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    eternalwhitenights got a reaction from mrvisser in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    Congrats, y'all. I am so proud of this group.
    Also, I'm not sure if University of Iowa is in Bloomington (?), but someone just posted in Draft that they got an email about being waitlisted for poetry at "IU Bloomington," if there are any people who have applied to that particular school, just as a heads up.
    EDIT: Haha, just googled and realized she must be referring to "Indiana University--Bloomington," not something with Iowa!!! I didn't want to freak out people on here because I know so many of y'all applied to Iowa! If anyone applied to Indiana University in Bloomington, though, hopefully that tadbit of info helps you in some way.
  2. Like
    eternalwhitenights reacted to tippybug in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    YAAAAAYYYYY OMFG YAY!! You have no idea how much I've been rooting for you since I got bored a couple weeks ago and read most of the thread from last year as well ahahah I'm so happy for you! ❤️ 
  3. Like
    eternalwhitenights reacted to Ydrl in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    I GOT INTO SJCNY!!!!!!!
    Brb I’m gonna go move my car and maybe cry happy tears a little bit.
  4. Like
    eternalwhitenights got a reaction from Ash... in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    I'm reading "A Suitable Boy" by Vikram Seth. It was the biggest novel I could find in the bookstore a few years back, and through all the stuff I've been through the past few years, I promised myself I would read that to honor my recommitment to my writing and my novel and my love for literature and books. I'm only on the first couple of pages, but it's great so far.
  5. Like
    eternalwhitenights reacted to JPReinhold in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    Marshall - that you?
  6. Like
    eternalwhitenights got a reaction from feralgrad in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    Um, hello, we might be soulmates? I'm looking at my copy of "Kindred" on my bookshelf as I type this, and I majored in Russian Studies pretty much precisely because I wanted to be able to read Dostoyevsky (and other Russian authors) in the original someday. Unfortunately, I haven't ventured onto Gogol himself yet, but Dead Souls is 1000% on my to-read list.
  7. Like
    eternalwhitenights reacted to anna23 in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    Ой да! Привет :)  Приятно познакомиться! 
  8. Like
    eternalwhitenights got a reaction from anna23 in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    Я говорю русскый язык тоже!! Очень приятно! ?
  9. Like
    eternalwhitenights reacted to NLake in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    I struggled with this, too. I think with the space limitations and all the things I wanted to cover, it was really difficult to go over anything with the depth and sincerity I intended. Sometimes I look at the various versions I turned in and worry that committees will read them and say, “Ok, but who the heck are you?” 
    I also think we’re being hard on ourselves and our SOPs are in reality really wonderful. Waffling between these sentiments rapidly. 
  10. Like
    eternalwhitenights reacted to Ydrl in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    I love how this is what we’re doing with our Valentine’s Day. Being worried writing nerds on the internet.
  11. Like
    eternalwhitenights reacted to shanbanan in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    I mentioned one poet and one sculptor in my SOP. I wanted to mention others but every time I tried to work them in, the statement felt "crowded." In the end, I decided to go with one or two influences that I could really speak to within the confines of the SOP, rather than a long list I couldn't fully unpack. Anyway, I think there are so many different and beautiful ways to tackle an SOP. That's just what worked for me. 
  12. Upvote
    eternalwhitenights got a reaction from fishfish24 in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    Y'all, I am feeling it today. I've been attending webinars for Notre Dame that the Keough School of Global Affairs has put on virtually (like once a week classes) that are free, on various subjects of literature and politics and theology, and the more I've seen of the vibe of the faculty and the school atmosphere, the more my desire to go there grows each day. Every single virtual event I've attended has just confirmed for me that this is the next right step in my life, and I want it so bad I think my heart will burst from the desire, anticipation, and hope.
    AAHHHHHHHHH I didn't want to get attached too quickly because I obvs don't know if I'll get in or not, but my heart is so, so open to and ready for this, and I just want it so much. I think I will scream and leap and cry as soon as I hear the result. 
    My heart is in this, y'all! Just wow. The thought of having a dedicated two-three years to just write my novel and research for it and grow as a writer kind of makes me want to explode into butterflies.
  13. Like
    eternalwhitenights got a reaction from catastroph in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    Y'all, I am feeling it today. I've been attending webinars for Notre Dame that the Keough School of Global Affairs has put on virtually (like once a week classes) that are free, on various subjects of literature and politics and theology, and the more I've seen of the vibe of the faculty and the school atmosphere, the more my desire to go there grows each day. Every single virtual event I've attended has just confirmed for me that this is the next right step in my life, and I want it so bad I think my heart will burst from the desire, anticipation, and hope.
    AAHHHHHHHHH I didn't want to get attached too quickly because I obvs don't know if I'll get in or not, but my heart is so, so open to and ready for this, and I just want it so much. I think I will scream and leap and cry as soon as I hear the result. 
    My heart is in this, y'all! Just wow. The thought of having a dedicated two-three years to just write my novel and research for it and grow as a writer kind of makes me want to explode into butterflies.
  14. Like
    eternalwhitenights got a reaction from anna23 in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    Y'all, I am feeling it today. I've been attending webinars for Notre Dame that the Keough School of Global Affairs has put on virtually (like once a week classes) that are free, on various subjects of literature and politics and theology, and the more I've seen of the vibe of the faculty and the school atmosphere, the more my desire to go there grows each day. Every single virtual event I've attended has just confirmed for me that this is the next right step in my life, and I want it so bad I think my heart will burst from the desire, anticipation, and hope.
    AAHHHHHHHHH I didn't want to get attached too quickly because I obvs don't know if I'll get in or not, but my heart is so, so open to and ready for this, and I just want it so much. I think I will scream and leap and cry as soon as I hear the result. 
    My heart is in this, y'all! Just wow. The thought of having a dedicated two-three years to just write my novel and research for it and grow as a writer kind of makes me want to explode into butterflies.
  15. Upvote
    eternalwhitenights got a reaction from susweekly in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    Y'all, I am feeling it today. I've been attending webinars for Notre Dame that the Keough School of Global Affairs has put on virtually (like once a week classes) that are free, on various subjects of literature and politics and theology, and the more I've seen of the vibe of the faculty and the school atmosphere, the more my desire to go there grows each day. Every single virtual event I've attended has just confirmed for me that this is the next right step in my life, and I want it so bad I think my heart will burst from the desire, anticipation, and hope.
    AAHHHHHHHHH I didn't want to get attached too quickly because I obvs don't know if I'll get in or not, but my heart is so, so open to and ready for this, and I just want it so much. I think I will scream and leap and cry as soon as I hear the result. 
    My heart is in this, y'all! Just wow. The thought of having a dedicated two-three years to just write my novel and research for it and grow as a writer kind of makes me want to explode into butterflies.
  16. Like
    eternalwhitenights reacted to mrvisser in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    Having a friend would be a big relief! Especially since South Bend isn't all that big. And English accents are always a plus. 
    Haven't officially heard from WashU or Vandy yet, but I imagine I'll get the axe pretty soon. And that's okay! Still have my #1 choice in Michener, my alma mater, and then Iowa and ND. Ole Miss wasn't the only school I had mixed feelings about, and they're ruled out now, so all I have left are schools I'm certain about.
  17. Like
    eternalwhitenights got a reaction from mrvisser in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    I think it would be SO freaking rad if we both ended up in the same program. How utterly cool would it be to have a friend going into the program and be like, YO, we met on gradcafe!! It's like having an ally going in.  And yes, I think South Bend would be great. I just love the holistic nature of their program, and you can tell they have their s*it together when it comes to the way they organize their stuff. One of the first virtual classes I attended just happened to be with a professor who I would LITERALLY want as my faculty adviser since so many of his interests are in the same historical space as mine. Also, he has an English accent, which is bomb, and it would be SO MUCH FUN to be in his classes.

    Did you officially hear back from Vanderbilt, then? I know you were waiting on there and WashU over the past few days. ❤️
  18. Like
    eternalwhitenights got a reaction from largeheartedboy in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    I think it would be SO freaking rad if we both ended up in the same program. How utterly cool would it be to have a friend going into the program and be like, YO, we met on gradcafe!! It's like having an ally going in.  And yes, I think South Bend would be great. I just love the holistic nature of their program, and you can tell they have their s*it together when it comes to the way they organize their stuff. One of the first virtual classes I attended just happened to be with a professor who I would LITERALLY want as my faculty adviser since so many of his interests are in the same historical space as mine. Also, he has an English accent, which is bomb, and it would be SO MUCH FUN to be in his classes.

    Did you officially hear back from Vanderbilt, then? I know you were waiting on there and WashU over the past few days. ❤️
  19. Like
    eternalwhitenights got a reaction from orangeslice in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    I think it would be SO freaking rad if we both ended up in the same program. How utterly cool would it be to have a friend going into the program and be like, YO, we met on gradcafe!! It's like having an ally going in.  And yes, I think South Bend would be great. I just love the holistic nature of their program, and you can tell they have their s*it together when it comes to the way they organize their stuff. One of the first virtual classes I attended just happened to be with a professor who I would LITERALLY want as my faculty adviser since so many of his interests are in the same historical space as mine. Also, he has an English accent, which is bomb, and it would be SO MUCH FUN to be in his classes.

    Did you officially hear back from Vanderbilt, then? I know you were waiting on there and WashU over the past few days. ❤️
  20. Like
    eternalwhitenights got a reaction from largeheartedboy in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    Y'all, I am feeling it today. I've been attending webinars for Notre Dame that the Keough School of Global Affairs has put on virtually (like once a week classes) that are free, on various subjects of literature and politics and theology, and the more I've seen of the vibe of the faculty and the school atmosphere, the more my desire to go there grows each day. Every single virtual event I've attended has just confirmed for me that this is the next right step in my life, and I want it so bad I think my heart will burst from the desire, anticipation, and hope.
    AAHHHHHHHHH I didn't want to get attached too quickly because I obvs don't know if I'll get in or not, but my heart is so, so open to and ready for this, and I just want it so much. I think I will scream and leap and cry as soon as I hear the result. 
    My heart is in this, y'all! Just wow. The thought of having a dedicated two-three years to just write my novel and research for it and grow as a writer kind of makes me want to explode into butterflies.
  21. Like
    eternalwhitenights got a reaction from NLake in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    Y'all, I am feeling it today. I've been attending webinars for Notre Dame that the Keough School of Global Affairs has put on virtually (like once a week classes) that are free, on various subjects of literature and politics and theology, and the more I've seen of the vibe of the faculty and the school atmosphere, the more my desire to go there grows each day. Every single virtual event I've attended has just confirmed for me that this is the next right step in my life, and I want it so bad I think my heart will burst from the desire, anticipation, and hope.
    AAHHHHHHHHH I didn't want to get attached too quickly because I obvs don't know if I'll get in or not, but my heart is so, so open to and ready for this, and I just want it so much. I think I will scream and leap and cry as soon as I hear the result. 
    My heart is in this, y'all! Just wow. The thought of having a dedicated two-three years to just write my novel and research for it and grow as a writer kind of makes me want to explode into butterflies.
  22. Like
    eternalwhitenights reacted to mrvisser in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    It's so enticing! Vanderbilt was the first school I did a lot of research on, and I was very vividly imagining living in Nashville, so it hurt to lose that one, but I'm still really excited my other applications. I'm glad you're finding so many good things about Notre Dame; it makes me feel a lot better about applying there and I'd be thrilled to end up in South Bend.
  23. Like
    eternalwhitenights got a reaction from dreamx in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    Y'all, I am feeling it today. I've been attending webinars for Notre Dame that the Keough School of Global Affairs has put on virtually (like once a week classes) that are free, on various subjects of literature and politics and theology, and the more I've seen of the vibe of the faculty and the school atmosphere, the more my desire to go there grows each day. Every single virtual event I've attended has just confirmed for me that this is the next right step in my life, and I want it so bad I think my heart will burst from the desire, anticipation, and hope.
    AAHHHHHHHHH I didn't want to get attached too quickly because I obvs don't know if I'll get in or not, but my heart is so, so open to and ready for this, and I just want it so much. I think I will scream and leap and cry as soon as I hear the result. 
    My heart is in this, y'all! Just wow. The thought of having a dedicated two-three years to just write my novel and research for it and grow as a writer kind of makes me want to explode into butterflies.
  24. Like
    eternalwhitenights got a reaction from orangeslice in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    Y'all, I am feeling it today. I've been attending webinars for Notre Dame that the Keough School of Global Affairs has put on virtually (like once a week classes) that are free, on various subjects of literature and politics and theology, and the more I've seen of the vibe of the faculty and the school atmosphere, the more my desire to go there grows each day. Every single virtual event I've attended has just confirmed for me that this is the next right step in my life, and I want it so bad I think my heart will burst from the desire, anticipation, and hope.
    AAHHHHHHHHH I didn't want to get attached too quickly because I obvs don't know if I'll get in or not, but my heart is so, so open to and ready for this, and I just want it so much. I think I will scream and leap and cry as soon as I hear the result. 
    My heart is in this, y'all! Just wow. The thought of having a dedicated two-three years to just write my novel and research for it and grow as a writer kind of makes me want to explode into butterflies.
  25. Like
    eternalwhitenights got a reaction from Ydrl in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    Y'all, I am feeling it today. I've been attending webinars for Notre Dame that the Keough School of Global Affairs has put on virtually (like once a week classes) that are free, on various subjects of literature and politics and theology, and the more I've seen of the vibe of the faculty and the school atmosphere, the more my desire to go there grows each day. Every single virtual event I've attended has just confirmed for me that this is the next right step in my life, and I want it so bad I think my heart will burst from the desire, anticipation, and hope.
    AAHHHHHHHHH I didn't want to get attached too quickly because I obvs don't know if I'll get in or not, but my heart is so, so open to and ready for this, and I just want it so much. I think I will scream and leap and cry as soon as I hear the result. 
    My heart is in this, y'all! Just wow. The thought of having a dedicated two-three years to just write my novel and research for it and grow as a writer kind of makes me want to explode into butterflies.
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