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Status Replies posted by theregalrenegade

  1. six papers and two assignments due this week. how did this even happen?

  2. lock up your bikes with U-bar locks on campus!! Mine was stolen today. I had a cable lock and put it in a well-traveled area... boo.

  3. just realized there's a typo in the e-mail I sent to potential supervisor. freaking out! should I be worried?

    1. theregalrenegade


      If the rest of the email is clean, I'm sure they'll overlook it. Everyone is allowed one mistake! :-)

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  4. meeting with department head went great! But I have a LOT of prep to do. Better get started.

  5. My heart has been broken a lot. Now if you break it too, I'm afraid the damage will be irreparable.

  6. Defending my Master's thesis in about 10 minutes. So nervous and can't wait to get this over with!

  7. In the past 30 hours, I've requested transcripts from 3 schools, updated my CV, written half of my SOP, requested LORs from 5 different contacts, heard back from 3, and worked a solid 18 hours. Time for a small rest.

  8. getting replies from students. So it works! And they're helpful too :)

  9. lost, anxious, and exhausted.

  10. I got a late acceptance! I'm going to grad school! YAAAAEEEY!

  11. I got a late acceptance! I'm going to grad school! YAAAAEEEY!

    1. theregalrenegade


      Congrats! Did you decide on the MA in Crim or the PhD in Anthro?

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  12. "I've got soul, but I'm not a soldier" doesn't really make much sense to me. Isn't it a bit like saying, "I've got ham, but I'm not a hamster?" or, "I've got wind, but I'm not a window"?

  13. I've installed Dropbox, Evernote and Zotero! They are great! :)

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