which will make the decision harder.... any insights on how to decide? cog psych people - is there any good decision-making literature you can point me towards? lol
  8. @starfleet_grad oooh that's cool! i'll be looking into older adults and their emotions (regulation/how they communicate them)!
  9. Some of the current students coordinated it! I'm super excited about everything!
  10. Yeah that's what I mean! I know not everyone is doing it but I am staying with a current student. I'd love to get drinks after dinner if it works out! If not maybe we can figure something out after interviews on the 14th when we get the full schedule!
  11. I'm driving up on the 13th but was planning on getting there around 1-2pm! LifespanDev has a dinner that night but if you'd want to get coffee I'm going to be exploring the downtown area before I meet up with my host and would love to meet if you'd be there too!
  12. I'm not sure how it is for you guys, but a lot of my friends and I have interviews this weekend and next! If this is the case for you too, I wish you the absolute best of luck and am sending wonderful vibes your way! ❤️
  13. What are you interested in researching?
  14. Lifespan Developmental! I'm also a little nervous - I've met my POI before at a conference but that also means I have fewer questions to ask which is a little stressful lol
  15. NCSU's visiting day is Valentine's Day! I know some of the psych tracks have sent out decisions but Lifespan Developmental is waiting until after.
  16. Hi guys! I have two interviews/visit days coming up on the same weekend and both of these programs are my top choices. I'm so stressed about having to make a decision between them bc I know both of the POIs pretty well already! For those of you that interviewed already, what are your favorite questions that you asked? What questions do you think produced the most insightful answers that will help you make a decision when deciding where to attend?
  17. hey - just wanted to say thank you to the people posting about their interviews as they have them! they definitely help ease some of the stress
  18. this is so cute and i love this! honestly i think gradcafe is a really positive community (at least the psych forum - can't really speak to the rest) and just having something to check everyday so i can see everyone's progress and see that i wasn't alone has really helped me throughout this process!! like you said, i think that regardless what happens we all should be proud of how much work we've been able to balance throughout this process - i know i had a tough time towards deadlines because i had thesis drafts and research proposals due at the same time, but it was my last semester. i can't imagine how stressful it is to plan interview travel around school, but i know you guys will all get it worked out perfectly and learn things about yourself in the process! to quote jurassic park, "life finds a way" and you will too. Whether this application season, the next, or if you decide to take a totally different route all-together, I hope we all end up somewhere doing something we're passionate about with people we love. best of luck on upcoming interviews guys! xoxo
  19. to be clear, i've talked to them in person a couple times so we've had contact before, just not about the acceptance. but yeah, i'm probably going to email them soon because i know some people got phone calls
  20. has anyone received an acceptance through a portal/email from the graduate school but no personal contact from the poi? should i email them and thank them for recommending me for acceptance or just ... chill?
  21. the stress of waiting between interviews is too real! i've been trying to learn to bake (can't get a lot of my favorite german sweets in the us - or at least not near me), so i'm sending you all virtual cookies as comfort ❤️ we got this
  22. hey guys, I made a discord in case anyone wants to chat faster/has questions that need more immediate answers/be friends! i think we've got a good community here but for the sake of efficiency (and keeping in touch) i think it could be easier in some cases! here's the link: https://discord.gg/yZHs79 (i think it expires in a day so if you wanna join and its not working please pm me!)
  23. Bumping this thread for this year! Just got into CSU and hoping to learn more about the area. Any places I need to see when I visit?
  24. well folks, got my first official rejection earlier today (which i was fine with), and my first official acceptance a couple minutes ago!!! if anyone wants to know poi's initials for colorado state applied dev sci phd, feel free to pm me. i applied to two and i'm not really sure which one accepted me (my interests align well with both of them). ? i feel like i can finally sleep knowing i have at least one acceptance now
  25. anyone else feel like time until interviews is passing soooooo slowly? i recieved my invite before christmas and the interview isn't until valentine's day. I'm dying here additionally, it's probably irrational, but i'm scared my only invite (thus far) was only extended to me because I personally know the POI (my current PI's former mentor). Obviously I didn't just apply to work with her because of my PI - i love the program and have met a lot of people from it in person at conferences and I feel that the fit is fantastic - but there's that nagging in the back of my mind telling me that that's the only reason I'm invited. the more time i wait the more i think about all these things! tldr: I'm gonna need a massage after april 15; this process is stressing me out!
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