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  • Application Season
    2021 Fall

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  1. Hi everyone! I hope you guys are doing well. UofT was my last hope and I heard back from UofT a few days ago with a rejection. Those who got offers, congratulations!! You guys worked hard to deserve it and those who are in same situation as me, I hope this will become a useful experience for our future success! At least, the painful waiting game is over. Since now I heard back from all the schools I applied to this year, I'm wanting to send emails to the professors who wrote me reference letters. I want to thank them for the letters, tell them however I didn't get any offer and ask if I can contact them after 2 years to ask for new reference letters. I need help on how to start the emails. Does anyone have any advice for this?
  2. any updates from UBC M.Ed program?
  3. Hi @lmw1496! Thank you for your kind reply to my post! I received an email from my school saying that there is a opening for RA position at one of their research labs. I applied and got an interview invite! (which I am surprised because they never even replied to my application in the past). The interview is scheduled for this Friday. I have no experience on a RA position interview (I worked as an RA before but it wasn't empirical) so I've been googling some tips on how to prepare for it. If you (or anyone on this forum!!) have any tips that might help me with my preparation, it would be very thankful!!
  4. ahh I see!!! thank you!!! ... another 2 weeks of this mental torture :0
  5. Hi @MSW2020lm! Regarding "end of March or early April", do they mean it in terms of rolling out the results?
  6. I still haven't heard back from any school and I'm assuming I will have to give it another try next year. I've started planning how I want to spend this year, preparing for the next round and wanted to ask for some advice. I'm really wanting to have more experience at a research lab but I find it hard to get an opportunity to do so. For those who have research experience and who wouldn't mind sharing, through what route did you guys find the RA position at where? Are there any tips? (I'm graduating from my undergrad this coming April). Another question is, I had my references this year from professors in classes I was taking at the time I applied. I will have to ask for new ones for my next application. What are the tips to find academic references after getting out of school? Thank you in advance
  7. Thanks for checking and letting me know! I think what you were looking at is the status of your applying process! When you click "manage", it shows status of review process as well! Mine shows "in progress". Maybe your's has already changed there? The letter with instructions must be more accurate but just in case you might be already able to accept the offer!
  8. Hi! Just checked my junk and i didn’t get anything i guess it’s a sign of a rejection.... Did your application status change on CWL after you received your letter?
  9. anyone else heard back from UBC?? I know @counspsycappapplied for MA program. I wonder if UBC sends out results for both M.Ed and MA at the same time.
  10. OMG!!! congratulations!!!!!!!
  11. Is this regarding SFU or UBC?
  12. just out of curiosity: do you think grad schools' decisions can be influenced by whether the applicant has completed their undergrad degree at their school?
  13. hi guys, I'm looking for some advice. I found out that I checked a wrong box, stating that I have not requested for the prerequisite equivalency test (which I did). It could be obvious since I submitted an approval letter with my application, but do you think it would be a good idea to contact them to let them know about this?
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