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Everything posted by mrvisser

  1. Just the one post on Draft. Nothing else there or here. I live right by campus; maybe I should just walk over there and knock on Bosworth's door.
  2. Not mine, somebody else's post on Draft. They got in for fiction. Haven't seen any others yet.
  3. University of Washington acceptance in Draft.
  4. This is what I used for that idea last year:
  5. And now I await the fiction results.
  6. mrvisser

    Seattle, WA

    If you live roughly along I5, you can totally get by via bus or lightrail. Otherwise it's going to be tough. Seattle transit has a very north-south orientation near Lake Washington, but the western parts of the city require a lot of transferring buses. I certainly wouldn't say having a car is a liability. I've had mine here for 8 years and am thankful to be able to conveniently get to the mountains or the Sound.
  7. Well, I am currently reading Being and Nothingness, so I'm down with that.
  8. We've got five in common. Congrats on already getting an acceptance and good luck on the rest!
  9. Woohoo! Congrats! When I posted about the acceptance on Draft I was hoping you'd have some news. I know you really wanted that one!
  10. Florida State poetry acceptance on Draft.
  11. I know nothing about your writing, so as far as I know it could be great or could be absolute shit, but I don't think MFA acceptances should be the absolute barometer of your self-confidence in writing. I think a lot of MFA programs have specific things they're looking for in their students, and there seem to be some general trends in the drab, realism-heavy work that comes out of a lot of these programs. Could be that you just don't fit the mold of some of these ADCOMs. I've seen the work of some people with across-the-board acceptances that I thought was devoid of anything profound or interesting, but ticked all the trendy boxes.
  12. They do, they just come much later than acceptances and waitlists, typically.
  13. Ah okay. Oof, January 14 is early. If they're still doing it that way, let's just hope that they're behind on apps compared to last year.
  14. Was it ever confirmed that anyone heard before their acceptance? I know there was a post on Draft about it, but I only saw evidence on this site that people were scheduling their interviews once they were accepted. I applied to UMass, so hoping some information comes about soon.
  15. As a Husky alum, I'm legally obligated to say "fuck the Ducks" as emphatically as possible. I hate the Ducks as much as I can hate about anything. Now with that out of the way, Eugene is a lovely town and is home to some of my favorite breweries. I always love making the trip down there.
  16. I was this way last year, but I was unemployed at that time and briefly had to move back to my hometown, so I had little to do and a lot of time to go crazy waiting. Now I'm busy at work and back in the city, so the weeks are flying by, which I'm very grateful for.
  17. Nice that you have a connection! I've just stayed one night there passing through from Seattle to Texas. Weird how right around ABQ it's beautiful but then you go an hour east and it all turns to one of the most mundane, sepiatone landscapes I've seen. New Mexico just seems so hit and miss from the couple of days I spent driving through it, although that's a small fraction of the state.
  18. Ever been to Albuquerque?
  19. I think I just used some freshman essay on the level of EU-skepticism in the Netherlands. The writing wasn't very good in it, but I used a lot of data and made conclusions based on the data, so hopefully that's sufficient for them.
  20. Brown for me, though it's probably even more of a long shot than the others. Michigan and UC Irvine are close for second.
  21. Twice Sold is great, especially because of the cats. There's another one called Ophelia's that has a few cats as well. Elliott Bay Books is the largest bookstore in Seattle, and then Magus is my favorite. Great used selection there. For food, the big street next to Magus—University Way—is probably the best street for food in the entire city. For three or four blocks it's every kind of cuisine you could want. In Vancouver, I always like to hit Stanley Park, Granville Island, and Gastown. The city has a great Chinatown as well. If you go past North Vancouver and up along the coast there are some gorgeous parks, too.
  22. Welcome! Let me know if you need suggestions! I live here in Seattle, of course, but I also know some good spots up in Vancouver. Both are great, and both are very expensive. I personally think it's worth it. For traveling it helps that Seattle is extra COVID-conscious, even compared to other liberal cities. I was in Austin two weeks ago, and the level of masking is much lower. I'm not so concerned for my own health since I'm boosted and omicron is much milder, but obviously the transmission to others is concerning.
  23. I was just in Bellingham this week. It's a great little town, certainly a good place to be writing.
  24. Recently finished up my first Pynchon novel, The Crying of Lot 49, and now on Woolf's The Waves. Really good so far, much more experimental than most of her work.
  25. You'd make one hell of a Falstaff.
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