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Everything posted by icemanyeo

  1. That's the way to go! I'm telling myself this: I know I want to be an academic; if that path starts at 22 with a PhD program, fine. If I have to wait until 30 to start a PhD program, that's also fine. It's not about when or how I start the journey, but whether or not I end up in my desired career that matters.
  2. As we start another week of admission decisions, I want to first congratulate everyone who has received an offer so far! If you're still waiting on good news and are feeling dejected due to rejections, I ask that you be more compassionate towards yourself. 2021 seems to be another crazy year, with the new B117 COVID-19 strain, election instability in several Latin American countries, and other world events. The world has just been a crazy place over the last few months, and I don't expect that streak to end just yet. While this may not comfort you, know that many others are feeling the same way you are right now, whether it's with job searching or grad school admissions. I hope we can get out of these difficult times soon, and everyone feels fulfilled at the end of the tunnel. I'm also working through my own feelings as more rejections come in, so know I understand exactly the way you are feeling right now. ❤️
  3. I know other people have previously mentioned this, but I want to reiterate their advice: I would caution against contacting departments right now; I know these are stressful times for all of us, but you will get an answer eventually, whether its this month or at the latest March for most PhD programs in the US. I am certain that both faculty and us applicants are feeling pressure in different forms! Don't let the stress take you over the edge.
  4. Just saw that! Nevermind then.
  5. Congrats to today's admits! Just wondering: did anyone hear from Princeton's pre-doctoral fellowship?
  6. Also taking a break from the forum for the next couple of days. After muting everything, I was actually productive today and I want to keep that going! Congratulations to all those who have received admit decisions today ~ I'll probably pop back in if I get a surprise admission email.
  7. the Results Search/Post page on GradCafe. you can see it on the top lefthand corner.
  8. Also, we're both in the Caribbean! That's cool haha.
  9. Here's some QoL improvements I've made recently that have helped with my anxiety: - Turned off notifications (both sound and pop-ups) for my email on my phone as well as on my laptop. - Turned off notifications (both sound and pop-ups) for GradCafe on my laptop. I allow myself to check them whenever I feel like it, because I realized stopping myself from doing so didn't help at all. My biggest source of anxiety and stress was just hearing the email notification sound during whatever activity -- it would stop my heart a little and instill some fear which just isn't healthy when trying to write a thesis.
  10. When I need to call people in the USA but am not within the country, I use the Talkatone app (available on iOS and Android). Most of the features are free to use and you only need wi-fi or your data if you have a phone plan in your country. I had to make a phone call to the IRS through the Talkatone app recently and it cost me nothing. I also use it to text sometimes if a contact doesn't have iMessage/WhatsApp/Signal.
  11. I've decided to just let the decisions come when they come at this point. I'm just going to carry on in my daily activities as usual and whatever happens, happens.
  12. Good morning folks! Hope you had a restful night. On to another day of anxious waiting!
  13. I have a daily email subscription that I KNOW comes around 5pm AST but I still got a heart attack hearing the notification today.
  14. Good luck with your album!
  15. True! Make sure you have a good support system in place before you go into it, or ideally ASAP once you enroll. The lows of graduate school tend to happen when you least expect it, and you want to have a good foundation before having to deal with those lows.
  16. I really feel like the decision emails are gonna creep up on me when I least expect it! I got the Rice email while I was watching AoT
  17. Just to distract us a bit from the decisions waiting game, I have a few questions. Feel free to respond or not: - It's a new week! How are you feeling today? - What's your favorite food/dish you discovered during your quarantine cooking experience? - Any reads you found in the last year that you would recommend to the sub? - If you were not going into academia, what would be your profession? I'll start! - There's a ton of new restaurants in the area where my new apartment is, and they do delivery! SO excited to discover new places in a covid-safe way. - I rediscovered ramyeon! I now add eggs, cheese and grass-fed butter with some chopped vegetables. It's delicious! - "The Next American Revolution" by Grace Lee Boggs. An amazing read for those interested in REP, local justice organizing, etc. - I would probably be a fiction author specializing in Afro-Latin Mythology/Folklore
  18. Graduate schools in the US should sign another compact on admission results release dates. This waiting period is too stressful+long!
  19. looking at my inbox today like:
  20. I'm mentally prepared for the worst just in case it goes well. Saves me from heartache.
  21. Personally, I would not check the results page. I'm fine not knowing results unless people claim an admit here or on twitter because trying to figure out if they're real or fake is an unnecessary source of stress tbh.
  22. Also, Happy Black History Month to all our US folks on this thread! ❤️
  23. me checking my email and refreshing the berkeley website every 20 mns: also me when the berkeley website doesn't load anymore on my laptop: it's a false alarm tho, it loaded on my phone ? GIVE ME STRENGTH THIS WEEK! ? Sending positive vibes to everyone~ ❤️
  24. Welcome to February, everyone! Wishing you all the best with the decisions coming out this month.
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