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Everything posted by CounsellingCoffee

  1. You should hear around March 5-10! They forwarded all the top candidates but they have some behind the scenes stuff to finish before word is sent out.
  2. I am currently in the Counselling Psych program at McGill. I did have an interview last year and was accepted into the program early March. if you have more questions, let me know
  3. I actually only applied to guelph for CFT not clinical
  4. I did. It was in late January
  5. I also got that scholarship from UCalgary with being waitlisted. I felt very confused as well. If you want to PM me I can let you know who my POI was if that interests you
  6. I applied to UA, UC, Guelph MFT, and Western. I was waitlisted at UA, UC and Guelph and had an interview next week at Western that I told them I wouldn't be coming to.
  7. Received my official letter of acceptance today from Mcgill Counselling Psych (Project). I accepted shortly after and am happy this waiting game is over! if anyone else is going to Mcgill, please feel free to contact me to connect.
  8. This is for the Project route. I hope you hear back soon!
  9. I received a letter of recommendation for acceptance from McGill MA counselling psych. They said I should receive the official letter in a few weeks! I am very excited but also nervous for this big new adventure
  10. I just had the same response today when receiving a letter of offer but then it said I am not "technically" in and it freaked me out. I am glad to hear that this means it is VERY likely I am in. Congrats to you too!
  11. I applied to McGill for Counselling psych and had an interview end of Jan. The POI I spoke to said that offers would be going out end of March. I assume it would be similar for clinical but I am not too sure
  12. perhaps that is it! I didn't apply for anything else. I just find it very odd I would get something else if I am not yet offered a spot but hoping it will help bump me off the wait list
  13. I was actually just talking about this with a friend, I thought it was a CGS-M at first, but then I remembered that those don't usually go out until April 1st, so it must be a scholarship from the university itself, which makes this even more confusing. Why would a university offer me a Graduate award if I wasn't even offered a spot?
  14. Thanks! this is pretty much what I ended up writing, but now I am wondering if it was actually a CGSM or a scholarship from the school itself. Either way, they have been informed about my funding. Thanks so much for encouraging me to reach out.
  15. I was informed by letter that I was wait listed.
  16. ohhh really! that's encouraging. Do you know how she worded the email? did she email the program officer or the POI?
  17. I just got notice that I received a CGS-M Scholarship to UCalgary but I am still currently on the waitlist. Do you think having this scholarship is helpful to getting off the waitlist or do they even care? Would it be advised to email the program to let them know I received this?
  18. you took the words right out of my mouth. I have been waitlisted at 3 schools and I am having such a hard time with it and am also losing hope. I want to believe I will still get some offers but I really don't know if that is likely or not.
  19. It's been difficult! I am waitlisted at two places, haven't heard back from two others after interview, and have one more interview in a few weeks. I am trying not to get my hopes up to get off the list, but I really would love to and it's hard to stop thinking about it. you?
  20. Curious if the people who were offered spots at UCalgary and UAlberta for Counselling (Thesis) would list their POI and if they are considering accepting? Thanks
  21. that's so amazing! What a great feeling this must be. I went to Edmonton this summer to check out U of A and I found it to be a nice campus, and its central so close to lots of great living options! congrats
  22. Thank you for your kind words. I have heard it is very competitive and they don't take that many students. I am hoping I get some offers from other places though so I don't have to focus too much on worrying about being taken off this waitlist!
  23. Just got an email from UAlberta (Counselling Psych-Thesis) that I have been waitlisted. I am happy that its not a full rejection but obviously a little sad it's not an offer.
  24. That's so exciting! I think it is interesting they want answers by March 7. I know some schools don't even put out offers until after then ( I have heard UAlberta is notorious for reaching out to applicants quite late). I hope you hear back soon from the others though! Best of luck with your decision.
  25. Has anyone done an interview at McGill for Counselling? I just got offered one and am curious if anyone knows what sort of questions they tend to ask.
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