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Everything posted by icemanyeo

  1. By the way, did anyone apply to Princeton's Pre-Doctoral Fellowship for Politics?
  2. Try not to expect anything so you can be pleasantly surprised. That's my advice for the next few days and weeks.
  3. I know applications are over, but the University of Bradford is another great school for Conflict Studies/Peace Studies. I really enjoyed the conference presentations by some of their researchers and professors at ND.
  4. I was on the cusp of applying to Geneva...Kinda regretting taking it off my list now. Also wanted to apply to CEU but I didn't feel strong enough in my theoretical background to do the straight PhDs in most of Europe.
  5. -> Click on profile name in upper right hand corner -> Select Account Settings -> Select Signature From there on you can edit it however you like.
  6. I feel the same way~ ?
  7. Also to be honest, there's probably no such thing as a "safety school" with PhD admissions, especially in a year like this one. So don't beat yourself up over that.
  8. Go big or go home! You got this!
  9. I've seen people in other fields create a signature that keeps track of their applications. Maybe we should do that too!
  10. Try to pass the time using some activities that you like. I'm in the middle of winter break at my university, so I've been catching up on my Netflix, K-Drama and Anime backlog, writing my thesis, and watching TikTok videos. Anything that can get your mind off of the cycle is good.
  11. I would assume that unless it's included on your resume/CV, they wouldn't check it. I did have a few people who viewed my LinkedIn profile on private mode at the beginning of the month, but i can't know if it was schools or just regular activity. I did include my LinkedIn on my CV though.
  12. Rice, Yale, Princeton, Cornell, Berkeley, Michigan, Chicago, Concordia Red: Rejection; Orange: Pending
  13. I think most of the GRE-optional schools I applied to had mentioned they wouldn't even consider GRE scores, if submitted, as part of the main review process, but rather only later on as supplemental materials to view an application in a more holistic way. It also wouldn't make any sense to throw out non-GRE applications since I assume most applicants would not submit them because a below average score "might" be seen as a negative.
  14. I completely forgot about that haha.
  15. Staying busy writing and watching netflix is what's keeping me sane this week
  16. Honestly, I just want to hear from one institution that I got in -- I don't care about hearing from my remaining apps after that, because my heart will be at peace.
  17. As more decisions come in, it's getting so hard to just sit down and wait, even though that's all I can do right now.
  18. I would err on the side of those entries being fake.
  19. Seems like nothing is coming through today
  20. Trying to stay away from my email today and the rest of the week so I don't have a heart attack.
  21. Yes, definitely! Unless someone posts of an admission result on this thread, I am not touching the results section. It's just not worth it since we already know there are trolls. If someone claims the Berkeley phone call fine, but given that their decisions are most likely just around the corner, I would not be surprised if that was another troll trying to raise our collective blood pressures. ?
  22. Also, thank you to those who recommended some prep texts, those were really helpful. I know quite a bit of Java and MySQL but have yet to learn R. Do you have any specific courses/books you recommend for that as well?
  23. I'm outside of the US so I hope phone calls are not a thing ?
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