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Everything posted by smarty7

  1. Did anyone apply to UC Berkeley's Infectious Diseases and Immunity (IDI) PhD program?
  2. I haven't but my advisors said some programs wait till February or March so I'm not stressing.
  3. I'm not familiar with this either. Does this mean that some schools will ignore your application and not respond to you? At what point do you know if it's a silent rejection? I haven't heard back from any of my schools yet but I just assumed it's because there's lots of applications. Should I be emailing the program coordinators?
  4. Regarding BU, this is the last update I received from the program director last week: "We would like to update our applicants on the status of their applications to the Program in Biomedical Science (PiBS) here at Boston University School of Medicine (BUSM). We have received a record number of applications again this year and we are currently in the process of vetting them. This will take us some time, so please be patient. We expect to make some interview invitations before the holiday break, but we will not have gotten through all the applications by then and we will be sending additional invitations in January. Our interviews this year will be online-only in order comply will COVID-19 protocols. However, we are trying to emulate our regular interview days. Thus, we will be having three interview days, Friday, January 14, Monday, January 24th, and Friday, February 11th. While the exact schedules have not been finalized, these will be full day events. If you are invited to interview, there will be a chance for you to meet our current students, interview with faculty members, and participate in a program overview with a question-and-answer period. There will be some presentations and we will address such topics as curriculum and diversity within PiBS, BUSM and Boston University and there will be information on housing and student life. We are hoping to make each interview day as interactive as possible. Thanks again for applying to the PiBS program."
  5. Hello everyone! I've been lurking for a while. I'd like to hopefully stay off of here while I wait for January to arrive so I don't get so anxious waiting for emails haha. I applied to 11 schools: UCB IDI, UCSD Biology, UCLA Bioscience, UCI CMB, UC Davis Microbiology, UW Microbiology, OHSU PBMS, Vanderbilt IGP, Johns Hopkins MMI, BU PiBS, UPenn CAMB. I have some research experience during undergrad and post-grad. CREST Fellow + McNair Scholar + NIH-PREP Scholar. I do have a publication. I'm a nontraditional student going from community college to 4-yr university. Low GPA due to personal circumstances + COVID effects. First-gen minority. I think my LORs are strong and advocate for me. I'm very well-rounded and have had lots of leadership experience in extracurriculars and leadership programs. I prefer in-person interviews to written applications because I feel like I do much better when I'm talking than writing but I guess this is how graduate schools weed us out lol Hope to come back to this thread with cheerful updates Good luck everyone!
  6. I'm interested in applying to PhD programs relating to microbiology, immunology, and/or biomedical sciences due to my interest in host-pathogen interactions (more specifically from the infectious virus/bacteria perspective than the host's immune response). I've only just learned about pathobiology and how that degree and training is also related. I guess I'm not sure if I should stick with a Micro route or a pathobiology route? Does this even matter if the faculty overlap departments?
  7. Hi I've never heard of USC having a PIBBS program before. Can you tell me what aspects of the program you liked?
  8. I've never heard of USC's PIBBS program before. What aspects of the program did you like?
  9. I'd like to...
  10. Ah, thank you for your input! I do have some updates. When I last reached out to UChicago, they told me applications were still under revision. I did reach out to UCSC but is was to no avail multiple times. Ultimately, I was accepted at both UMass and BU so I've decided to accept BU's offer
  11. Ah no. I'm waiting for Uchicago, UMass Amherst, Boston, and UCSC.
  12. Hi was this for Umich or Uchicago?
  13. Has anyone been able to start the Stanford application yet? On their website, it says the application period has started and on another location on the website it says mid-sept is when it'll open. I've made my account but I can't select the program I'm interested in (or any others for that matter). I've been trying to contact the department and the graduate admissions staff but have yet to receive a call or email back. I'm just worried that I did something wrong and that's why I'm unable to go along with the application. I've also contacted the tech support team and they say that I'm unable to proceed because I haven't selected a term (Fall 2021) and that they can't change or update anything unless the Stanford team tells them to. Am I the only one having this problem or is the application just still not open? Thanks.
  14. Also applying to same programs. Just an undergrad myself, but my mentor says it'd be kinda sketchy to not have your PI as a LOR if you'll be discussing the project you worked on with them at any time during the interview process. Take this with a grain of salt.
  15. I've heard professors and people on admissions committees say different things. When I attended the NIH Grad Fair online, the admissions committee invitees noted that application counts would probably be very low due to the idea that it would be harder to get in/more competitive, so they actually urged people to apply to even more schools. On the other hand, I've heard other research professors say that it'll probably be more competitive or more selective this year because labs are still trying to reopen safely and funding may be hard to guarantee right now. Due to this, I'll be applying to some programs but I definitely have a plan B and C in case things don't go well on the graduate admissions front.
  16. Hi! From the US and a few schools my PI listed off to me include: Stanford, UW Seattle, UPenn, UCSF, UC Berkeley, Northwestern, CU Denver, Duke, Yale, Cornell, Emory and MIT. Hope this helps Edit: My PI is a virology professor at UCSD.
  17. Wow am I late to the party or what, haha. I'm a rising senior and was planning on applying to NIH Prep and UPenn Prep but after reading all of the posts, I've realized just how many more PREP programs there are to possibly join.
  18. Omg! Another McNair Scholar. We should connect and share experiences.
  19. Wow! What a small world; I currently go to UCSD for undergrad. And I'm also applying to PhD programs in microbio and immunology or other related umbrella programs. As of now, I've decided to apply to UCSD, UCLA, UCSF, UCB, and Stanford for schools in CA. For out-of-state, I'm applying to UPenn, UW-Seattle, Yale, and Duke.
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